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研究生(外文):Wei-Ting Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Electrical Discharge Machining Characteristics of Zr-Based Amorphous Alloys
指導教授(外文):Shun-Long Chen
外文關鍵詞:Electrical discharge machiningZr-based amorphous alloythe recasted layerCrystallization phaseHardness
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實驗結果顯示,放電能量增加會造成材料去除率及電極消耗率相對提高,在負極性加工中,材料去除率及電極消耗率以在放電加工用油下最多;而在正極性加工中,材料去除率以去離子水最佳,但電極消耗率仍以放電加工用油為多。表面粗糙度受電流影響程度為最大,不論在正負極性加工,以去離子水下加工最差,而氣體加工最佳。另外,放電加工後表面形貌均會有氣孔、放電痕和再鑄層產生,在相同加工條件下,僅放電加工用油和氣體下之負極性加工不會產生裂縫。在油、水和氣體下加工之再鑄層厚度均以正極性加工最厚,以XRD做相分析可得知其結晶相分別為碳化鋯(ZrC)相、氧化鋯(ZrO2)相及非晶質相,並經由TEM分析加工表面呈現出奈米晶粒及部分非晶質結構。母材硬度為Hv 518,經由放電加工後之再鑄層硬度會受到結晶度大小和厚度影響,以去離子水加工下之硬度較佳(Hv 1592),油下加工之硬度其次(Hv 601)。
In this research, the workpiece is Zr-based amorphous alloy (Zr38.5Cu15.25Ni9.75Ti16.5Be20) was prepared from die casting machine, carried on the electrical discharge machining. During EDM process, I take the copper as the electrode in the different electric discharge mediums (electric spark machining oil EP1, deionized water and argon). The EDM parameter of the different peak current, the pulse duration and the positive/negative polarity explore the EDM Characteristics of the workpiece materials removal rate, electrode wear rate, surface hardness, surface topography and roughness, recasted layer thickness and its crystallization.
The results shows when the discharge current increase, the material electrodes removal rate and electrode wear rate will increase. In the negative polarity process, the material removal rate and electrode wear rate under using the electric spark machining oil are the most; in the positive polarity process, the material removal rate of the deionized water is the best, but the electrode wear rate is still more. Both positive and negative polarity process, under using the electric spark machining oil, the greatest effect factors of surface roughness is the discharge current. The surface roughness after EDM in deionized water is the worst, and in gas is the best. In addition, all of the EDM’s surfaces have pores, craters and the recasted layers. In the same EDM conditions, only the negative polarity process under using the EP1 oil and gas will not produce surface cracks. In the polarity process, using the EP1 oil, deionized water and gas can be produce the thick recasted layers and then by the XRD analysis, we can know the crystallization phase are zirconium carbide, (ZrC) phase, zirconium oxide (ZrO2) phase and amorphous phase respectively, and by the TEM analysis, the surface shows a nanometer grain and some amorphous structure. For the base metal hardness is Hv 518. After EDM process, the hardness of the recasted layer are affected by crystallization and the thickness of recasted layer .The hardness of recasted layer under using the deionized water is the best (Hv 1592), and using the oil is the second (Hv 601).
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.3.1 非晶質合金 3
1.3.2 放電加工 8
第二章 理論基礎 13
2.1 非晶質合金 13
2.1.1 非晶質概述 13
2.1.2 非晶質合金之種類 15
2.1.3 非晶質合金之製作 17
2.1.4 非晶質合金之形成能力 23
2.1.5 非晶質合金的特性 25
2.1.6 非晶質合金的應用 31
2.2 放電加工 33
2.2.1 一般放電加工之優缺點 36
2.2.2 氣體放電加工特點 37
2.2.3 一般放電加工基本原理 38
2.2.4 放電加工過程 40
2.2.5 氣體放電加工原理 43
2.2.6 電極材質選用基準 44
2.2.7 加工液及加工屑處理 47
2.2.8 放電加工特性 50
2.2.9 放電狀態的良否 51
2.2.10 放電加工參數 54
2.2.11 放電加工表面特徵 56
2.2.12 放電加工表層 60
第三章 實驗方法 62
3.1 實驗流程 62
3.2 實驗材料 64
3.3 加工參數設定 66
3.4 實驗儀器 67
3.4.1 放電加工用油實驗機構 69
3.4.2 去離子水實驗機構 69
3.4.3 氣體實驗機構 70
3.5 實驗分析儀器 72
3.5.1 超音波洗淨機 72
3.5.2 高精度電子天平 73
3.5.3 表面粗度儀 74
3.5.4 慢速鑽石精密切割機 74
3.5.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)與能量分析質譜儀(EDS) 75
3.5.6 X光繞射儀(XRD) 77
3.5.7 示差掃描熱量計(DSC) 78
3.5.8 熱重熱示差同步分析儀(TG/DTA) 79
3.5.9 微小維克氏硬度計(Vicker’s hardness) 80
3.5.10穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM) 81
第四章 結果與討論 82
4.1 加工前試片分析 82
4.2放電加工特性與加工表面性質分析 84
4.2.1 加工參數對材料去除率之影響 84
4.2.2 加工參數對電極消耗率之影響 92
4.2.3 加工參數對表面粗糙度之影響 99
4.2.4 不同加工參數下之表面狀態 104 斜視圖 104 俯視圖 117
4.2.5 不同加工參數下之再鑄層狀態 130
4.3 不同加工參數下之電極分析 144
4.4 不同加工參數下之XRD相鑑定分析 151
4.5 不同放電介質下再鑄層之TEM微結構分析 156
4.4 不同加工參數下再鑄層之硬度分析 160
第五章 結論 162
參考文獻 164
個人資料 176
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