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研究生(外文):Yi-Lung Li
論文名稱(外文):A Dynamic Voltage Assignment Technique for Cell Based Design with Performance and Power Consideration
指導教授(外文):Ching-Hwa Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Cell Based DesignPerformance and Power ConsiderationDynamic Voltage Assignment
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隨著半導體積體電路的持續發展,加上製程縮小的技術使用,現行的晶片應用上,為了降低消耗功率,往往降低供應電壓源,來節省消耗功率。但是為了維持晶片在相同的效能下工作,又要來節省消耗功率,所以相關的做法,就是使用多電壓源的晶片設計。依據功率消耗的公式:Pd=α CL Vdd^2 f,總功率消耗與電路中的轉態機率α、電容負載CL、供應電源電壓Vdd 與操作頻率f 等因素有關,其中Vdd的因素影響最大,所以我們從Vdd因素下著手,對於節省消耗功率是最有效率的。
為了維持晶片在相同的效能下工作,又要節省消耗功率,所以相關的做法,就是使用多電壓源的晶片設計。這種做法就是將在Critical Path 上的Cell 使用高電壓,而Non-Critical Path 則使用低電壓源。這樣子就可以在相同的效能之下,還可以有效的節省電壓。但是相對於效能的要求上,如果我們在相同的線路下,可以讓使用者選用不同的效能,對於雙電壓源上的Cell 分佈,還有ell 如何給定不同的電壓,再者低準位和高準位之間的轉換,這些都需要考量的範圍。所以如何規畫出這種可規劃電壓Cell 的電路,還有將這些Cell 做Group,並有效率的做擺放,以及如果控制這些Cell 的電壓,最後,將線路實現在實作的晶片上。
Many applications require a low power design, for instance, cell-phone, PDA,MP3 walkman, etc. The consumer hope the device can be small, lightweight, andconvenient. Base on dynamic power Equation as:Pd=α CL Vdd^2 f;α is the probability of an output transition, CL is the load capacitance, Vdd is the supplyvoltage, f is the frequency of transitions. Since dynamic power is proportional to
Vdd , lowering vdd on selected blocks helps reduce power significantly. Unfortunately, lowering the voltage also increases the delay of the gates in the design.
Usage of multi-voltage in circuit is an effective way of reducing the power consumption. The critical function or path apply high voltage, others like none-critical path apply low voltage. If designer want to choose difference performance in same design, we need know how to program voltage of cell.
中文摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章、序論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 論文研究方向 1
1.3 論文的研究重點 2
1.4 論文章節安排 3
第二章、相關背景研究 4
2.1 叢集電壓規劃技術–(Clustered Voltage Scaling, CVS)[3] 5
2.2 延伸叢集式電壓規劃技術(Extended-CVS,ECVS)[5] 7
2.3 Cluster-inclined Supply and Threshold Voltage Scaling with Gate Re-sizing[4] 8
2.4 動態叢集式電壓規劃技術(Dynamic Clustering, DC) 10
2.5 Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling(DVFS)技術 13
2.6 Minimizing Power with Flexible Voltage Islands[10] 17
2.7 Method of Switching Voltage Islands in Integrated Circuits[9] 18
2.8 Ultra-Dynamic Voltage Scaling (UDVS) Using Sub-Threshold Operation and Local Voltage Dithering[11] 20
2.9 Power distribution Techniques for Dual VDD Circuits[13] 21
2.10 Static and Dynamic Variable Voltage Scheduling Algorithms for Real-Time Heterogeneous Distributed Embedded Systems[12] 22
第三章、利用可程式規劃電壓技術的原理 24
3.1 CLUSTVAR 演算法 24
3.2 電路邏輯閘電壓標號方法 25
3.2.1 LC 的設計架構 26
3.2.2 LC 的Layout 圖 29
3.2.3 三種LC 的比較結果 30
3.2.4 合併LC 的做法 33
3.2.5 邏輯閘電壓標號 35
3.2.6 標號邏輯閘之流程 37
3.3 可規劃電壓之電源開關設計-PS(Power Switch) 39
3.3.1 PS 在Power Rail 上控制方法 40
3.3.2 PS 控制信號之設定 41
3.4 邏輯閘標號之處理 42
3.4.1 Group 重疊處理方法 43
3.4.2 邏輯閘標號之集中方法 47
3.5 PS 的控制模組 52
第四章、設計流程 55
第五章、實作結果和分析 60
第六章、結論與未來研究方向 67
參考文獻 68
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[2] Sherif A.Tawfik and Volkan Kursun;”Multi-Vth Level Conversion Circuits for Multi-VDD Systems”,ISCAS 2007. IEEE international Symposium on 27-30. May 2007.
[3] K. Usami et al., “Clustered Voltage Scaling Technique for Low-Power Design”,Proc. 1995 Int. Symp. on Low Power Design (ISLPD’95), pp.3-8, Apr 1995.
[4] Jian-Wei Lin,Dr. Ching-Wei Yeh,” Cluster-Inclined Supply and Threshold Voltage Scaling with Gate Re-sizing”,中正大學e-Thesys(94 學年度).
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[6] Ting Sheng Jau,”Single-Inductor Multiple-Output DC-DC Converters for STV-CMOS”,中正大學碩士論文,Jul 2004.
[7] Encounter® Text Command Reference,Produce Version 6.2, Cadence.
[8] Thomas D.Burd,Trevor Pering,Anthony Stratakos, Robert W.Brodersen,”ADynamic Voltage Scaled Microprocessor System”,ISSCC 2000, Paper17.4.
[9] Rafael Blanco,John M.Cohn,Douglas W.stout,Sebastian,Ventrone,”Method of Switching Voltage Islands in Integrated Circuits”, Patent Application
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[10] Ruchir Puri,David Kung,Leon Stok,”Minimizing Power with Flexible Voltage Islands”, ISCAS 2005 Page(s):21-24 Vol.1.
[11] Benton H. Calhoun, Anantha P. Chandrakasan,”Ultra-Dynamic Voltage Scaling(UDVS) Using Sub-Threshold Operation and Local VoltageDithering”,IEEE Journal of SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS. VOL 41, JANUARY 2006.
[12] Jiong Luo,Niraj Jha,”Static and Dynamic Variable Voltage Scheduling Algorithmus for Real-Time Heterogeneous Distributed Embedded Systems”,IEEE Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on VLSI, 2002.
[13] Sarvesh H.Kulkarni, Dennis Sylvester,”Power Distribution Techniques for Dual VDD Circuits”, IEEE Low Power Electronics 2, 217–229 .2006.
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