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研究生(外文):Jhih-Yong Ciou
論文名稱(外文):Simultaneous determination of acetaminophen and caffeine in pharmaceutical syrup preparations and drinks by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector
指導教授(外文):Shun-Jin Lin
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本論文為利用氣相層析法並配合火焰離子化檢測器對市售感冒糖漿製劑及飲品中之acetaminophen和caffeine作分析,建立一個簡單且快速的分析方法。將含有acetaminophen及caffeine之樣品,透過簡單的液相-液相萃取方式作前處理,直接以氣相層析儀分析,所使用的毛細管柱為VF-5ms (30 m × 0.32 mm, 0.25 μm),管柱的溫度設在180 ℃,維持1分鐘,再以每分鐘20℃升溫至240℃,維持1分鐘。而注射部及檢測器的溫度分別設在250 ℃和 280 ℃。在基本分析方法,acetaminophen的檢量線範圍為100 - 2000 μg/mL,其偵測極限為2 μg/mL (S/N=3);caffeine的檢量線範圍為50 - 1000 μg/mL,其偵測極限為5 μg/mL (S/N=3)。
利用本方法應用在市售感冒糖漿製劑及飲品的測定證實是可行的。Acetaminophen及caffeine在同日內分析 (n = 3) 其相對標準偏差 (R.S.D.) 皆小於0.8 %,而異日間分析 (n = 5) 的相對標準偏差分別小於0.9 % 及1.1 %,其萃取相對回收率在96.4 % ~ 102.2 %,說明本法具有良好之定量可靠性,可成功地應用在感冒糖漿和飲品中acetaminophen及caffeine之定量測定及品質管制。
A simple and rapid method for simultaneous analysis of acetaminophen and caffeine in commercial cold syrups and drinks is described. The method was based on direct gas chromatography with flame ionization detector. The samples were simply pretreated by liquid-liquid extraction and then analyzed by GC with a fused-silica VF-5ms capillary column (30 m × 0.32 mm, 0.25 μm). The temperatures of injector and detector were set at 250℃ and 280℃, respectively. The column oven was maintained at 180℃ for 1 min, ramped at a rate of 20℃/min to 240℃ and held for 1 min.
Several parameters affecting the extraction of acetaminophen and caffeine were investigated. The linear range of the method for the determination of acetaminophen and caffeine were 100 – 2000 μg/mL and 50 – 1000 μg/mL, respectively. The instrument detection limits (signal to noise ratio of 3) of acetaminophen and caffeine were 2.0 ?nand 5.0 μg/mL, respectively. Results of application of the method for the analysis of acetaminophen and caffeine in commercial syrup preparations and drinks were satisfactory. The intra-day relative standard deviation (n=3) for acetaminophen and caffeine were both less than 0.8 %. The inter-day relative standard deviation (n=5) for acetaminophen and caffeine were less than 0.9 % and 1.1 %, respectively. The assay should be useful for quality control of acetaminophen and caffeine in pharmaceutical syrup preparations and drinks.

(一) Acetaminophen標準溶液-----------------------18
(二) Caffeine標準溶液----------------------------19
(三) 內部標準品bibenzyl溶液----------------------19
(一) Acetaminophen和caffeine層析位置確認---------21
(二) 內部標準品之選擇----------------------------21
(三) 檢量線之製定法------------------------------22
(四) 精密度與準確度之探討------------------------24
(五) 滯留時間穩定度及安定性之探討----------------25
(一) 檢品前處理之探討----------------------------26
(二) 感冒糖漿劑及飲品之含量分析------------------28
(三) 感冒糖漿劑和飲品中添加回收率之探討----------30
(一) Acetaminophen和caffeine層析位置探討---------32
(二) 內部標準品之選擇----------------------------33
(三) Acetaminophen和caffeine之GC-FID層析圖-------36
(四) Acetaminophen和caffeine檢量線之建立---------37
(五) 精密度與準確度之測定------------------------40
(六) 滯留時間穩定度及安定性之探討----------------42
(一) 檢品前處理方法之選定--------------------44
(二) 感冒糖漿劑之GC-FID層析圖----------------50
(三) 飲品之GC-FID層析圖----------------------51
(四) 市售感冒糖漿與飲品之含量分析------------52
(五) 感冒糖漿劑和飲品中添加回收率之探討------55

圖一:Structure of acetaminophen-------------------------1
圖二:Cyclooxygenase pathway ----------------------------3
圖三:Metabolism of acetaminophen------------------------5
圖四:Structures of caffeine-----------------------------7
圖五:Metabolism of caffeine in the liver----------------8
圖七: Acetaminophen和caffeine標準氰甲烷溶液之氣相層析圖-32
圖八:Gas chromatograms for the determination of 4 different internal standard------------------------------35
圖九:Gas chromatograms for the determination of acetaminophen and caffeine in blank (A) and standard (B)-36
圖十:Calibration curves of acetaminophen standard in intra-day (A) and inter-day (B) analysis-----------------------38
圖十一:Calibration curves of caffeine standard in intra-day (A) and inter-day (B) analysis-----------------------39
圖十二:The stability of the retention time of acetaminophen, caffeine and bibenzyl standard------------43
圖十三:The stability of acetaminophen and caffeine standard-------------------------------------------------43
圖十四:Effects of the solvents on the extraction of the acetaminophen and caffeine from syrup sample solutions (A) and drinks (B)-------------------------------------------45
圖十五:Effects of the methods on the extraction of the acetaminophen and caffeine from syrup sample solutions (A) and drinks (B)-------------------------------------------46
圖十六:Effects of the temperature on the extraction of the
acetaminophen and caffeine from syrup sample solutions (A)
and drinks (B)-------------------------------------------47
圖十七:Effects of the time on the extraction of the acetaminophen and caffeine from syrup sample solutions (A) and drinks (B)-------------------------------------------48
圖十九:Gas chromatograms for the determination of acetaminophen and caffeine in syrup sample---------------50
圖二十:Gas chromatograms for the determination of caffeine in drinks------------------------------------------------51

表一: 感冒糖漿劑和飲品之acetaminophen和caffeine標示含量-29
表二:Retention times of internal standard---------------34
表三:Precision and accuracy for the analysis of acetaminophen standard-----------------------------------41
表四:Precision and accuracy for the analysis of caffeine standard-------------------------------------------------41

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