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研究生(外文):Fu-Chuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Full-Mouth Oral Rehabilitation of Local Severe and Moderate Periodontitis with Malocclusion in Adults.
指導教授(外文):Chi-Cheng Tsai
外文關鍵詞:sinus liftroot separationtrauma from occlusionfull mouth rehabilitation.
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本臨床九個病例報告裡,治療過程中除了一例有open window做sinus lift外,儘量以簡單的方法完成療程。最終補綴有五例有CSCDT(crown and sleeve-coping telescopic denture),三例有植牙,八例有固定牙橋,一例傳統有鈎式活動假牙;其中五例有追蹤報告。
Owing to the improvements in the materials, the orthodontic, implant, and endodontic treatment processes and outcomes have become much easier and predictable. For patients, disconfort during the treatment could be reduced, and the course of the treatment could also be shortened. Meanwhile, dentists have more sufficient time to treat patients. Also, the quality of dental treatment can be exalted.
The integration of different dental disciplines is necessary for advanced periodontal diseased patients. Clinic with only one dentist especially needs to understand the relationships among the other specialists in order to provide patients with better service and treatment.
From the beginning of the treatment of periodontal disease to the accomplishment of prosthodontal therapy, the whole process might take a long time due to the complexity of the disease, the requests from patients, and the ability of the dentist. Some dental treatment even took two or three years in order to achieve the goal.
In these nine clinical case report of nine clinical cases, one case received sinus lift during the treatment coures, the other eight cases were finished in an easier way during their treatments. There are 5 CSCDT cases, 3 cases of implant, 8 cases of fixed crown-bridge, 1 case of traditional clasp-retained removable partial dentures. Five of the cases have reports in the follow-up period.
The results presented in this report showed that the periodontal prosthodontic treatment for the severe periodontal disease could be completed by CSCTD, orthodontics, and combination of periodontal, orthodontic, occlusal, prosthodontic and implant techniques . By doing so, the periodontal disease could be controlled, the teeth could be properly arranged and occlusal damage could be reduced. The long-axis of occlusal force of the traumatized teeth could be improved by a well-distributed chewing force of the teeth after the reconstruction.
After the prosthodontal treatment is completed, patients should take good care of their oral health. Otherwisw, the treatment results shall be compromized. Therefore, the key to the success of the perio-prosthodontal rehabilitation is to guide the patients to maintain good oral hygiene, and have a regular time schedule for re-examination.
病例報告五:以CSCTD(Crown & Sleeve - Coping Telescopic Denture )及牙根分
開術 (Root Separation)解決上下顎後牙根叉侵犯-095
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