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研究生(外文):Mei-Yin Liu
論文名稱(外文):The relations of emotional distress, empowerment perception and self-care behavior to quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes
指導教授(外文):Ruey-Hsia Wang
外文關鍵詞:diabetesemotional distressempowerment perceptionself-care behavior and quality of life
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The purposes of the research are to (1) explore emotional distress, empowerment perception, self-care behavior and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes; (2) investigate the relations of demographic data, disease characteristics, emotional distress, empowerment perception, and self-care behavior to quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes; and (3) identify the important explanatory factors of quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes.
This is a cross-sectional, correlated and descriptive research design. The participants of this study are patients who have been suffering from type 2 diabetes within ten years. With purposive sampling, participants were collected from one medical center and two regional teaching hospitals after consent forms were obtained. A total of 220 questionnaires were collected. In this study, a constructed questionnaire was established with relevant scales, including questions on demographic data, disease characteristics, emotional distress, empowerment perception, self-care behavior and quality of life. The quality of life scale measured three domains of the quality of life: satisfaction, impact, and worried about the diabetes. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were evaluated for internal consistency, test-retest reliability, surface validity and content validity. Data analysis was performed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The results were: (1) the score index of quality of life was 79.6, considered as a moderate to high level; (2) patients with different educational level, age, diabetes share care disease management participation and insulin therapy showed a significant difference in quality of life; (3) the score index of emotional distress was 36, considered as a relatively low level. The more severe emotional distress is, the worse quality of life in every domain is; (4) the score index of empowerment perception was 76.8, considered as a relatively moderate to high level. The better empowerment perception is, the better the satisfaction domain of quality of life is; (5) the score index of self-care behavior was 68.8, considered as a moderate to high level. The better self care behavior is, the better the satisfaction domain of quality of life is; moreover, the better dietary, exercise, management of abnormal blood sugar level and foot care is, the better the satisfaction domain of quality of life is. However, the better self care behavior in medication-taking and blood sugar monitoring is, the worse the anxiety domain of quality of life is; moreover, the better the foot self-care behavior is, the worse the impact and anxiety domains of quality of life is; (6) emotional distress was the most important explanatory factor for the total and each domains of quality of life and accounted for 28.7%-53.8% of the total amount of variance.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻查證 6
第一節 糖尿病人生活品質 6
一、生活品質的概念 6
二、生活品質的層面與測量 9
三、糖尿病個案之生活品質 12
第二節 糖尿病個案情緒困擾 16
一、糖尿病個案情緒困擾的定義 16
二、糖尿病個案情緒困擾與生活品質 19
第三節 糖尿病個案賦權感受 21
一、賦權的定義 21
二、糖尿病個案賦權感受與生活品質 24
第四節 糖尿病個案自我照顧行為 27
一、自我照顧之定義 27
二、糖尿病個案之自我照顧行為 28
三、糖尿病個案自我照顧行為與生活品質 31
第五節 影響糖尿病人生活品質之個人特性與疾病特性 33
一、 個人特性 33
二、 疾病特性 35
第三章 研究架構與假設 39
第一節 研究架構 39
第二節 研究假設 40
第三節 名詞界定 40
第四章 研究方法 43
第一節 研究設計與對象 43
第二節 研究工具 45
第三節 研究工具之信效度檢測 52
第四節 資料之收集 56
第五節 研究對象權益之維護 57
第六節 資料之分析 58
第五章 研究結果 60
第一節 研究變項之描述 60
一、糖尿病個案的個人特性 60
二、糖尿病個案的疾病特性 62
三、糖尿病個案的自我照顧行為 64
四、糖尿病個案的情緒困擾 71
五、糖尿病個案的賦權感受 76
六、糖尿病個案的生活品質 78
第二節 各研究變項與生活品質之關係 83
一、糖尿病個案的個人特性在生活品質總量表及各次量表的比較 83
二、糖尿病個案的疾病特性在生活品質總量表及各次量表的比較 89
三、糖尿病個案的自我照顧行為在生活品質總量表及各次量表的相關 94
四、糖尿病個案的情緒困擾與生活品質總量表及各次量表的相關 96
五、糖尿病個案的賦權感受與生活品質總量表及各次量表的相關 97
第三節 生活品質重要解釋因子之分析 99
一、排除「年齡」變項之逐步複迴歸分析 102
(一)總生活品質之重要解釋因子分析 102
(二)滿意度次量表之重要解釋因子分析 103
(三)衝擊次量表之重要解釋因子分析 105
(四)糖尿病的擔憂次量表之重要解釋因子分析 106
二、納入「年齡」變項之逐步複迴歸分析 108
(一)總生活品質之重要解釋因子分析 108
(二)滿意度次量表之重要解釋因子分析 109
(三)衝擊次量表之重要解釋因子分析 111
(四)糖尿病的擔憂次量表之重要解釋因子分析 112
第六章 討論 114
第一節 糖尿病個案的個人特性 114
第二節 糖尿病個案的疾病特性 115
第三節 糖尿病個案的自我照顧行為 117
第四節 糖尿病個案的情緒困擾 121
第五節 糖尿病個案的賦權感受 122
第六節 糖尿病個案的生活品質 123
第七節 糖尿病個案生活品質之相關因素 125
一、個人特性與總生活品質及各次量表之相關 125
二、疾病特性與總生活品質及各次量表之相關 126
三、自我照顧行為與總生活品質及各次量表之相關 128
四、情緒困擾與生活品質之相關 130
五、賦權感受與生活品質之相關 131
第六節 糖尿病個案生活品質之重要解釋因子 133
(一)總生活品質之重要解釋因子 133
(二)滿意度次量表之重要解釋因子 135
(四)糖尿病的擔憂次量表之重要解釋因子 140
第七章 結論與建議 142
第一節 結論 142
第二節 建議 145
第三節 研究限制 149
參考文獻 150
中文文獻 150
英文文獻 153
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