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研究生(外文):Chin Gang Lian
論文名稱(外文):Construction of Financial Distress Warning Models from of the View of Corporate Governance
指導教授(外文):Chei Chang Chiou
外文關鍵詞:corporate governanceinformation transparencylogistic regressionsurvival analysis
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The purposes of this study were to construct of financial distress models from the view of corporate governance. In contrast to the traditional modeling of financial dis-tress in the firm using only financial variables ,this study uses financial ratio, corporate governance and information transparency variables to construct models for business fi-nancial distress. A sample of 64 companies of financial distress and 128 healthy compa-nies, during the period 1997-2006. We construct 3 warning models for financial distress, and then use logistic regression to examine of the effect financial ratio, corporate go-vernance and information transparency variables on the predictive power of financial distress. this is my study the first purposes.
The second purposes in my study. We use survival analysis that is extensively used in medical and actuarial science, a warning model and a predictable survival analysis table for financial ratio and corporate governance variables are established. A sample of 38 companies.
The result show that the financial warning model constructed using finance ratio, corporate governance and information transparency variables has the highest fitness and predictive power. The predicted probability crisis for the distressed companies is 94.2%, 91.1%, and 91% for four quarter, eight quarter and twelve quarter before the financial distress. We create financial distress warning model by add information transparency variable to improve the weakness predictive of traditional financial distress warning models by only used financial ratio or corporate governance variables.
The result show that the financially distressed firms survival rate in the ten quarter is 50%, We finding when firms suffered distressed in ten quarter only 50% firms sur-vival.
中文摘要 ..................... iii
英文摘要 ..................... iv
誌謝辭  ..................... vi
內容目錄 ..................... vii
表目錄  ..................... ix
圖目錄  ..................... xii
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  研究背景與動機............ 1
  第二節  研究目的............... 5
第三節 研究架構............... 6
第二章  文獻探討與研究假說............ 7
  第一節  公司治理的基本觀念.......... 7
  第二節  財務危機相關文獻回顧......... 14
第三節 公司治理與財務危機之文獻....... 19
第三章 研究方法................. 28
第一節 資料來源............... 28
第二節 研究方法............... 29
第三節 研究變數............... 34
第四節 研究之實證模型............ 42
第四章  實證結果與分析.............. 45
  第一節  敘述性統計.............. 45
第二節 研究模型之K-S、M-W、多元共線性之檢定 58
第三節 羅吉斯迴歸實證結果.......... 64
第四節 存活分析實證結果........... 77
第五章 結論與建議................ 84
  第一節  結論................. 84
  第二節  研究限制............... 86
  第三節  建議................. 87
參考文獻 ..................... 88
附錄A 第六屆資訊揭露評分表........... 101
附錄B 第六屆資訊揭露評分表自願性揭露部分.... 109
附錄C 自願性揭露範例統一企業.......... 112
附錄D 危機公司與正常公司配對表......... 117
附錄E 列為全額交割至下市櫃樣本公司....... 123
附錄F 羅吉斯迴歸模型驗證............ 125

表 3- 1 國內外學者建構財務危機預警財務變數一覽表.....................
表 3- 2 財務變數定義方式.............. 39
表 3- 3 公司下市櫃之可能有關因素.......... 41
表 4- 1 正常公司與危機公司財務變數之敘述性統計... 49
表 4- 2 列為全額交割至下市櫃公司期間之財務變數敘述性統計....................
表 4- 3 正常公司與危機公司之公司治理變數之敘述性統計.....................
表 4- 4 列為全額交割至下市櫃公司期間之公司治理變數敘述性統計..................
表 4- 5 財務變數之K-S、M-W、VIF檢定........ 61
表 4- 6 公司治理變數之K-S、M-W、VIF檢定...... 63
表 4- 7 Logistic迴歸模型一實證結果.......... 66
表 4- 8 Logistic迴歸模型二實證結果.......... 68
表 4- 9 Logistic迴歸模型三實證結果.......... 74
表 4- 10 存活表實證結果............... 77
表 4- 11 COX迴歸實證結果.............. 81

圖 1-1 研究架構圖-Logistic迴歸................ 6
圖 1-2 研究架構圖-存活分析................ 6
圖 2-1 公司治理架構圖................ 10
圖 3-1 研究設計圖.................. 30
圖 3-2 設限概念說明圖................ 33
圖 4-1 存活函數圖.................. 80
圖 4-2 危險函數圖.................. 80
圖 4-3 存活函數因素平均數.............. 83
圖 4-4 危險函數因素平均數.............. 83







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