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研究生(外文):Yen-Hung chen
論文名稱(外文):Digital Circuit Design of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller with Application to Position Control of DC Motors
指導教授(外文):Chiang-Ju Chien
外文關鍵詞:Type-2 fuzzy logic controllerVHDLFPGABrushless DC motor
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本論文針對無刷直流馬達的位置定位控制,提出型式二模糊邏輯控制器的設計架構,並將整個模糊邏輯控制系統實做在FPGA晶片上。由於第一型模糊集合的歸屬函數必須完全明確,對於歸屬函數仍可能存在不確定性的狀況下,第一型模糊系統便無法適用,因此第二型模糊系統概念便是在這個情況下發展出具彈性的架構來。雖然過去十年已有相當多篇論文研究第二型模糊邏輯系統的理論與應用,但是在研究文獻中,很少有第二型模糊控制器的數位電路設計之研究。本論文除了要發展第二型模糊邏輯控制器的數位電路架構外,在電路設計上也希望呈現一些特色。例如模糊系統的前件部歸屬值觸發採用計算方式來求解,並重複使用相同的電路以達到節省電路面積的效果等。此外,除了核心的模糊控制電路外,針對直流馬達控制所需的迴授電路、比較電路與驅動電路,本文中均加以詳細設計。最後,我們利用VHDL硬體描述語言設計一個八位元雙輸入單輸出的第二型的模糊邏輯控制器,透過Xilinx ISE予以合成並下載至Xilinx發展套件中。配合直流馬達作為受控對象,實驗結果證實本論文所設計的第二型模糊控制電路是可行且正確的。
In this thesis, we propose a position control of DC motor using a type 2 fuzzy logic controller implemented on an FPGA chip. If there exist some uncertainties in the membership function of type 1 fuzzy set, the type 1 fuzzy systems can not be applied for applications. The type 2 fuzzy system is then developed with a more flexible structure. Although a lot of works have studied the theory and application of type 2 fuzzy logic systems in the past decade, there was little research dealing with its digital circuit design. In this thesis, we not only aim to design a digital circuit structure for the type 2 fuzzy logic controller, but also would like to present some design features for the proposed circuit. For example, the firing membership grade of the fuzzy antecedent part is obtained by calculation, and the system repeatedly uses the identical circuit for the same operation in order to reduce the circuit area. Furthermore, in additional to the fuzzy control circuit, the feedback circuit, error generation circuit and PWM driving circuit are all studied extensively in this thesis. Finally, the VHDL code is used to design an 8-bit two input and one output type 2 fuzzy logic controller. The circuit is synthesized by using Xilinx ISE and then downloaded into a Xilinx development kit. The experiment results show that the function of proposed type 2 fuzzy logic controller is correct and can be applied to the position control of DC motors.
致謝............................................................ I
第一章 緒論.....................................................1
1.1 簡介與研究背景...........................................1
1.2 研究動機.................................................3
1.3 硬體架構.................................................4
1.4 論文架構.................................................5
第二章 第二型模糊邏輯系統.......................................6
2.1.1 模糊化介面..........................................7
2.2.2 模糊知識庫..........................................8
2.1.3 模糊推論引擎........................................8
2.1.4 解模糊化介面........................................9
2.2 第二型模糊集合..........................................10
2.3 第二型模糊邏輯系統......................................14
2.3.1 較高與較低歸屬函數.................................16
2.3.2 區間第二型模糊邏輯系統.............................16
2.3.3 降階單元與解模糊化.................................18
2.4 雙輸入單輸出區間第二型模糊控制系統運算流程..............21
第三章 應用第二型模糊邏輯系統的無刷直流馬達定位控制............26
3.1 無刷直流馬達............................................26
3.1.1 無刷直流馬達的工作原理............................26
3.1.2 驅動電路...........................................27
3.1.3 脈寬調變電路.......................................27
3.1.4 切換保護電路.......................................28
3.1.5 光學編碼器.........................................30
3.1.6 無刷直流馬達實驗模組...............................32
3.2 控制電路設計與架構......................................33
3.2.1 系統架構流程圖.....................................33
3.2.2 迴授訊號處理電路...................................35
3.2.3 位置命令產生電路...................................35
3.2.4 誤差訊號產生電路...................................35
3.2.6 PWM驅動電路......................................38
3.3 控制電路架構細部說明....................................40
3.3.1 迴授訊號處理電路...................................40
3.3.3 誤差訊號產生電路...................................43
3.3.4 前件部模糊強度產生電路.............................44
3.3.5 初始推論產生電路...................................46 加權平均電路................................49 除法電路....................................51
3.3.6 更新輸出左右極值電路...............................54
3.3.7 除二電路...........................................56
3.3.8 控制單元電路.......................................56
3.3.9 PWM驅動電路......................................57
第四章 硬體架構與實驗結果......................................60
4.1 Xilinx 光纖網路通訊FPGA 發展板介紹......................60
4.2 資料擷取週邊電路介紹....................................62
4.3 資料擷取流程介紹........................................64
4.4 模糊控制電路的實做分析與討論............................66
4.5 實驗結果與討論..........................................69
第五章 結論與建議..............................................73
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