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研究生(外文):Meng-Chieh Lu
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Express Services, Value Perception and Customer Behavior
指導教授(外文):Cha-Hung Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:ExpressService QualityPrice AcceptibilityIntegration DynamiceValue Perception
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As the age of globalization has arrived, to implement the strategy of cross work, international corporations are setting up their manufacturing plants and supply chain points worldwide. Under this economy development trend, international logistic solution plays a significant role in linking up their supply chains. At this moment, it’s most crucial for express carriers to provide needed services and become a trusted partner of global corporations. It will then raise customers’ recognition for the value of services, and positively affect their behaviors and decision-makings.
This study has taken the PZB method for evaluating service quality, revised the survey to fit international express industry, and utilized SPSS 12.0 for analyzing data. The objective is to study, from customers’ point of views, about the interconnection of various factors, including service quality, service recovery, integration capability, price acceptance, cognitive value and customer behaviors. Moreover, this report also studies how various customer industries differ in their perceptions on the above factors. This study has been done by randomly interviewing customers who have set up accounts with a worldwide renowned international express carrier. The period of study was between March and April of 2008. In total, 150 questionnaires were distributed, 125 were returned with 117 qualified samples.
The study shows various industries differ in their needs and perceptions. High-tech and computer industries have more concerns on service quality, service recoveries and integration abilities than other industries; therefore, they can accept higher prices. Trading industry is less convinced to pay higher prices. In addition, the study reveals the fact that customers’ cognitive value can be affected by service quality and service recovery, and can in turns impact the perception of integration ability and price acceptance. Furthermore, customers’ cognitive value can be impacted by service quality and service recovery ability; in turns, it has effect on integration capability and price acceptance. Ultimately, cognitive value can affect and forecast on customers’ behaviors. In shorts, once customers have greater value for the tangible characteristics of service quality, the corrective action provided from service recoveries and the ability to integrate, they will have higher price acceptance and cognitive value. When their cognitive value rises, they are more willing to commit to the service. This study result can be provided to international express carriers for establishing services and strategies, and be the reference for future studies.
圖 目 錄 IV
表 目 錄 V
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題與目的 3
1.3 研究對象與範圍 4
1.4 研究流程 5
第2章 文獻探討 6
2.1 知覺服務品質 6
2.2 價格接受度 9
2.3 顧客知覺價值 9
2.3.1顧客知覺價值之定義 10
2.3.2 顧客知覺價值之衡量 11
2.3.3 小結 12
2.4 整合能力 13
2.4.1 整合能力之定義及內涵 13
2.4.2 整合能力之構面 14
2.4.3 整合能力的衡量 16
2.4.4 小結 16
2.5 服務復原之意涵蓋論 17
2.5.1 服務失誤之概念與定義 17
2.5.2 服務復原之定義與概述 18
2.6 顧客行為 20
2.6.1行為意向的概念 20
2.6.2顧客行為的衡量 21
2.6.3小結 22
第3章 研究方法 24
3.1 概念性研究架構 24
3.2 研究假說 25
3.3 變數的操作性定義及衡量 27
3.3.1服務品質之構面 27
3.3.2 服務復原之構面 28
3.3.4 價格接受度之構面 29
3.3.5 顧客知覺價值之構面 30
3.3.6 顧客行為之構面 30
3.4 問卷設計 31
3.4.1 衡量構面之問卷內容 32
3.5 抽樣設計 35
3.5.1 研究對象與抽樣方法 35
3.5.2 問卷發放與回收 35
3.6 資料分析方法 36
3.7 統計方法 37
第4章 研究結果與分析 38
4.1 敘述統計分析 38
4.1.1產業概況變數之敘述統計分析 38
4.1.2 服務品質構面之敘述統計分析 42
4.1.3服務復原構面之敘述統計分析 43
4.1.4整合能力構面之敘述統計分析 44
4.1.5價格接受度構面之敘述統計分析 44
4.1.6知覺價值之敘述統計分析 45
4.1.7顧客行為構面之敘述統計分析 45
4.2 信、效度分析 46
4.2.1 建構效度及因素命名 46
4.2.2 信度分析 55
4.3 假說驗證 56
4.3.1 服務品質與知覺價值之關係 56
4.3.3 服務復原與知覺價值之關係 57
4.3.4 整合能力與知覺價值之關係 58
4.3.2 價格接受度與知覺價值之關係 58
4.3.5知覺價值與顧客行為之關係 59
4.4 差異分析 60
4.4.1顧客不同屬性與「服務品質」之差異關係 60
4.4.2 顧客不同屬性與「服務復原」之差異關係 62
4.4.3 顧客不同屬性與「整合能力」、「價格接受度」、「知覺價值」、「顧客行為」之差異關係 64
資料來源:本研究整理 66
4.4.4 顧客不同屬性對「服務品質」及「服務復原」差異之關係之深入驗證 67
4.4.5 顧客不同屬性對「整合能力」、「價格接受度」、「知覺價值」、「顧客行為」差異之關係之深入驗證 68
第5章 結論與建議 71
5.1 研究結論 71
5.2 研究建議 78
5.3 研究之限制 83
5.4 後續研究之建議 83
參考文獻 84
附錄一 問卷內容 89
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