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研究生(外文):Fu-An Yang
論文名稱(外文):Factors Influence Brand Image–The Moderate Effects of Types of Product Placement
指導教授(外文):Chi Yun Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Purchase IntentionBrand ImageProduct Placement
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Product placement started in 1930s. The original sponsors of the products did not pay money to film-makers, only lent or donated products to the film-makers. In 1980s, sponsors of the products or manufacturers found that product placement would bring huge benefits, so they started to provide a large number of products for free to the film-makers. Gradually, product placement became popular. In recent years, there has extensive use of product placement in Taiwan. They often appear in the idol drama, music videos and the use of the frequency increased year by year.
This study examined three parts. First, how consumers’ preference of actors, attitudes towards the story, and the fitness relationship between products and story would affect the brand image? Second, this study used types of product placement (prominent placement vs. subtle placement) as moderate variable to investigate if the relationships of the forementioned variables may change. Finally, this study explored the relationship between consumers’ brand image and purchase intention. This study used "Shaolin Soccer" as experimental film and clipped this film into prominent and subtle movies about 10 minutes. There were 179 students of Ming Chuan University participated in this study, 97 people watched prominent placement video and 82 people watched subtle placement video.
This study found that attitudes towards the story and the fitness relationship between products and story would influence brand image positively. The moderate effects from types of product placement were significantly. Finally, brand image would significantly enhance consumers’ purchase intention.
目 錄................................I
圖 目 錄.............................III
表 目 錄.............................IV
第一章 緒論.........................1
1.1 研究背景與動機 ...................1
1.2 研究目的.........................3
1.3 研究流程.........................5
第二章 文獻探討.....................6
2.1 產品置入定義.....................6
2.1.1 產品置入的型態.................7
2.1.2 產品置入的運用與呈現方式.......11
2.1.3 產品置入的歷史演變.............20
2.2 態度.............................20
2.2.1 電影劇情態度...................21
2.2.2 演員喜好程度 .................. 21
2.3 品牌印象.........................23
2.4 購買意圖.........................26
2.5 相關產品置入之心理學理論.........28
2.6 平衡理論.........................30
第三章 研究方法.....................32
3.1 研究架構.........................32
3.2 研究假設.........................33
3.2.1 對演員的喜好程度...............33
3.2.2 對劇情態度.....................33
3.2.3 劇情適配度.....................34
3.2.4 產品置入型態之干擾效用.........34
3.2.5 品牌印象對購買意願之影響.......35
3.3 研究設計.........................36
3.3.1 實驗設計與操作.................36
3.3.2 各變數操作定義與評量...........37
3.4 問卷設計.........................41
第四章 資料分析與結果...............42
4.1 前測問卷分析.....................42
4.2 問卷回收與敘述性統計分析.........42
4.2.1 基本統計資料分析...............42
4.2.2 各變數之敘述性統計分析.........45
4.2.3 各量表之因素分析...............48
4.3 信度分析.........................54
4.4 迴歸分析.........................56
4.4.1 假設一之檢定...................56
4.4.2 假設二之檢定...................56
4.4.3 假設三之檢定...................57
4.4.4 假設四之檢定...................58
4.4.5 假設五之檢定...................58
4.4.6 假設六之檢定...................59
4.4.7 假設七之檢定...................60
4.5 假設驗證結果.....................61
第五章 研究結論與建議...............62
5.1 研究結論.........................62
5.2 管理建議.........................64
5.3 研究限制與困難...................64
5.4 後續研究建議.....................65
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