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研究生(外文):Yuan-Po Huang
論文名稱(外文):Horizontal Vibration Control of High-Speed Elevator Based on H∞ Direct Output Feedback
外文關鍵詞:High-Speed ElevatorActive Mass DriverH∞ controlVibration Control
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More and more skyscrapers have been built in recent years. To save travel-time by the elevator, high-speed elevators are required. An horizontal vibration problem is occurred when the elevator-box travels in the high velocity. Such vibration problem is due to natural deformation of the guide rails or human-errors when assemble the whole elevator structures and systems or eddy current when the system is operating. This kind of vibration makes passengers uncomfortable while riding high-speed elevator and cause a possible vehicle failure problem.
This paper develops an active control strategy using H∞ and applies it on the high-speed elevator to reduce horizontal vibration. A MDOF high-speed elevator system and corresponding equation of motion are built for this particular study. The numerical simulation using robust H∞ control theory is then applied to the system to determine the optimized control forces to ensure the efficiency of the AMD.
第一章 緒論...................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的............................1
1.2 文獻回顧..................................2
1.3 本文內容..................................5
第二章 電梯系統構成與振動問題.................7
2.1 電梯系統裝置之組成........................7
2.1.1 車廂....................................7
2.1.2 導軌....................................8
2.1.3 導靴....................................8
2.2 電梯系統在運行中之振動特性................9
2.2.1 水平振動................................9
2.2.2 高速電梯振動控制........................9
2.3 電梯系統水平振動模式......................11
2.3.1 導輪及車廂框架與廂底之間的橡膠墊........11
2.3.2 導軌變形模式建立........................11
2.3.3 車廂水平振動模型之建立..................12
第三章 應用 控制於電梯裝設AMD之理論推演.......18
3.1 輸出回饋控制理論.........................18
3.1.1 控制系統運動方程式之建立................18
3.1.2 輸出回饋控制推導.......................20
3.2 電梯結構裝設AMD之H∞控制..................23
3.3 控制輸出之選擇............................25
第四章 應用H∞控制於電梯裝設AMD之效用探討.....26
4.1 控制參數選擇之探討........................26
4.2 裝設AMD於不同位址之頻率域分析.............28
4.3 裝設AMD於不同位址之時域分析...............30
第五章 時間延遲系統穩定分析...................32
5.2 時間延遲對轉換函數之影響..................33
5.3 最大延遲時間..............................33
第六章 結論與建議.............................35
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