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研究生(外文):Ya-Hui Chin
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Consumers’ Intention to Continue Purchasing Rummage Sale Goods of Nonprofit Organizations in Taiwan via Websites
指導教授(外文):Fu-Ming Lee
外文關鍵詞:website characteristicsnonprofit organizationconsumption valuesrummage sale on websitesIntension of continuing purchase
  • 被引用被引用:14
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Nonprofit Organizations (NPO) in Taiwan are confronted with shortage of funds. They are actively in raising funds via various activities. Rummage sales in physical markets are often held by the NPOs. However, due to geographic region, time, and weather constraints, the performance of the sales is usually limited. Recently, some NPOs have tried to hold rummage sales via websites. By using websites, NPOs not only create an additional channel for fundraising, but also eliminate the constraints of physical markets. The performance of rummage sales via websites depends heavily on consumers’ intension of continuing purchase. To examine consumers’ intention to continue purchasing rummage sales of NPOs via websites, a theoretical model constructed by consumption values, nonprofit organization characteristics, and website characteristics is proposed. A questionnaire is developed to measure the relevant constructs. The results show that the functional value, the emotional value, the epistemic value, and the conditional value of consumption, the reputation, mission, and vision of the NPOs, and the product information content on websites have positive effects on consumers’ satisfaction. In terns, the consumers’ satisfaction has positive effect on consumers’ intension of continuing purchase.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 錄 III
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 研究觀念模型及假說之建立 6
2.1 消費價值 6
2.2 非營利組織特性 9
2.3 網站特性 10
2.4 滿意度及持續購買意願 11
2.5 研究觀念模型 12
第三章 實證設計 14
3.1 構念操作性定義的建立與問卷設計 14
3.2 問卷預試 19
3.3 預試問卷信度分析 20
3.4 預試問卷項目分析 20
3.5 正式問卷蒐集來源與方法 21
第四章 正式問卷資料分析 23
4.1 研究樣本基本資料 23
4.2 正式問卷信度分析 25
4.3 線性結構模型估計 25
4.4 測量模型分析 28
4.5 結構模型分析 31
第五章 結論與建議 34
5.1 結論 34
5.1.1 顯著成立之假說 34
5.1.2 不顯著成立之假說 35
5.2 研究貢獻、發現及建議 36
5.2.1 研究貢獻與發現 36
5.2.2 給非營利組織之建議 37
5.2.3 給網站服務提供者之建議 39
5.3 未來研究方向 39
參考文獻 41
附錄A、本研究正式問卷 48
表1、 以消費價值探討滿意度的相關研究7
表2、 觀念模型中各構念之操作性定義14
表3、 問卷量表之設計16
表4、 研究樣本基本資料彙整表23
表5、 正式問卷信度分析表25
表6、 線性結構模型誤差變異數值彙整表28
表7、 測量模型分析表29
表8、 模型適配度檢驗表31

圖1、 台灣地區非營利組織的個數1
圖2、 研究流程5
圖3、 研究觀念模型13
圖4、 線性結構模型標準化的估計值27
圖5、 顯著成立假說路徑圖33
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