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研究生(外文):Chien-Chi Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Real interest rate parity for Asian countries-evidence on power and nonlinear models
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Feng Lee
外文關鍵詞:Real interest parity hypothesisUnit root testsSmooth transition Autoregressive model
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在作法上,首先以單根檢定判斷實質利差之恆定性,為了避免單根檢定在小樣本下所存在型一誤差與檢定力的缺失,本研究主要採用Ng and Perron(2001)單根檢定搭配MAIC訊息準則,透過Rudebush (1993)的模擬技巧,建立在恆定過程與非恆定過程下,單根檢定統計量的小樣本分配,透過小樣本分配評估單根檢定在小樣本下型一誤差與檢定力的績效、藉由實際樣本統計量相對於兩分配的位置以推斷實質利差數列所屬之分配,並與傳統單根檢定以及不同訊息準則下的結果作比較。另一方面,由於交易成本等因素使得實質利差的調整動態可能具有非線性的現象,因此針對恆定的實質利差數列,進一步以平滑自我迴歸模型探討其動態調整行為。
This study analyses real interest rate parity hypothesis (RIPH) over the period 1977M1 to 2007M7 in seven Asian countries with respect to Japan and US, namely Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. We examine whether the RIPH holds through unit-root tests on the real interest rate differentials (rids), and further explore nonlinear model when rids is stationary.
First, we focus on the stationary of rids by carrying out a set of unit root tests. To prevent size distortion and low power, we apply the more powerful linear unit-root tests developed by Ng and Perron (2001) along with MAIC, and follow Rudebusch’s simulation skill to establish the small sample distributions of the test statistics under the nulls and alternatives. Thus, we evaluate the performance of size and power, observe which process is rids more likely come from, and comparing different outcomes under three information criteria. Second, the presence of transaction costs and other reasons may cause the nonlinear behavior of rids. In our study, we discuss whether or not adjustments towards RIPH between Asian economies and Japan and US can be characterized as nonlinear, and we employ smooth transition autoregressive model to test for the possible existence of nonlinearity in rids.
Our finding shows that RIPH holds in three countries with respect to Japan ,namely Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand, but in Taiwan, Korea, Singapore and Malaysia, we can’t discriminate two processes clearly, which shows little evidence that RIPH holds in those countries. As for the US based countries, there are five countries in favor of the RIPH except for Taiwan and Korea. This evidence reveals a higher degree of market integration with US than Japan. Furthermore, in those countries which RIPH holds, we find the evidence of nonlinearities. Comparing the speed of adjustment in Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand with respect to Japan and US at the same time, it exhibits the sharper transition form in those countries with respect to US than Japan, which means, it has faster speed of mean reverting ,and these markets are highly linked with US.
壹、 緒論
1-1 研究背景與動機
1-2 研究目的
1-3 研究架構
貳、 理論模型與文獻探討
2-1 實質利率平價說
2-2 文獻探討
參、 研究方法
3-1 模型配適
3-2 模擬方法
3-3 單根檢定
3-3-1 ADF-GLS檢定
3-3-2 Zt檢定
3-3-3 Ng-Perron 單根檢定
3-4 非線性STAR模型
3-4-1 STAR模型介紹
3-4-2 檢定與估計
肆、 實證分析與結果
4-1 資料來源與處理過程
4-2 小樣本分配
4-2-1 型一誤差與檢定力
4-2-2 檢定統計量之p值
4-2-3 各國實質利差之恆定性
4-3 非線性模型
4-3-1 線性檢定與最適延遲項之決定
4-3-2 STAR型態檢定
4-3-3 STAR估計結果
4-3-4 模型配適度評估
伍、 結論與建議
5-1 研究結論
5-2 後續建議
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