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研究生(外文):Fang-Ru Chen
論文名稱(外文):Movement ability of class 1 integrons in Escherichia coli
指導教授(外文):Chung-Yu Chang
外文關鍵詞:Class 1 integronTn402R751
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Integron被認為是細菌獲得抗藥性基因及散佈抗藥性基因的重要機制,在臨床菌株中之Integron以class 1 integron最普遍。Class 1 integron常被發現於不同菌屬的細菌體內不同位置上,包括plasmid、transposon、chromosome 。而Class 1 integron藉著transposon或plasmid傳遞,也暗示class 1 integron可能具有移動性。因此本研究主旨在探討臨床分離之大腸桿菌株之class 1 integron結構散佈能力。首先選殖帶有class 1 integron結構的基因片段,包含兩端反轉重複序列IRi和IRt及轉位相關基因,然後分析integron發生轉位的頻率。
實驗結果顯示class 1 integron發生轉位的頻率低於1.0×10-9。這可能是因為本研究分析之class 1 integron基因片匣下游結構有較大變異,多數與轉位基因相關的tni基因群tniA的截短和tniB序列有短少,而tniQ和tniR則未存在。另外本研究也進行互補實驗,對於前述轉位頻率極低的class 1 integron,探討在外加具有轉位功能的基因後,是否促使integron發生轉位移動。互補實驗結果發現,在外加包含完整轉位基因tniA、B、Q、R的基因片段後,Class 1 integron發生轉位的頻率可達3.2×10-4到1×10-1,比原class 1 integron轉位頻率明顯增加。另外,只外加tniA、B或tniA基因片段後,Class 1 integron雖有轉位作用的發生,但頻率較低約2.0×10-9到6.3×10-6。
綜合本研究結果顯示臨床E. coli菌株所帶之class 1integron因轉位基因之缺失,自行移動的能力偏低,但細菌菌體內若同時有其他具有轉位活性的轉位子構造存在,能補足轉位所需的蛋白質,則class 1 integron仍有發生轉位移動,這將大大提高integron移動散佈的機會,造成多重抗藥性細菌的產生。
Integrons have been demonstrated to play a significant role in the acquisition and dissemination of antibiotic-resistant genes among bacteria. Most integrons from clinical isolates belong to class 1. Class 1 integrons have been found in different DNA locations, such as plasmids, transposons and chromosome among different bacterial species and genera, suggesting class 1 integrons may be mobile. In this study, we attempt to analyze the movement ability of class 1 integrons in clinical isolates of Escherichia coli. At first, we constructed the test plasmids, which carries the class 1 integrons containing inverted repeats (IRs) at their boundaries and transposition related genes. The transposition frequency of class 1 integrons was then determined by using a transposition assay.
The test plasmids carrying class 1 integrons showed a very low tansposition frequency (<1.0×10-9). This may be resulted from the structural variations of class 1 integrons, such as the loss of part of the transposition module. In addition, we carried out complementing experiments to study whether class 1 integrons could be moved by transposition when functional genes of transposition were provided. In the event, transposition of class 1 integrons was complemented by the plasmid containing the whole set of transposition genes (tni A, B, Q, R) and restored at high frequencies (3.2 × 10-4 to 1.0 × 0-1). However, class 1 integrons transposed at lower frequencies (2.0 × 10-9 to 6.3 × 10-6) when complemented by a plasmid only containing tniA and tniB genes or tniA gene.
The present study reveals that class 1 integrons from clinical isolates are defective in transposition. The movement of class 1 integorns can occur when proteins required for transposition are provided by active transposons present in the same bacterial cell. This will facilitate the dissemination of class 1 integrons and contributed to multiple resistance of bacteria.
中文摘要 1
英文摘要 3
緒論 5
一、Integron基本結構特徵 6
二、基因片匣的構造與特定部位重組作用 7
三、Class 1 integron與相關抗藥基因 9
四、Integron和轉位子結構的相關性 12
五、研究目的 18
一、Class 1 integron的轉位能力分析
(一)實驗菌株 20
(二)質體 21
(三)測試質體的構築 21
1.聚合酶鏈鎖反應 22
2.瓊脂醣明膠電泳 23
3.PCR產物純化 24
4.增幅片段之選殖 25
(1)增幅片段與載體(vector)之連接作用(ligation) 25
(3)轉形菌株之篩選 27
(4)核酸自動定序分析 29
(四)構築授予菌株(Donor strain construction) 29
1.測試質體之轉形作用 29
2.轉形菌株之篩選 31
3.瓊脂醣明膠電泳 32
(五)轉位試驗(transposition assay) 32
1.接合實驗(conjugation) 33
2.接合轉移菌(transconjugate)之篩選 33
(一)互補質體的構築 34
1.聚合酶鏈鎖反應 35
2.增幅片段之選殖(Amplicom cloning) 36
(1)增幅片段與載體(vector)之連接作用(ligation) 36
(2)X-gal plate之製備 38

(二)構築授予菌株(Donor strain construction) 39
1.互補質體之轉形作用 39
(三)轉位試驗(transposition assay) 40
一、Class 1 integron進行轉位作用的能力 41
二、加入互補質體後class 1 integron發生轉位的頻率 42
討論 44
結論 48
表 49
圖 53
參考文獻 59
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