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研究生(外文):Tung-hsien Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Application of Resources Investments to Tourists Loyalty-A Case of Da Hu Wineland Resort
指導教授(外文):Ming-Yun Wu
外文關鍵詞:LoyaltyRural wine chateauResource investment model
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我國加入世界貿易組織(WTO)之後,廢止菸酒專賣制度,並開放民間發展釀酒事業,形成獨特的農村釀酒文化產業。農委會積極推動農村釀酒事業發展計畫,經過6年來的輔導,成功打造出新的酒類旅遊消費市場。在經營與行銷等成本不斷增加的競爭環境下,積極拓展新客源及維持舊有顧客的忠誠度,成為服務提供者重視的焦點。過去研究指出培養忠誠顧客顯然比吸引新顧客更有意義,大部分提昇忠誠度之行銷策略對於顧客情感依戀的提昇沒有效率,且忽略服務提供者的重要角色,目前關係行銷缺乏不斷重覆驗證的理論基礎。Morais et al. (2004) 提出資源投資模式來解釋服務提供者與顧客之間動態關係的發展,但其研究對象以零售產業為主,因此資源投資模式論點是否適用於國內農村酒莊,仍待進一步驗證。本研究以大湖酒莊為實證案例,擬探討(1)農村酒莊遊客知覺服務提供者資源投資與遊客資源投資之關係。 (2)農村酒莊遊客資源投資與遊客忠誠度之關係。本研究採用便利抽樣方式於大湖酒莊獲得336份有效問卷作為研究樣本,以結構方程模式(SEM)驗證研究假說。經過實證分析,本研究獲得之結論如下:(1)知覺服務提供者資源投資對遊客資源投資有直接顯著正向的影響關係(0.90),亦可透過遊客資源投資對遊客忠誠度產生間接之正向影響效果(0.70)。(2)遊客資源投資對遊客忠誠度有直接顯著正向的影響關係(0.78)。因此,依據研究結果,擬建議服務提供者應該投資無形的和特殊的資源類型。具體而言,加強遊客對於服務提供者資源投資之知覺,增加遊客資源投資的管道,並建立遊客資料庫,確保酒莊資源投資的效率。
Since Taiwan has joined WTO, the system of alcoholic and tobacco purchasing was ended, followed by the civilized development of wine manufacturing, which has resulted in unique rural culture business of wine-manufacturing. Council of Agriculture has been an active role motivating the plan for the development of business of rural alcohol manufacturing. It has managed to construct an innovative consuming market of wine traveling. Council of Agriculture has been active to obtain new customers as well as retain loyal customers, even the environment is competitive and the costs of operating and marketing are increasing. According to some previous researches, retaining customer loyalty was obviously more meaningful than attracting new customers. Quite a few marketing strategies regarding loyalty strengthening had not been efficient to improving customers’ preference. Also, the important roles responsible for serving providers had been ignored. For the present, relation marketing lacks theoretical basis of continuous Re-Validation. Morais et al. (2004) explained development of the active relationship between service provider and customers using resource investment model, but those which were researched were retailers; therefore, the theory of resource investment requires validation to decide if it is suitable for domestic wine chateau. This research takes Wineland Resort as an example to discuss: (1) the relationships between the perception service providers of tourists of rural wine chateau and tourist resource investment. (2) the relationship between tourist resource investment of rural wine chateau and tourist loyalty. For this research, random sample from Wineland Resort had been adapted for this research, and 336 questionnaires of all were effective to account for the hypotheses of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). According to the findings, the conclusions begotten were as follows: (1) perception service provider resource investment has direct, obvious and positive correlations to tourist resource investment (0.90) as well as indirectly negative correlations to tourist loyalty through tourist resource investment (0.70). (2) tourist resource investment has direct, obvious and positive correlation to tourist loyalty (0.78); hence, service providers are suggested and encouraged to invest on unseen and particular resource types, according to the findings. More specifically, the efficiency of wine chateau resource investment can be guaranteed by enhancing tourists’ knowledge about service provider resource investment, increasing the ways of tourist resource investment as well as constructing tourist database.
第一章 緒論.................................1
第一節 問題陳述.............................1
第二節 研究目的.............................8
第三節 研究範圍.............................8
第四節 研究變項名詞定義.....................9
第五節 研究內容與流程......................10
第二章 文獻回顧............................12
第一節 農村酒莊............................13
第二節 資源投資模式........................22
第三節 忠誠度..............................27
第四節 資源投資模式與忠誠度間關係..........32
第三章 研究方法............................33
第一節 研究架構與假說......................33
第二節 研究基地與對象......................33
第三節 測量工具............................35
第四節 資料收集............................43
第五節 資料分析方法........................44
第四章 實證分析............................49
第一節 樣本描述............................49
第二節 研究模式驗證性因素分析..............51
第三節 研究假說之檢定......................71
第五章 結論與建議..........................74
第一節 結論................................74
第二節 建議................................76
第三節 後續研究建議........................79
附錄 調查問卷...............................85
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