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研究生(外文):Yen-Ni Chao
論文名稱(外文):Research of MYCIN-Based River Disaster Prevention Expert System
指導教授(外文):Meng-Syun Sie
外文關鍵詞:River Disaster PreventionMYCINExpert SystemCertainty FactorRule-Based
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本研究運用Stanford University所研發出來的MYCIN為理論基礎,開發一套『河川災害整治工程專家系統』(MYCIN-Based River Disaster Prevention Expert System,定名:MyRes)。經由不斷訪談資深工程師與專家,擷取並整理其工程經驗與知識,完成建立800餘條河川災害整治工程的『IF-THEN』規則。MyRes採用『確定因子(Certainty Factor)』處理規則與事實間的不完全確定性。
同時本研究改良MYCIN Rules由原本『多對一』的限制,擴充為可處理『多對多』之Rules,並自行撰寫『向前推理引擎(Forward Chaining Inference Engine)』,用以推論各規則(Rules)與產生事實(Facts),最後將各災害描述因子區分為十二大類儲存於專家知識規則庫。為加速推廣應用,MyRes已擴充為Web版專家系統,經由實際驗證,MyRes確實可有效模擬工程師向專家請益互動之情境,輔助規劃者針對河川防災整治抉擇適當工法。
Thanks to broad range of river reconstruction, and various management methods and construction types, engineers generally have to be equipped with more professional knowledge and pragmatic experiences (e.g., choosing appropriate methods at appropriate situations) to "efficaciously" solve the river reconstruction problems. Under such circumstances, lots of fully experienced engineers have been trained over these years; however, their precious engineering knowledge is hardly to be systematically kept due to their leaving and retirement. This makes those novices devoid of long-term training unable to deal with gradually complicated river reconstruction problems; therefore, how to pass down predecessors’ knowledge and experiences thus turns out to be an urgent task.
Employing MYCIN created by Stanford University as theoretical foundation, this study develops a series of MYCIN-Based River Disaster Prevention Expert System (MyRes). Through constant interviews with experienced engineers and experts, their knowledge and experiences in this regard have been partly excerpted and categorized and “If-Then” rules toward more than eight hundreds river reconstructions are set up. Specifically, MyRes adopts "Certainty Factor" to deal with the incomplete determinacy between the rules and facts.
Meanwhile, this study improves and expands MYCIN rules from “many-to-one” restriction to "many-to-many" rule and adds up "Forward Chaining Inference Engine" to speculate the correlation between each rule and facts generated. Finally, disastrous descriptive factors are divided into twelve categories and stored at expert-knowledge-rule system. To facilitate its application, MyRes has been expanded to Web-edited expert system. Through empirical results, MyRes is proven to efficiently simulate interactive circumstances with experts and to assist engineers by offering appropriate methods to solve river reconstruction problems.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第1章 前言 1
1.1. 研究動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 1
1.3. 研究方法與流程 2
1.3.1. 專家知識擷取 3
1.3.2. 專家知識庫決策機制 3
1.3.3. 專家系統建置 3
1.4. 論文架構 4
第2章 文獻回顧 6
2.1. 專家系統 6
2.1.1. 人工智慧的發跡 6
2.1.2. 專家系統的理論 6
2.1.3. 專家系統的架構 7
2.1.4. 專家系統與傳統程式的差異 8
2.1.5. 專家系統的特色 9
2.2. 知識擷取的挑戰 10
2.3. 凱利方格技術(Kelly’s Repertory Grid Technique) 10
2.3.1. 準備資料元素(Element) 11
2.3.2. 引出構念(Construct) 11
2.3.3. 建立方格評比 12
2.3.4. 凱利方格技術(Kelly’s Repertory Grid Technique)的信度、效度 13
2.4. 德菲法(Delphi Technique) 15
2.4.1. 德菲法源起與介紹 15
2.4.2. 德菲法之優缺點 17
2.4.3. 修正式德菲法(Modified Delphi Method) 19
2.5. 深度訪談法(In-depth Interview Method) 20
2.6. 規則式理論 21
2.6.1. 規則式法則(Rule-Based) 21
2.6.2. 向前推理與向後推理系統 22
2.7. 不確定知識的處理方式 25
2.7.1. 貝氏規則(Bayesian Rule) 25
2.7.2. 模糊理論(Fuzzy Theory) 26
2.7.3. 確定因子(Certainty Factor) 26
2.7.4. 小結 27
第3章 研究方法 29
3.1. 專家知識擷取 29
3.2. 產生規則 32
3.3. 衝突的解決方案 34
3.3.1. 對規則訂定優先權 35
3.3.2. 啟動最具體的條件 35
3.3.3. 啟動最近輸入的資料 35
3.4. 規則的結合 35
3.5. 開發工具選用 37
第4章 建置河川災害整治工程專家系統 39
4.1. 系統架構 39
4.2. 系統開發 39
4.2.1. 系統決策方式 39
4.2.2. 系統決策方式整合 40
4.3. 系統操作流程 45
4.4. 系統驗證 49
4.4.1. 分析案例1-嘉義縣竹崎鄉水土保持工程案 49
4.4.2. 分析案例2-雲林縣古坑鄉水土保持工程案: 50
4.4.3. 分析案例3-嘉義縣梅山鄉水土保持工程案: 52
第5章 結論與建議 54
5.1. 結論 54
5.2. 未來發展之建議 54
參考文獻 55
附錄一、專家訪談一覽表 59
附錄二、專家知識庫 62
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