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研究生(外文):Show-Ling Shen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Factors Effecting Consumers’ Adoption of the Innovative Product — A Case of E-reader
指導教授(外文):Peggy Chang
外文關鍵詞:acceptance of innovationattribute of new productsadoption intentionvariable of environmenteREADER
  • 被引用被引用:18
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In the development of electronic books, in addition to downloading digital contents to computer, notebook computer, the other frequently used reading carrier is portable eREADER that its volume is not only light and thin but also close to the effect of display by real paper on the screen thanks to the “electronic ink”. With the application of the results of the development of soft electronic industry to the electronic publication industry, the traditional reading customs might be overturned. But at present stage, the use of eREADER is not so popular and the academic circle lacks the empirical researches on eREADER in consumer market. Therefore, the main consideration of the research is the characteristics and the market situation of eREADER products. The research aims to explore the effects of the sources of information on the acceptance of innovation by customers and the acceptance of innovation by customers, the attribute of new products, the variable of environment on the intention to adopt innovative products with a hope that the results of the research could be helpful to the development and marketing in potential customer group.
The research took the college and academy students in Taoyuan County as subjects and with non-random sampling to collect data. In the research, we conducted questionnaire survey through person-to-person interviews to secure the sample necessary for the analyses.
In the use of statistics and analytic method, we firstly tested the consistency of the contents of questionnaire before used ANOVA to verify the effects of the volume of the sources of information on the acceptance of innovation by customers. In the final stage, we used correlation analysis, regression analysis to verify the acceptance of innovation by customers, the attributes of new products, the effects of the variable of environment on the intention to adopt innovative products. According to the results of analysis, we have following major findings:
1.The acceptance of innovation by customers would affect their intention to adopt the innovative products;
2.The variable of environment would affect customers’ intention to adopt the innovative products;
3.The relative advantage, complexity of the attributes of new products would also affect customers’ intention to adopt the innovative products;
4.The more sources of information are, the higher acceptance of innovation by customers will be.
目 錄
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景-----------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機-----------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究目的-----------------------------------------------------4
第四節 研究範圍與對象-----------------------------------------------4
第五節 研究流程-----------------------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 電子書市場之背景介紹----------------------------------------8
第二節 創新產品採用相關理論---------------------------------------20
第三節 資訊來源---------------------------------------------------29
第四節 消費者對於創新接受程度------------------------------------31
第五節 新產品屬性---------------------------------------------------37
第六節 環境變數----------------------------------------------------43
第七節 小結-------------------------------------------------------45
第三章 研究設計方法
第一節 研究架構及研究假說之建立---------------------------------48
第二節 研究變數之操作性定義---------------------------------------51
第三節 問卷設計---------------------------------------------------------52
第四節 抽樣設計----------------------------------------------------60
第五節 資料分析方法-----------------------------------------------61
第四章 實證分析
第一節 樣本資料說明--------------------------------------------------64
第二節 問卷量表信度檢測--------------------------------------------66
第三節 消費者採用電子書閱讀器之因素探-----------------------71
第四節 小結----------------------------------------------------------83
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究發現------------------------------------------------------86
第二節 研究涵義-----------------------------------------------------90
第三節 研究限制-----------------------------------------------------93
第四節 後續研究方向--------------------------------------------------94
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