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研究生(外文):Chia-Chien Hwang
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Relationships between Visual Physical and Psychological Reactions to Water Landscape Types
指導教授(外文):Su-Hsin Lee
外文關鍵詞:eye trackinglandscape preferenceattention restorativewater landscape.
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本研究以自然/人工環境屬性與水平/垂直流動形式為水體景觀之依據,包含自然/水平、人工/水平、自然/垂直、人工/垂直,每組類型4張,共16張,實驗受測者共60人。本研究問卷以Kaplan & Kaplan所提出的景觀偏好矩陣中之偏好因子(一致性、複雜性、易讀性、神秘性)、Kaplan & Kaplan的注意力恢復理論中的四大特徵(遠離日常生活環境、延展性、魅力性、相容性)及對環境的景觀偏好與注意力回復性等十個因子作為問項。所觀察的瞳位訊息指標以凝視時間、凝視次數、凝視順序。
Do different forms of water flow in the natural and urban environment have different cognition? From the view point of visual psycho physiological approach, this study explored the influence of environment (natural/ artificial) and mobile form of water (horizontal / vertical) to the preference and perceived attention restoration. This study utilized psychological questionnaires and eye-tracking equipment to records data. In addition, most of the landscape preferences and eye- tracking experiment examined stimulate effect one by one. Based on the assumption of looking more frequently on the preferred landscape than un-preferred, this study compared the visual reaction difference between watching single picture and by the same time watching four pictures of water landscape.
This research takes basis of the selection stimulation images from the environment and water flow forms, including four types: natural / horizontal, artificial / horizontal, natural / vertical, artificial / vertical. Each type has four images, for a total of 16 images of waterscape. There are 60 participants in this experiment. The questionnaire design adopted from Kaplan & Kaplan landscape preferences in the matrix of preference factors (coherence, complexity, and legibility, mystery), and Kaplan & Kaplan’s restorative theory, which include 4 factors (being away, extend, fascination and compatibility) and the general environmental preferences and general restorative perception made it total of ten items. Eye tracking indicators include fixation duration, fixation count and fixation Sequence. The results showed as followed:
(1) Using the eye tracking qualitative analysis of the results showed that viewing a single stimulated image and at the same time observed four kinds of stimulated images, participants had similar searching pattern, which showed in the natural / water horizontal image having longer fixation duration. (2) In the landscape preferences model, the highest values in complexity and mystery showed in the natural / horizontal; the highest values in stimulation images of coherence and legibility were in the artificial / horizontal waterscapes. (3) Using repeated measure analysis the results showed that environment and flow form had interaction in overall landscape preference, complexity, legibility, mystery, attention restoration, being away, fascination, and compatibility factors. (4) From canonical analysis, mystery had strongest effect in landscape preference factors, while extent and fascination were the main factors affecting restoration. (5) Natural / horizontal and artificial / vertical water landscape showed that fixation duration, fixation counts, overall landscape preferences, and perceived attention restoration had significant correlations. The other factors showed no significant differences.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究問題陳述 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究變項定義 4
第四節 研究限制 5
第五節 研究內容與研究流程 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 水體景觀與環境屬性 7
第二節 景觀偏好與注意力恢復理論 9
第三節 視覺相關理論與瞳位追蹤方法 15
第四節 景觀偏好與注意力恢復之關係 17
第五節 心理與生理反應的關係 19
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 研究架構與研究假設 21
第二節 測量工具 25
第三節 資料分析方法 32
第四章 研究成果 35
第一節 樣本特性分析 35
第二節 瞳位追蹤之定性分析 38
第三節 水體景觀類型中不同的環境屬性、流動形式對觀賞者瞳位訊息之影響.49
第四節 水體景觀類型中不同的環境屬性、流動形式對觀賞者景觀偏好之影響.52
第五節 水體景觀類型中不同的環境屬性、流動形式對觀賞者注意力恢復性之影響 59
第六節 觀賞者的景觀偏好與注意力恢復性之相關性 67
第七節 視覺生理反應之凝視順序與整體景觀偏好與整體注意力恢復性之關係 75
第五章 結論與建議 77
第一節 結果與討論 77
第二節 後續研究建議 81
參考文獻 82
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