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研究生(外文):Chia-Yin Lin
論文名稱(外文):Using Semantic Web Technology to Design Agent-to-Agent Argumentation Mechanism in an E-Marketplace
指導教授(外文):Shiu-Li Huang
外文關鍵詞:argumentation mechanismSemantic Webmulti-agent e-marketplaceontologydefeasible reasoningabstract argumentation framework
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In existing e-marketplaces, buyers can use search engines to find products that exactly match their demands, but some products those are potentially interesting to them cannot be found out. This research aims to design a multi-agent e-marketplace in which buyers and sellers can delegate their agents to argue over product attributes via an agent-to-agent argumentation mechanism. This mechanism enables sellers to persuade buyers into considering sellers’ products and helps buyers to search potentially interesting products. To make the idea possible, this research adopts the Semantic Web technology to express agents’ ontologies and uses an abstract argumentation framework with information gathering approach to support defeasible reasoning. A laboratory experiment is conducted to assess the performance of the argumentation mechanism. The experimental results show that the proposed system can help buyers to search both exactly and potentially interesting products, and e-marketplaces are supposed to help buyers to search potentially interesting products. The proposed architecture and approaches can inspire existing and initiative e-marketplaces to design their product searching and recommendation mechanisms.
Chapter 1.Introduction...........................................................................1
1.1.Research background and motivation..............................................1
1.2.Research objectives.........................................................................2
Chapter 2.Related Works.......................................................................4
2.1.Semantic Web..................................................................................4
2.2.Former Researches on Semantic-based e-Marketplaces.................12
2.3.Argumentation Theory..................................................................15
2.3.1.Toulmin Argument Structure......................................................15
2.3.2.Abstract Argumentation Framework...........................................16
2.3.3.Defeasible Argumentation Systems.............................................17
Chapter 3.System Architecture.............................................................23
3.1.Demonstration of Agent-to-Agent Dialogues.................................29
Chapter 4.System Evaluation and Results............................................44
4.1.Experimental Procedure.................................................................44
4.2.Results of the Experiment..............................................................51
Chapter 5.Conclusions.........................................................................57
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