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論文名稱(外文):The Relationship Model of Burnout, Well-bing and Turnover Intention in Construction Industry
指導教授(外文):Chung-Fa Huang
外文關鍵詞:burnoutCBIwell-bingturnover intentionSEM
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In the modern society emphasizing high science and technology industry, the burnout of worker is greater than before, and it harms the well-bing. The turnover intention has negative influence on organization, and the current status and development are important. Research purpose: 1. The status of living model, burnout, well-bing, and turnover intention of employees in construction industry; 2.The discrepancy of research variables of sample characteristic; 3. Constructing the causality model of burnout, well-bing and turnover intention.
This research provides 600 questionnaires for the employees in the construction industry in South Area. And there are 276 effective questionnaires. By the Descriptive Statistics Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Correlation Analysis, T-Test, One-Way ANOVA and SEM, it adopts the Turnover Intention Scale designed by Physical well-being and Chatman (1991) in Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI), Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI) to research. This result finds that:
1. The living model of the employees in construction industry is work time is long, overtime is common, even some companies don’t provide overtime pay. In addition, the monthly rest days are less, and they have to spend time to treat with the affaires related to work, the dormancy is not enough, about 40% of the employees spend less time for dinner, 30% of employees have dinner with their family for less than half of the whole times, and 77% of the employees lack of exercise, and they even don’t have the habit of exercise.
2. Employees in construction industry have certain burnout, and personal burnout and work-related burnout are primary. For the well-bing, energy is less than calmness, and the turnover intention is not low.
3. Sample characteristic reaches significant difference with living model and burnout partly; and well-bing reaches significant difference with turnover intention partly.
4. CBI and the perspectives of physical well-being have been tested by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA).
The mode of burnout, well-bing and turnover intention indicate that the burnout of employees in construction industry will influence the energy and calmness which are the perspectives of burnout directly. The energy lack generated by burnout will causes it generates turnover intention in future.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 研究方法與流程
1.4 章節架構介紹
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 疲勞
2.1.1 疲勞之起源及概念
2.1.2 疲勞之成因
2.1.3 疲勞之反應結果
2.1.4 疲勞者之生活型態
2.2 健康
2.2.1 健康之意義
2.2.2 健康之影響因素與反應行為
2.2.3 健康之維持方式
2.3 離職
2.3.1 離職傾向之定義
2.3.2 離職之類型
2.3.3 離職傾向之理論模式
2.4 小結
第三章 研究設計
3.1 研究對象與範圍
3.2 研究方法
3.2.1 調查問卷的編製過程
3.2.2 回收問卷資料處理
3.2.3 資料統計分析方法
3.3 研究架構
3.4 研究問卷編製
3.5 研究變項操作性定義
3.5.1 個人背景變項
3.5.2 生活型態變項
3.5.3 疲勞量表
3.5.4 健康量表
3.5.5 離職傾向量表
3.6 研究限制
第四章 營建從業人員疲勞、健康與離職傾向現況分析
4.1 敘述性統計分析
4.1.1 樣本特性分析
4.1.2 營建從業人員生活型態現況分析
4.1.3 營建從業人員疲勞現況分析
4.1.4 營建從業人員健康現況分析
4.1.5 營建從業人員離職傾向現況分析
4.2 衡量變數的信度分析
4.2.1 疲勞
4.2.2 健康
4.2.3 離職傾向
4.3 研究變數之相關分析
4.4 研究變數之差異性分析
4.4.1 樣本特性在疲勞、健康與離職傾向之差異
4.4.2 不同生活型態在疲勞、健康與離職傾向之差異
第五章 營建從業人員疲勞、健康與離職傾向結構模式分析
5.1 量表驗證性因素分析
5.1.1 疲勞量表
5.1.2 健康量表
5.2 疲勞、健康與離職傾向結構模式分析
5.2.1 模式界定
5.2.2 變項說明
5.2.3 路徑說明
5.2.4 統計分析
5.2.5 整體模式適配度檢定
5.2.6 整體模式說明
第六章 結果與建議
6.1 結論
6.1.1 營建從業人員生活型態、疲勞、健康與離職傾向現況
6.1.2 營建從業人員背景於疲勞、健康、離職傾向與生活型態之差異
6.1.3 疲勞、健康與離職傾向模式與結構模式之驗證
6.2 建議
6.2.1 對營建從業人員之建議
6.2.2 對營建業相關公司之建議
6.2.3 對未來研究之建議
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