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論文名稱(外文):Exploring Celebrity Merchandising – A Taiwan Business Development Study
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Licensed Celebrity merchandising is a business with very few competitors in Taiwan and the entire Greater China area. As the number of album sales drops, music artists are exploring wider income possibilities. Utilizing artist names as brands and expanding into diverse product lines can be a profitable business if enhanced with celebrity style and creative design.
This research has collected data on current merchandising market in Taiwan, sales figures of an anonymous artist’s concert merchandises and 50 questionnaires completed by celebrity merchandise consumers. The information collected is used to construct StarBay’s start up plan and forecast future financial outcome. The sales figures of the anonymous artist are used as a reference on current market size. Results from the questionnaire reflected current consumer attitude towards merchandise in the market and possible purchasing behavior is observed and used in product development.
A successful celebrity brand focuses on developing products of quality, creative design, practicality and reflection of the celebrity’s style. The brand should also evolve with the celebrity’s career of fame in order to remain in the market for long. A Celebrity merchandising company can potentially be a profitable business in Taiwan with the current market needs and conditions.
Keywords: celebrity branding, celebrity merchandising, concert merchandises, celebrity licensing, music industry, celebrity promotion, celebrity marketing

1 Introduction………………………………………….………………………..1
2 Executive Summary……………………………………………….………….2
2.1 The Company…………………………………..………………………..2
2.2 Objectives…………………………………..………………..…………..2
2.3 Mission Statement…………………………………..………..…………..3
2.4 Start-up Summary……………………………..………….……………...3
3 Company Summary……………………………………………………….…..5
3.1 History and Background………………………………..………….…….5
3.2 Name and Slogan…………………………………….……………….....6
3.3 Location…………………………………………………..…………..….6
4 Product Offering…………………………………………………………..…..7
4.1 Business Process……………………………………..………………..…7
4.2 Reponses from Concert Merchandise Consumers………..……….……..8
4.3 Product Listing………………………………………………………...…9
4.4 Future Products………………………………………………………….11
5 Market Analysis………………………………………………….………...…13
5.1 Overall Industry………………………………………………..………..13
5.2 Celebrities (Artist)…………………………………………..……….….18
5.3 Concerts………………………...……………………………...………..19
5.4 Consumers……………………………………………………………....20
5.5 Merchandising Contracts………………………………...……………...20
5.6 Product Trends…………………………………………………………..21
5.7 Main Competitors………………………………………...….………….23
5.8 Potential Risks……………………………………...………….………..25
6 Strategy and Implementation Summary……………………………..……….26
6.1 Competitive Edge………………………….………...………………….26
6.2 Entry Growth Strategy………………………………………...……......29
6.3 Sourcing………………………………………………………...………31
6.4 Pricing Strategy…………………………………..….……….………...34
6.5 Shipping and Handling…………………………….…………………...35
6.6 Marketing and Promotion Strategy....…………….....……………….....35
6.7 Sales Strategy……………………………………………….....…….....36
6.8 Web Planning……………………………………………………..….…37
7 Management Summary……………….……………………………………...38
7.1 Company Structure……………………………………………………..39
7.2 Employee Profile……………………………………………………….39
7.3 Personnel Wages Planning………………..……………………....…….40
8 Financial Analysis……………………………………………...…………….41
8.1 Financial Highlights……………………………....………………….…44
8.2 Break-even Analysis…………………………………...…….………....44
8.3 Profit and Loss Forecast…………………………….……………….....45
8.4 Cash Flow Forecast………………………………....................……....47
9 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………...51
10 Reference…………………………………………………………………….52
10.1 Journals…………………………………………………………....…...52
10.2 Newspaper article…………………………………………….…….…..53
10.3 Reports………………………………………………...………….…….53
10.4 Books……………………………………………………………..…….53
10.5 Thesis……………………………………………………………....…...53
10.6 WWW articles…………………………………………………….…….53
10.7 Websites………………………………………………...............……...54

Appendix 1
Results of surveys to 50 consumers of concert merchandises
Appendix 2
Product Pictures
Appendix 3
Top 20 Best selling albums in Taiwan in 2006 and 2007

List of Tables and Figures
Table 1: Star-up Summary
Table 2: Product Descriptions
Table 3: Age of Respondents to the Questionnaire
Table 4: Individual Product Costs
Table 5: Individual Product Retail Price
Table 6: Post Office Shipping and Handling Fees
Table 7: Website Set Up Expense Details
Table 8: Employee Profile
Table 9: Personnel Wages Planning
Table 10: Product Pricing/ Cost Information
Table 11: Assumed Number of Artist Licensing Rights to be Obtained By StarBay
Table 12: Five Year Forecast Unit Sales
Table 13: Five Year Forecast on Cost of Sales
Table 14: Five Year Forecast on Revenue
Table 15: Projected Income Statement
Table 16: Cash Flow Statement

Figure 1: StarBay’s Business Process
Figure 2: Merchandises Purchased the Most by Consumers.
Figure 3: Future Product Development
Figure 4: Music Industry Profile
Figure 5: Six Degrees of Celebrity Association to Brands
Figure 6: Actual Merchandise Sales of Anonymous Artist in a Taipei Concert in Nov 2007.
Figure 7: Strategic Positioning
Figure 8: Consumer Perceived Merchandise Quality
Figure 9: Points consumers wish to see being improved or changed in the merchandises they have purchased
Figure 10: Business Process Schedule
Figure 11: StarBay Company Structure
Figure 12: Forecasted Financial Highlights
Figure 13: Net Cash Flow vs. Cash Balance
X. Reference

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