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研究生(外文):Ying-Si Lai
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Dysfunctional Beliefs, Self Efficacy and Decision Balance on Hypnotic Tapering in Patients with Primary Insomnia
指導教授(外文):Chien-Ming Yang
外文關鍵詞:Primary InsomniaTaperingDysfunctional beliefsDecision BalanceSelf-EfficacyHypnotic
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研究背景與目的:原發型失眠症的治療可以分成兩大部分:非藥物治療以及藥物治療,目前常使用來治療失眠的藥物主要包括Benzodiazepine (BZD)類藥品及作用於BZD接受體之非BZD類安眠鎮靜劑(non-selective Benzodiazepine - Receptor Agents;簡稱BZRA)。短期使用助眠劑可以改善失眠的症狀,但許多失眠患者因為害怕停用藥物就無法睡覺,仍長期持續使用助眠劑,漸漸的對藥物產生依賴、或反彈性失眠等戒斷症狀,臨床上通常會建議病患採用逐步減藥的方式以降低助眠劑的使用,過去用以說明減藥是否成功的研究大多著重在藥物相關因素,因此,本研究將探討失眠患者的心理認知因素與減藥行為之關係,並檢視不良的睡眠信念是否透過自我效能及決策權衡的中介效果影響減藥行為。

研究方法:研究當中的原發型失眠患者主要來自醫院轉介,共37人(男13人,女23人,平均年齡46.7歲),所有受試者在進行減藥計畫前(第一週)及完成減藥計畫後(第10週),填寫睡眠失功能信念與態度量表(Dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep questionnaire,簡稱DBAS)、決策權衡問卷(Decision Balance questionnaire)、單題自我效能量尺(Single Self-Efficacy Rating Scale),並在為期 10週的減藥計畫期間每天填寫睡眠日誌以了解其睡眠參數變化及藥物使用狀況。

研究結果:不良的睡眠信念與減藥行為的相關未達顯著,顯示不良的睡眠信念與減藥行為沒有直接效果,不良的睡眠信念與減藥的決策權衡、減藥的自我效能的相關皆未達顯著,無法繼續探討論三者與減藥行為的中介關係,而減藥行為與決策權衡(r=.358,p<.05)及自我效能(r=.632,p<.001)分別達到顯著性的相關。進一步透過階層迴歸的方式探討人口學變項、疾病與藥物相關變項、心理認知變項對減藥劑量的影響,得到的結果發現三個區組能夠有效解釋依變項減藥行為的64.7% (F(3,30) =6.865,p<.001),解釋力增加量達統計水準(∆F(3,30)= 10.564,∆p<.001)。
Introduction: Treatments of primary insomnia include pharmacological therapy and non pharmacological therapy. The medications for insomnia are mainly Benzodiazepine (BZD) and non-selective Benzodiazepine-Receptor Agents (BZRA) that modulate the BZD receptors. Hypnotic use in the short term could improve sleep. However, some insomniacs could not stop hypnotic use because they are afraid of being unable to fall asleep due to the discontinuity of medicine. Long term hypnotic use can cause gradually dependence, rebound insomnia, as well as withdraw symptom. In clinical settings, gradual dose tapering is usually applied to reduce the use of hypnotics. Numerous researches have been conducted to assess the predictability of some pharmacological factors on the successfulness of hypnotic tapering. This research is to investigate the association between cognitive factors and hypnotic tapering, with the hypothesis that dysfunctional beliefs affect hypnotic tapering through the mediating effect of self efficacy and decision balance.

Methods: Thirty seven patients with primary insomnia, including 13 men and 23 women (average age: 46.7) were recruited from a general hospital. All participants had to complete a set of questionnaires including Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep Questionnaire (its acronym DBAS), Decision Balance questionnaire and Single Self-Efficacy Rating Scale before and after hypnotic tapering plan. During the 10-week drug tapering period, each participant was required to keep a sleep diary to evaluate the changes in sleep parameters and the status of drug use.

Result: The results showed that the correlation between dysfunctional beliefs and the amount of drug tapering did not reach significance. It indicates there is no direct correlation between dysfunctional beliefs and tapering behavior. Therefore, the hypothesis that dysfunctional beliefs affect hypnotic tapering through the mediating effect of self efficacy and decision balance was not proven. However, decision balance (r=.358, p<.05) and self efficiency (r=.632, p<.001) significantly correlated with tapering behavior. Further analyses with hierarchical multiple regression to explore the predictability of demographic variables, variables relevant to disease and drug use, and cognitive variable on drug tapering. It was found that these three variables can explain the amount of drug reduction up to 64.7 %.

Conclusion: In sum, the results indicate that the effectiveness of drug tapering could be predicted by self efficacy and decision balance. The higher self efficacy and the more positive evaluation of drug discontinuation a patient has, the more reduction of hypnotic dose can be obtained following a graduate tapering program. It implies that psychological factors could be important in the evaluation for drug reduction in clinical patients.
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………… 1

第二章 文獻探討
 第一節原發性失眠症之定義、流行病學研究與治療………………… 4
 第二節認知信念與失眠…………………………………………………10
 第三節自我效能 ………………………………………………………12
第四節 決策權衡…………………………………………………………15
 第五節研究目的與假設…………………………………………………17

第三章 研究方法
 第一節 研究對象 ………………………………………………………19
 第二節 研究工具 ………………………………………………………20
 第三節 研究程序 ………………………………………………………24
 第四節 資料分析 ………………………………………………………27
第四章 研究結果
 第一節 人口學資料、疾病與藥物使用狀況 …………………………28
 第二節 減藥前後相關變項之差異 ……………………………………29
 第三節 不合理的睡眠信念、自我效能、決策權衡與減藥行為之相關…32
第四節 減藥結果 ………………………………………………………37

第五章 討論
 第一節 減藥相關結果 …………………………………………………40
 第二節 認知變項用以預測減藥行為……………………………………42
 第三節 減藥成功與否……………………………………………………44
第四節 研究限制與未來展望……………………………………………46

參考文獻 ……………………………………………………………………48

附錄一 睡眠失功能信念及態度量表…………………………………………55
附錄二 助眠劑使用態度問卷 ………………………………………………58
附錄三 睡眠日誌 ……………………………………………………………59







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