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研究生(外文):Tsui-Ping Lin
論文名稱(外文):Oral Health Status and Related Factors of People with Down Syndrome in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Shun-Te Huang
外文關鍵詞:Down syndromechildrendental health
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研究方法:有105位唐氏症者參與這項研究,研究進行口腔健康狀況檢查及問卷調查二部份,問卷並由父母親或照護者進行填寫。在年齡部份,本研究包含了四個年齡層,分別為6歲以下、7-12歲、13-18歲以及19歲以上。以Microsoft Access軟體設計資料庫並輸入資料,再以JMP5.0進行分析。
結果:在唐氏症者之性別、年齡層、障礙程度上之DT、MT、FT、DMFT指數、齲齒盛行率、填補率方面。DMFT指數,女性為2.71高於男性。年齡層高於19歲者,其DMFT指數、DT、MT、FT及齲齒盛行率皆是最高的,並且呈現統計學上顯著差異。唐氏症者有58.42%有碎屑殘留;碎屑指數隨著年齡增加而上升,並且呈現統計學上顯著差異(P= 0.0416);但在性別及障礙程度方面,統計學上並没有呈現明顯差異。同樣的情形也發生在唐氏症者之牙結石方面;但是牙結石累積並不嚴重也不常看到。在唐氏症者之牙齦指數方面是隨著年齡增加而上升,中度牙齦炎比輕度及重度者較常被看到。
Background: People with Down syndrome differ from other physically and mentally disabled in particular dental features, e.g. smaller or rounder teeth, which results in lower caries rates. Surveys of the dental health status in Down syndrome are rare in Taiwan; this research will help us to clarify the dental health status for children with Down syndrome.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the current dental health status of children with Down syndrome.
Methods: A total number of 105 children with Down syndrome in Taiwan participated in this study, their dental health status was examined and a questionnaire was completed by their parents or caregivers. The samples were divided into four age groups: under 6, 7-12, 13-18 and over 19 years old. A database was designed using Microsoft Access and data were analyzed by statistics software JMP.
Results: The DT, MT, FT, DMFT index, caries prevalence, filling rate of Down syndrome by gender, age group, and severity of disabilities. The DMFT index of females was 2.71 which was higher than that of males. The group aged over 19 years old showed the highest value in DMFT index, DT, MT, FT and caries prevalence and was statistically significant.
There was 58.42% of the people with Down syndrome who had debris on their teeth. The debris index increased with age. and was statistically significant (P= 0.0416). There was not a statistically significant difference in debris index by gender and severity of disability. The same tendency as the debris index was found in the calculus index, but calculus is not so commonly seen and the grade of calculus accumulation is not so severe in the group of children with Down syndrome. The percentage of children with Down syndrome with healthy gingival tissue has decreased with age. Moderate gingivitis is more often seen than mild and severe gingivitis.
Conclusion: The reasons for lower DMFT index in children with Down syndrome may be due to their simple dental features. Moreover, those children, who are members of the Taiwan Down Syndrome Association, may have better oral care and dental treatment, providing this result. However, these underlying factors need further research and articles to be proven.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的………………………………………………4
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 唐氏症定義…………………………………………..5
第二節 唐氏症種類……………………………………………6
第三節 染色體異常(唐氏症)依「身心障礙等級標準」…7
第四節 臨床特徵(Clinical features)………………..….8
第五節 唐氏症的發生率………………………………………9
第六節 唐氏症者的口腔健康狀況及相關因素探討…………10
第三章 材料與方法
第一節 研究對象………………………………………………19
第二節 抽樣方法………………………………………………19
第三節 研究架構………………………………………………20
第四節 研究內容………………………………………………21
第五節 研究步驟………………………………………………23
第六節 統計分析………………………………………………24
第七節 研究限制………………………………………………25
第八節 名詞界說………………………………………………26
第四章 結果
第一節 唐氏症者基本資料……………………………………29
第二節 唐氏症者口腔健康狀況與治療需求…………………30
第三節 唐氏症者日常生活習慣與經驗………………………32
一、唐氏症咀嚼/吞嚥狀況………………………………... 32
第四節 唐氏症者口腔健康狀況與相關影響因素……………35
第五章 討論
第一節 唐氏症者之基本資料…………………………………46
第二節 唐氏症者之口腔健康狀況……………………………47
第三節 唐氏症者之日常生活習慣與經驗……………………50
第四節 唐氏症者之口腔健康狀況與相關因素探討…………53
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論……………………………………………………55
第二節 建議……………………………………………………56
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