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論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Simulation of Thermal / Optical Module for LED Automobile Headlamps
外文關鍵詞:White light LEDAutomobile HeadlampRadiation Analysis SimulationDistribution of Light Analysis Simulation
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Using the high brightness LED for the automobile headlamp is the future tendency, however, there is insufficient luminosity on the single LED applied, so several LED need to be used to achieve the luminosity value of the laws and regulations standard. Besides, it is known that the LED luminous intensity is approximately proportional to the actuation electric current reduction, when temperature is changing, it will also change the LED fluorescent characteristic and its part life. Focus to the actual, as the automobile headlamp is nearby the engine, the high temperature is resulted in reducing the LED fluorescent potency, and therefore radiation will be an important subject.
This study will be focused on the radiation and the distribution of light behavior analysis simulation in between of the single power white light LED use and combined use. With applying i-deas and tracepro construction entity numerical model software, this can help to computerize the optimum radiation and the distribution of light module. From the research, it will be expected to predict the LED junction temperarture and the temperature distribution field, in order to the LED fluorescent potency in the automobile headlamp will not be affected by radiation. It also will simulate the distribution of light analysis for LED automobile headlamp used so that to be complies with the European Standard on distribution of light.
第一章 緒論
第二章 理論基礎
第一節 LUXEON K2 LED技術研討
第二節 散熱分析模擬
第三節 車燈光學設計概論
第四節 配光分析模擬
第三章 散熱模擬結果與討論
第一節 散熱片面積對溫度的影響
第二節 散熱片厚度對溫度的影響
第三節 風速對溫度的影響
第四節 間距對溫度的影響
第五節 多顆LED的組合
第六節 FIN-TYPE散熱鰭片的使用
第七節 PIN-TYPE散熱鰭片的使用
第八節 散熱模擬結果討論
第九節 散熱機構專利設計
第四章 配光模擬結果與討論
第一節 LED擺設的方向及位置對配光的影響
第二節 ECE遠光燈的設計
第三節 配光模擬結果討論
第四節 車輛頭燈專用型LED專利設計
第五章 結論
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