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研究生(外文):Song-Ying Li
論文名稱(外文):A Dynamic Threshold Bandwidth Reservation Scheme in IEEE 802.16e Networks
指導教授(外文):Wen-Shyang Hwang
中文關鍵詞:IEEE 802.16e允許控制頻寬預留
外文關鍵詞:IEEE 802.16eadmission controlbandwidth reservation
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IEEE 802.16e是具有許多的優點和是最受歡迎的無線寬頻網路技術之一。在標準書當中定義了五種不同的服務等級來滿足不同服務品質的水準,這五種不同服務等級分別是:Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS)、real-time Polling Service (rtPS)、extended real-time Polling Service (ertPS)、non-real-time Polling Service (nrtPS) 和Best Effort (BE)。雖然標準書定義了相當完整規範來支援多媒體服務,但卻沒有允許控制(admission control)與頻寬預留(bandwidth reservation)之規範,使得允許控制與頻寬預留仍然是開放性議題。因此本論文提出一種動態臨界值頻寬預留機制來解決:(1)在傳統頻寬預留機制是不可以動態調整臨界值的大小、(2)在動態頻寬預留機制是無法滿足較高服務等級的服務品質需求和(3)行動性預測頻寬預留機制是需要頻繁的交換訊息。因此本論文提出動態臨界值頻寬預留(DTBR)機制是具有以下的優點:(1)是藉由動態調整頻寬預留臨界值以能夠有效利用頻寬資源、(2)能滿足較高服務等級的服務品質需求同時兼具最大的頻寬利用率和(3)不需頻繁的交換訊息以節省頻寬資源。
The IEEE 802.16e proposing the mobility standard specification, which is commonly referred to as WiMAX, is one of the most successful representatives of WMANs (Wireless Metropolitan Area Network). The IEEE 802.16e standard provides good QoS support and supports five different types of service: Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS)、real-time Polling Service (rtPS)、extended real-time Polling Service (ertPS)、non-real-time Polling Service (nrtPS), and Best Effort (BE). This standard proposed many features to support multimedia services, but without regard to admission control and bandwidth reservation. Therefore, admission control and bandwidth reservation are still open issues.
The thesis proposes a dynamic threshold bandwidth reservation scheme to deal with the current problems: (1) the conventional bandwidth reservation schemes can’t adjust the reservation threshold dynamically; (2) Don’t meet QoS requirements of higher classes of service under the current dynamic bandwidth reservation scheme; (3) high frequency of exchange information between BS and MS is necessary for the mobility-predicted bandwidth reservation scheme. Thus, the proposed scheme has the following advantages: (1) the network bandwidth utilization becomes higher; (2) the maximum bandwidth utilization while meeting the QoS requirement of the higher classes of service; (3) the resource of network bandwidth saves due to fewer exchange information between BS and MS.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
誌 謝 IV
目 錄 V
圖 目 錄 VII
表 目 錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 IEEE 802.16簡介 1
1-2 研究動機 7
第二章 IEEE 802.16 MAC機制 14
2-1 QoS架構 14
2-2 服務流(Service flows)簡介 15
2-2-1 服務流(Service flows)屬性與參數集 15
2-2-2 服務流(Service flows)型態 16
2-2-3 服務流(Service flows)管理 17
2-3 IEEE 802.16服務等級與QoS參數集 22
第三章 動態臨界值頻寬預留機制 24
3-1 系統與交通量模型 24
3-2 連線到來率之評估 25
3-3 連線之頻寬需求 29
3-4 動態臨界值頻寬預留機制 30
3-5 連線允許控制演算法 68
第四章 模擬結果 71
4-1 MTGC、DTBR以及DTBR_C相同連線到來率(Arrival rate)之比較 73
第五章 結論 76
參考文獻 77
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