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研究生(外文):Po-Wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):Terms of Trade, Habit Persistence and Current Account in a Small Open Economy
外文關鍵詞:current accounthabit in consumptionterms of trade
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本文在一小型開放經濟體系下,利用無限期動態模型,考慮生產面調整緩慢調整的情況,即資本在兩部門之間的移動是漸進且需要時間及花費成本的假設下,來探討未被預料到的恆常性貿易條件惡化對習慣的生活水平與經常帳的影響。主要結論為:在發生恆常性的貿易條件惡化時,習慣的生活水平下降,而對於經常帳之影響必須依據消費者的消費習性偏好而定,為鄰近互補時,HLM效果成立,貿易條件惡化將會使實質所得以及儲蓄減少,使得經常帳惡化,若為遠離互補時,則HLM效果不成立,本文得到的結論與Mansoorian (1998) 相同。
The purpose of this paper is to examine the deterioration of unanticipated permanent terms of trade on current account in an infinite-horizon optimizing framework emphasizing the role of ‘structural adjustment cost’. We model the fact that adjustment occurs slowly by assuming that it is costly to move capital between sectors. After the terms of trade deterioration the steady state habitual standards of living must fall, as permanent income has fallen. With adjacent complementarity the representative individual will want to maintain the habitual standard of living inherited from the past. Therefore, after the terms of trade deterioration savings will fall, permanent income will fall, then the HLM effect holds.
And we examine the deterioration of unanticipated permanent terms of trade on current account in a monetary economy. After a terms of trade deterioration the steady state habitual standards of living must fall. But the model in a monetary economy. Simulation results are used to examined that with adjacent complementarity the representative individual will want to maintain the habitual standard of living inherited from the past. Therefore, savings will fall, permanent income will fall, then the HLM effect holds.
第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻探討
第三章 消費習性與經常帳
第一節 模型設定
第二節 動態分析
第三節 恆常性貿易條件惡化之效果
第四章 貨幣、消費習性與經常帳
第一節 模型設定
第二節 動態分析
第三節 恆常性貿易條件惡化之效果
第五章 結論

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