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研究生(外文):Pei-Chun Chen
論文名稱(外文):You Make Me Happy:A Customer Value Study on Healing Toys
指導教授(外文):Shu-Chin Huang
外文關鍵詞:means-end chaincustomer valuehealing toys
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Network Diffusion and busy life bring about distant interpersonal relationship and unconcern, people feel more and more stress about resentful present situation. Therefore, people transfer their emotion to the toys gradually to mollify the body and mind, ease off negative emotion. As a result they bring out the healing expenditure. The trend of fewer children makes the recession of toy-market, but the healing expenditure requirement gives a whole new meaning to the toys.
Besides it also opens a new expenditure market. We need to understand why these consumers expend, that’s worthy to discuss the final goal of the consumption. However, different generation consumers have gone through different life experiences, are there differences in the consumption goals for the healing toys, too? How do they get satisfied with the healing toys? These will be the other point for this research. By searching consumers’ intrinsic cognitions, building the value structure of healing toys will promote products desire and marketing strategy in all respects.Mean-end chain is the basic theory for this study, Through soft-laddering, we survey 62 people to understand what target and value they seek.Furthermore we focus on different generations and population of different pressure to probe the difference of structure between the level and connotation of value when they are buying healing toys.
The results are:
a. We analyzed and found 11 properties, 21 outcome and 13 values.
b. The most of three important properties of product are types and structures, products symbols, and price.The most of three important outcomes are to transform emotion, to treasure and budgetary.The most of three important values are joyful, bargain and self-actualization.
c. The properties of common respect types and structures, products symbols, materials and price. A respecting the results to transfer thinking, treasure what they have, pleasing to both the eye and the mind and fit in with the budget. The ultimate value of comsuption is to bring kinds of feelings with joyful, bargaining at any price, comfort and spirit bailment for different generations.
d. Different stress group all respect the types, products symbols, materials and values. A respecting the results to transfer thinking, treasure what they have and fit in with the budget. The value is joy, a bargain at any price, self-fulfillment and a sense of security.
After explaining the study contribution in the article ending, I bring up three management meanings of healing toys consumption. I also have four suggestions about future study
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 IV
目 錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 療傷系玩具 6
第二節 顧客價值 12
第三節 方法目的鏈 18
第四節 世代及消費意義 21
第三章 研究方法 26
第一節 研究方法與架構 26
第二節 研究對象與抽樣 28
第三節 施測過程 30
第四節 變數操作性定義 33
第五節 問卷設計 35
第六節 內容分析法與過程 37
第四章 研究結果 43
第一節 樣本結構 43
第二節 療傷系玩具消費之屬性、結果與價值描述 45
第三節 顧客價值階層分析 50
第四節 不同世代之價值比較 55
第五節 不同壓力族群之比較 65
第五章 結論與建議 76
第一節 結論 76
第二節 研究貢獻與行銷管理意涵 78
第三節 未來研究方向 81
參考書目 82
一、中文部分 82
二、英文部分 87
三、網路資源部分 93
附錄一:正式問卷 94
附錄二:療傷系玩具樣本 96
附錄三:訪談說明與範例 98
附錄四:療傷系玩具總體涵意矩陣 99
附錄五:X世代涵意矩陣 100
附錄六:Y世代涵意矩陣 101
附錄七:高壓力族群涵意矩陣 102
附錄八:低壓力族群涵意矩陣 103

表2-1、壓力定義 11
表2-2、顧客價值衡量方式優缺點比較 17
表2-3、世代劃分比較表 22
表3-1、抽樣設計 29
表3-2、類目規則表 38
表3-3、編碼者相互同意度及信度 40
表4-1、樣本結構分析表 44
表4-2、療傷系玩具消費之屬性、結果與價值層級要素 49
表4-3、不同世代之屬性、結果及價值提及次數 56
表4-4、獨立樣本統計量 65
表4-5、不同壓力族群之屬性、結果及價值提及次數 67

圖1-1、研究流程圖 5
圖3-1、研究架構圖 27
圖3-2、階梯法示意圖 31
圖4-1、總體價值階層圖 54
圖4-2、X世代價值階層圖 63
圖4-3、Y世代價值階層圖 64
圖4-4、高壓力族群價值階層圖 74
圖4-5、低壓力族群價值階層圖 75
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