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研究生(外文):Chung-Wei Hung
論文名稱(外文):An Adaptive Router Design and Simulation Based on Mesh-tree Architecture For Network-on-a-chip
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Long JeangHung-You Wang
外文關鍵詞:Wormhole RoutingNetwork on ChipSystem-on-a-chip
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單晶片系統(System-on-a-Chip, SOC)為許多應用提供了整合的解決方案。然而,如何使工作在不同頻率、具有不同特性的異質元件相互通訊是設計時的主要挑戰之一。現在的單晶片系統在連接各矽智財模組及信號傳遞的方式,大都是使用匯流排方式,但傳輸線的延遲、電路的同步、雜訊與功率消耗等問題,將隨著製程演進而日益嚴重。未來單晶片系統內元件連線方式可能會借用目前電腦網路所使用的封包(packet)傳送的觀念。這種將單晶片系統的內部架構視為由元件或模組所組成的網路,稱為晶片網路(network-on-chip, NoC)。
In this paper, a new architecture for network on chip (NOC) called Mesh-Tree is presented first. Then, a deterministic routing algorithm and a nondeterministic routing algorithm are designed and simulated via a CAD tool written in C++ programming language. A Mesh-Tree is a multilayered, three dimensional, pyramidal architecture. Each layer is a mesh and trees are used to connect adjacent layers. This architecture is good for broadcasting and high speed communications. The simulation results show that this architecture for NOC can make the transportation much faster than the 2-D mesh architecture while the performance/cost ratio is relatively higher.
We use west-first algorithm in Mesh-Tree. We try to approach the flexibility of fully adaptive routing at the expense of a moderate increase in complexity with respect to deterministic routing. Most partially adaptive algorithms proposed up to now rely upon the absence of cyclic dependencies between channels to avoid deadlock.
Our proposals aim at maximizing adaptive without increasing the resources required to avoid deadlocks.
1. Introduction 1
1.1 What is SOC1
1.2 Basic Switching Techniques 3
1.2.1 Circuit Switching 3
1.2.2 Packet Switching 3
1.2.3 Virtual Cut-Through (VCT) Switching 3
1.2.4 Wormhole Switching 5
1.2.5 Mad Postman Switching 7
1.2.6 Comparison of Switching Techniques 9
1.3 The layered approach of OSI Model 10
1.4 Deadlock, Livelock, and Starvation 13
1.4.1 Definition of Deadlock, Livelock and Starvation 13
1.4.2 Reasons for occurrence of Deadlock, Livelock and Starvation 15
1.4.3 Techniques to Solve Deadlock, Livelock, and Starvation----15 Solution to Deadlock 16 Solution to Livelock 17 Solution to Starvation18
1.5 Organization 19
2. Related Work 20
2.1 Network Design Considerations 20
2.2 Classification of networks 22
2.2.1 Share-Medium network 22
2.2.2 Direct network 25
2.2.3 Indirect network 28
2.2.4 Hybrid network 30
2.3 NOC System Design 32
2.4 Network on Chip Architecture 33
2.4.1 The NOC network 33
2.4.2 NOC resources 35
2.5 Generic router model 37
2.6 Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture 40
2.6.1 AMBA Buses 40
2.6.2 Arbitration 42
2.6.3 Bus Transfer 42
2.6.4 Bus Reset44
2.6.5 Test Interface 45
2.6.6 Advanced Peripheral Bus45
2.6.7 Advanced High-Performance Bus 47
2.7 Existing Proposals 49
2.7.1 Scalable, Programmable, Integrated Network (SPIN) 49
2.7.2 Fat-tree Architecture 50
2.7.3 A Binary Tree Based on Huffman Coding for NOC 53
3. Maximal-Profit Spanning Tree Architecture for NoC 57
3.1 Packet-Switching Technique 59
3.2 Switch Implementation 60
4. Mesh-Tree Architecture for Network-on-a-Chip Design 63
4.1 The New Architecture 64
4.2 The XY Routing Algorithm of the Mesh-Tree Topology 65
4.2.1 Performance Analysis 69
4.2.2 Cost Analysis 71
4.3 An Adaptive Router Design Based on Mesh-tree Architecture for Network-on-a-chip 72
4.3.1 Turn Model 72
4.3.2 XY Algorithm and West-First Algorithm 74
4.3.3 West-First Routing Algorithm for local router 75
4.3.4 Nonminimal West-First Algorithm for airport router 77
4.3.5 Case of possible routing channel 78
4.4 Switch Implementation 83
5. Results and Discussion 85
5.1 A CAD simulation tool 85
5.1.1 The platform and programming language 86
5.1.2 Operational step 86
5.1.3 The Output Files 89
5.2 Experiment Results 91
6. Conclusion 95
Reference 96
Publication List 100
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