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研究生(外文):Hsiao-Hua Chi
論文名稱(外文):Synchronous Rectification Power Converter with Low Standby Power Loss and High Efficiency
指導教授(外文):Sy-Ruen Hw
外文關鍵詞:Synchronous RectificationFlyback ConverterCurrent Sensing
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This thesis investigates the DC/DC converter with low stand-by power consumption and high transfer efficiency.
Flyback converter topology has been the first choice for conversion below 100W in modern industry. It great attraction is that it has low cost and simple framework and no output inductor require. The consequent savings in cost and volume is a significant advantage. In heavy load status, the low conducting resistance of MOSFET is used to substitute for the forward voltage drop of output schottky diode to reduce the conduction loss and increase transfer efficiency. When the output is closed to stand-by condition, use the novel current sensing circuit – induction current sensor to close the secondary synchronous rectification driver circuit and reduce the stand-by loss.
The contribution of this thesis is to provide a solution of future products for power manufactory to meet European Commission and EPA standard. This thesis studies the operational principle of the Flyback converter and analyzes the test waveform. Finally, the test result is presented to demonstrate that the circuit has the benefits of low stand-by loss and high transfer efficiency, and all the experimental measurement can meet European Commission and EPA standard.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
縮寫及符號對照表 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 論文組織 4
第二章 返馳式轉換器介紹與分析 6
2.1 返馳式轉換器簡介 6
2.2 返馳式轉換器之工作原理分析 7
2.2.1 連續電流模式CCM之穩態分析 13
2.2.2 臨界電流模式BCM之穩態分析 20
2.2.3 不連續電流模式DCM之穩態分析 24
第三章 低待機損耗高效率同步返馳式轉換器設計分析 31
3.1 高效率同步返馳式轉換器原理分析 32
3.1.1 同步整流技術之必要性與損耗分析 32
3.1.2 同步整流技術之驅動方式 36
3.2 返馳式轉換器之兩種同步整流電路狀態 40
3.2.1 連續導通模式CCM 40
3.2.2 不連續導通模式DCM 43
3.3 降低待機損耗電路介紹分析 44
3.3.1 綠色能源 44
3.3.2 交換式電源轉換器空載損耗來源 48
3.3.3 傳統電流偵測電路介紹 49
3.3.4 新型電流偵測電路介紹分析 55
第四章 實驗波形與測試結果分析 63
4.1 轉換器主要波形量測 63
4.1.1 轉換器主要規格 63
4.1.2二極體整流方式之轉換器波形量測 64
4.1.3同步整流方式之轉換器波形量測 67
4.2 效率與待機損耗改善分析 75
4.2.1 三種架構之效率與待機損耗比較分析 75
4.2.2 各種電流偵測電路之比較分析 81
第五章 結論與未來展望 84
5.1 結論 84
5.2 未來展望 85
參考文獻 86
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