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研究生(外文):Shih-hsia Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Influence Regarding the Departure Time of Highway Bus to the Uncertainty of In-Vehicle Time
指導教授(外文):Chun-Zin Yang
外文關鍵詞:accelerated failure time modeldeparture timein-vehicle time
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Nowadays, business strategy of highway passenger transportation industry mostly focuses on price competitions, bus equipment and station facility improvement. As to the travel time passengers spend on bus and arrival time at destinations, accurate information is not provided for tourists. Following social changes and progress, tourists start pay attention to the time spent for transportation; by the way, after high speed railway joins transportation market, tourists not only consider price and service quality when they select national highway passenger carriers, but they also take into consideration concerning departure time and whether the arrival time is as expected to reach a destination. Thus, for highway passenger transportation business owners, travel time will also become an important service item in the future. With the roundtrip route between Taipei and Taichung Chao Ma offered by a highway passenger transportation company as the research subject, the purpose of this study is to investigate operation of the route at bus stations. Firstly, method of questionnaire survey is used to obtain information about customers’ experiences and opinions of taking the buses. Secondly, accelerated failure time model is applied to construct models and examine factors which may affect anticipated and actual travel time, and explore the factors those cause difference between actual and anticipated travel time, and the magnitudes of these effects. The result of a suitable actual travel time model is taken to calculate probabilities regarding window of travel time so as to provide tourists accurate information for them to make good use of time.
According to the results of studied models, the perceived in-vehicle time is affected by departure time for current trip, departure/arrival stations, and the way of get information. The actual in-vehicle time is changed by departure time for current trip, departure/arrival stations, and the number of traffic accidents and traffic incidences. The difference between perceived and actual in-vehicle time is influenced by departure/arrival stations and the way of get information. Later, further application of actual in-vehicle time models reveals whether arriving in certain time window is reliable. The outcomes include the probabilities of bus arriving in passengers’ acceptable time window and the probabilities of bus arriving destination too early or too late. Then, passengers can pre-plan their trips, thus use their time more flexibly.

Keywords: accelerated failure time model, departure time, in-vehicle time
摘 要 II
Abstract III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與對象 3
1.4 研究限制 3
1.5 研究項目 4
1.6 研究方法 4
1.7 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 文獻彙整 8
2.1.1 國道客運營運策略之相關文獻 8
2.1.2 旅客乘車經驗與選擇 15
2.1.3 旅行時間與可靠度相關文獻 19
2.1.4 國外相關文獻 25
2.2 文獻啟發與應用 28
第三章 研究架構與方法 29
3.1 研究架構 29
3.2 資料收集 30
3.3 統計方法 30
3.3.1 卡方獨立性檢定基本簡介 30
3.3.2 變異數分析(Analysis-of-Variance)基本簡介 31
3.3.3 存活理論簡介 33
第四章 現況分析與資料分析 40
4.1現況分析 40
4.1.1 國道高速公路現況 41
4.1.2 國道客運現況 42
4.1.3 調查業者現況 45
4.2資料收集 46
4.2.1 問卷設計概念 46
4.2.2 問卷設計內容 47
4.2.3 調查計畫 48
4.3問卷基本統計 49
4.3.1 此次搭車資訊 50
4.3.2 過去搭車經驗 52
4.3.3 個人社會經濟背景 54
4.4觀察資料統計 55
第五章 車上時間模式建構與驗證 56
5.1預期車上時間模式 60
5.1.1 短途預期車上時間模式 60
5.1.2 中短途預期車上時間 62
5.2.1 短途實際車上時間模式 64
5.2.2 中短途實際車上時間模式 67
5.3預期與實際車上時間差異模式 69
5.3.1 短途車上時間差異模式 69
5.3.2 中短途車上時間差異模式 71
5.4混合車上時間模式 72
5.4.1 混合預期車上時間模式 72
5.4.2 混合實際車上時間模式 75
5.4.3 混合差異車上時間模式 77
5.5模式討論及應用 79
5.5.1 模式討論 79
5.5.2 模式應用 80
5.5.3 車上時間的時窗應用 87
第六章 結論與建議 92
6.1 結論 92
6.2 建議 93
參考文獻 95
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