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研究生(外文):Yi-Shan Liao
論文名稱(外文):Supply Chain Management based on Objective Management – a Case Study of a Machinery Manufacturer
指導教授(外文):Yau-Ren Shiau
外文關鍵詞:Supply Chain ManagementObjective ManagementKey Performance Index
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Under the environment of globalization and liberalization, the industrial structure due to the trend of global logistics have been leading the competitions among supply chains. However, the performance of suppliers (i.e., cost, delivery, quality) will be varied and resulted in the instability of the whole supply chain. Such as, the performance will be affected by the quality of raw material and the management of manufacturing process. Thus, how a company can clearly declare its objectives to the suppliers is studied in this research for the objective management of the whole supply chain. How to determine key performance index and establish performance monitor system are also studied.
Supply chain is a complex network which includes many individual enterprises with their own issues. It is difficult to integrate the suppliers with consistent objectives. A machinery company is studied in this research to discover how it manages suppliers by objective management. Also, how to monitor its suppliers doing continuous improvement is also revealed. Therefore, a company can realize whether the supply chain is varied, and the decision can be made to replace or counsel the suppliers with variation.
目 錄

第1章 緒論 - 1 -
1.1 研究背景與動機 - 1 -
1.1.1 研究背景 - 1 -
1.1.2 研究動機 - 1 -
1.2 研究主題與目的 - 2 -
1.2.1 研究主題 - 2 -
1.2.2 研究目的 - 2 -
1.3 研究範圍與限制 - 2 -
1.3.1 研究範圍 - 2 -
1.3.2 研究限制 - 2 -
1.4 研究步驟與流程 - 3 -
1.4.1 研究步驟 - 3 -
1.4.2 研究流程 - 3 -
第2章 文獻探討 - 4 -
2.1 目標管理 - 4 -
2.2 供應鏈管理 - 8 -
2.3 關鍵績效指標 - 10 -
2.4 全面品質管理 - 11 -
2.5 PDCA - 15 -
第3章 研究方法 - 17 -
3.1 個案公司現況分析 - 17 -
3.1.1 產業概況 - 17 -
3.1.2 個案介紹 - 20 -
3.1.3 個案公司產品應用及生產作業流程 - 26 -
3.1.4 A公司產業供應鏈說明 - 28 -
3.2 實證研究步驟 - 29 -
3.2.1 訂定年度目標 - 29 -
3.2.2 分析目標與供應間之關聯性 - 29 -
3.2.3 訂出關鍵績效指標 - 29 -
3.2.4 進行各項矯正措施實施與監控 - 30 -
3.2.5 改善前後之統計分析 - 30 -
第4章 分析與歸納 - 31 -
4.1 目標管理展開步驟結合PDCA之分析 - 31 -
4.2 改善結果歸納 - 46 -
4.3 成功關鍵因素分析 - 47 -
第5章 結論 - 48 -
5.1 結論 - 48 -
第6章 附錄 - 50 -
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