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研究生(外文):shen-fu wang
論文名稱(外文):Enhancement of CNT Supercapacitors by Electrophoretic Deposition and Air Oxidation of CNTs
指導教授(外文):chin-yung yeh
外文關鍵詞:carbon nanotubesupercapacitoragingelectrophoretic deposition
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There are several advantages of conventional capacitors, for example, refreshing and discharging quickly, high power density and long cycle life, etc., but they suffer from a low energy density. With a hope to overcome this shortcoming, the idea of supercapacitors was created, however, up to this time, it still has many problems to be solved, to name just a few, aging and modest energy density. In this research, these are two of the important topics we worked on. In the past, we grew up carbon nanotubes on graphite electrodes directly using nickel as catalyst, but their performance ages after some ten cycles. This research made use of electrophoresis deposition to deposit carbon nanotubes on graphite electrodes, then the carbon-nanotube-deposited graphite electrode was heated to over 500℃ in air, in order to improve the aging problem and to increase the energy density . The purpose of this oxidation process was trying to change the structure of the deposited carbon nanotubes and to increase the roughness of their surfaces with a hope to increase the capacitance of the designed supercapacitors. We found ,at 600℃, the best results can be achieved. The electrochemical behavior of the designed supercapacitors was analyzed with a three-electrode cyclic voltammetry (CV) system. By the electrophoresis deposition, carbon nanotubes formed the interlacing maneuver of small hole structures. In addition to the higher surface area provided by carbon nanotubes themselves, these small holes can also let charged particles get in and thus increase the capacitances of the designed supercapacitors.
The electrophoresis of carbon nanotubes was made possible by adding into the suspension as electrolyte for EPD. However, magnesium ion may cause the deposited carbon nanotubes to peel off from the graphite electrode in the sulfuric acid electrolyte. Hence after the electrophoresis, magnesium ions were removed chemically or by a second oxidation process. With all these efforts, the capacitance of the supercapacitors increased and the aging problem had been improved significantly.
授權書......................... iii
中文摘要........................ iv
英文摘要........................ v
誌謝.......................... vi
目錄.......................... vii
圖目錄......................... x
表目錄......................... xiii
第一章 序論
1.1前言................... ..1
1.2研究目的................. ..3
第二章 文獻回顧
2.2奈米碳管特性............... ..5
2.2.2奈米碳管的機械特性......... ..8
2.2.3熱穩定性............... 10
2.2.4熱傳導性............... 10
2.3奈米碳管的運用.............. . 11
2.3.1場發射平面顯示器........... 11
2.3.2超微細化學偵測器........... 11
2.3.3微探針................ 12
2.3.4奈米級電晶體............. 12
2.3.5儲氫材料............... 13
2.3.6奈米生化............... 13
2.3.7強化複合材料之添加劑......... 14
2.4電泳沉積法................. 14
2.4.1電泳沉積法的發展與優勢........ 14
2.4.2電泳沉積發的原理........... 16
2.4.3電泳溶液裝置............. 17
2.4.4電泳沉積法運用於奈米碳管....... 19
2.5電化學原理................. 20
2.5.1電化學反應系統............ 21
2.5.2循環伏安法.............. 24
2.6電化學電容器................ 25
2.6.1電化學電容器分類........... 26
第三章 實驗方法與設備
3.1實驗藥品.................. 29
3.2實驗儀器.................. 30
3.3實驗步驟.................. 32
3.3.1石墨電極製備及清洗.......... 32
3.3.2電泳沉積製程............. 33
3.4電化學電容器的裝置............. 36
3.4.1可逆性實驗.............. 36
第四章 實驗結果與討論
4.1經電泳沉積及高溫燒結之表面型態....... 41
4.1.1電泳沉積時間與厚度關係......... 43
4.1.2電泳沉積燒結效果的評估......... 45
4.2未燒結與燒結後的成分分析.......... 47
4.3以奈米碳管披覆於石墨材料之電化學特性.... 53
4.3.1石墨電極之循環伏安行為......... 53
4.3.2在氫氣環境下燒結奈米碳管之循環伏安行 為.................. 55
4.3.3在空氣中燒結500℃奈米碳管之循環伏安行為................... 58
4.3.4在空氣中燒結500℃奈米碳管之循環伏安行 為................... 60
4.3.5電泳沉積30分鐘後奈米碳管之循環伏安行 為.................. 62
第五章 結論
5.1結論.................... 65
5.2未來研究方向................ 65
參考文獻....................... 67
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