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研究生(外文):Teng-Tai Chou
論文名稱(外文):A Private Online System for Executing Wills Based on A Secret Sharing Mechanism
指導教授(外文):Chin-Ling Chen
外文關鍵詞:secret sharecertificateDigital signature
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秘密分享的概念,最早是出現在1979年,由Adi Shamir和George Blakley分別所提出的。簡單來說,這是一種解決秘密分享的方法,目的是將秘密S (Secret)切割成n份,分給n個特定的對象;我們稱這n個人各自取得了機密S的次密鑰(shadow)。最後,再重組這些次密鑰,才能得到主金鑰。本文植基於秘密分享(Secret sharing)的機制,解決了信託遺囑的安全問題,本協定結合了密碼學機制以及憑證的應用,不但提供一個具有隱私保護,達到成本降低、效率提高外,而且可防止兄弟鬩牆。
Family quarrels over inheritance, while not new, have featured prominently in the news in recent years. Thus the issue of executing wills for the purpose of dividing inheritance is worth investigating. Acrimony caused by family disputes or distribution of inheritance has a negative impact on society. Thus, we seek to construct a method of constructing a secure and private escrow will.
The concept of secret sharing was proposed by Adi Shamir and George Blakley in 1979. Our method seeks to alleviate problems associated with secret sharing. We divide secret S into n pieces, and distribute those pieces to n specific objects. We call the n owners the shadows. We then reconstruct these shadows and retrieve the original main key. Our method functions on the basis of the secret sharing mechanism. The proposed scheme combines the convenience of the Internet with cryptology technologies to solve the security problems of the online wills. It not only reduces cost and improves performance, but also prevents family infighting.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .....................................................................................V
English Abstract............................................................................................................VII
Table of Contents........................................................................................................VIII
LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................................................X
LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................XI

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 The research motive and purpose 1
1.3 The kernel technique- secret sharing mechanism 3
2. Our proposed protocol for internet will 5
2.1 Our ideas 5
2.2 System framework 6
2.3 Notations 8
2.4 The detail protocol 10
2.4.1 Initialization phase 10
2.4.2 Registration phase 10
2.4.3 The encrypted will delivery and storage phase 12
2.4.4 Death certificate application phase 14
2.4.5 Decrypt the will cipher text phase 15
2.4.6 Will modification phase 19
3. Analyses and discussions 20
3.1 Security analyses 21
3.1.1 Analysis of completeness 21
3.1.2 Analysis of verifiability 21
3.1.3 Analysis of unforgeability 22
3.1.4 Analysis of non-repudiation 23
3.1.5 Analysis of privacy 27
3.2 Analysis of attack patterns 27
3.2.1 Attack by loss of death certificate 27
3.2.2 Internal attack 28
3.2.3 Impersonation attack 29
3.2.4 Man-in-the-middle attack 29
3.3 Discussion on practicality 30
4. Conclusion 30
5. References 31
附錄A:作者簡介 34
附錄B:口試委員意見修正 35

Table 1. Non-repudiation during the registration phase 24
Table 2. Non-repudiation during the encrypted will delivery and storage phase………………………………………………………………..24
Table 3. Non-repudiation during the death certificate application phase 25
Table 4. Non-repudiation during the decryption of will cipher text phase 26
Table 5. Non-repudiation during the modifying will phase 26

Figure 1. The conceptual diagram of the designed escrow will 6
Figure 2. The structure of our scheme 6
Figure 3. The scenarios of the registration phase. 11
Figure 4. The scenarios of the encrypted will delivery and storage phase 12
Figure 5. The scenarios of applying for death certificate phase 14
Figure 6. The scenarios of the will decrypting phase 16
Figure 7. The scenarios of modifying will phase 19
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