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研究生(外文):Yen-Lin Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Study on Synthesizing Cobalt Nano-particles by Recycle Microwave-Polyol Process
外文關鍵詞:Recycle processMicrowave irradiationEthylene glycol reductionCobalt Nano-particles
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本論文以醋酸鈷為金屬前驅物,氯化鈀做為成核劑,利用乙二醇做為還原劑並兼具溶劑,並加入polyvinyl pyrrolidone(PVP)、Dodecylamine (DDA)、Trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO)做為粒子保護劑,以循環式微波加熱裝置進行反應。相較於批式製程,循環式可準確地控制溶液溫度在±2℃,可有效提昇粒徑分佈的均一性,另外,密閉式的管路空間可降低溶液過熱所造成的危險。
The definition of nano-materials is a characteristic length scale less than 100nm in one dimension at least. According to the structure, it can be divided into three types: particle-like, rod-like or wire-like, and layer-like. While focus on small size and narrow size distribution, how to control the shape of nano-particles is an important topic. The structures of different shape will display different properties. There are two subjects in this study: (1) set up the recycle microwave heating system and apparatus; and (2) discuss effect of the capping agent on particle size and shape, including the single and binary capping agent.
In this study, cobalt acetate is used as precursor and palladium chloride as nuclear agent, ethylene glycol is both employed as reduction agent and solvent, and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), dodecylamine (DDA), and trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) are used as capping agent by using recycle microwave heating apparatus. Comparing with batch process, recycle process can control temperature within ±2℃ precisely to improve the size distribution helpfully and reduce the danger of superheated solution in sealed pipe.
Additionally, as shown in the result, in single capping agent of PVP, TOPO and DDA, the particle size of cobalt can effective control within 3.1nm to 24.9nm, and the shape is particle-like. In the binary capping agent system, PVP and DDA, TOPO and DDA can synthesize cobalt nano-fiber in the suitable ratio, and the diameter is about 10nm to 25nm and the length is about 50nm to 120nm. The aspect ratio of the nano-fiber decreases with increasing the capping agent. The PVP and TOPO can only synthesize particle-like nano-particles of cobalt.
In summary, this research has successfully synthesized cobalt nano-particles by recycle microwave heating apparatus and control the shape of cobalt in binary capping agent system
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------I
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------II
致謝 ------------------------------------------------IV
目錄 -------------------------------------------------V
表目錄 -----------------------------------------------VII
圖目錄 ----------------------------------------------VIII
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------1
1-1 前言-----------------------------------------1
1-2 研究動機及方法-------------------------------2
1-3 本論文架構-----------------------------------5
第二章 理論基楚-----------------------------------------6
2-1 奈米科學簡介---------------------------------6
2-2 鈷奈米粒子特性-------------------------------7
2-3 鈷奈米粒子應用-------------------------------8
2-4 多元醇還原法--------------------------------10
2-5 微波加熱------------------------------------11
2-6 微波多元醇法(Micorwave-polyol precess)------13
2-7 鈷奈米微結構形貌操控------------------------14
2-8 PVP、DDA及TOPO之特性介紹--------------------16
2-9 磁性理論------------------------------------19
2-9-1 磁區----------------------------------19
2-9-2 磁異向性------------------------------20
2-9-3 磁滯曲線------------------------------21
第三章 實驗方法----------------------------------------23
3-1 前言----------------------------------------23
3-2 實驗步驟------------------------------------25
3-2-1 批式製程-單成份保護劑-----------------25
3-2-2 循環式製程-單成份保護劑---------------25
3-2-3 循環式製程-雙成份保護劑---------------26
3-3 特性分析------------------------------------27
3-4 實驗藥品與儀器設備--------------------------30
3-4-1 實驗藥品------------------------------30
3-4-2 實驗裝置示意圖及設備規格--------------33
3-4-3 儀器設備------------------------------35
第四章 結果與討論--------------------------------------36
4-1 幫浦流速對溫度影響--------------------------36
4-2 循環式微波加熱系統建立----------------------38
4-2-1 單成分保護劑-PVP----------------------38
4-2-2 批式與循環式製程比較------------------42
4-2-3 不同反應溫度對粒子大小之影響----------44
4-2-4 不同循環時間對粒子大小之影響----------47
4-2-5 不同流速對粒子大小之影響--------------53
4-3 保護劑對粒子大小及形貌影響------------------57
4-3-1 單成分保護劑-TOPO---------------------58
4-3-2 單成分保護劑-DDA ---------------------64
4-3-3 雙成份保護劑-PVP/DDA------------------69
4-3-4 雙成份保護劑-TOPO/DDA-----------------75
4-3-5 雙成份保護劑-PVP/TOPO-----------------77
4-4 晶形結構與磁性分析--------------------------81
第五章 綜合結論及未來延續方向--------------------------85
5-1 綜合結論------------------------------------85
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------87
表2-7-1 保護劑對鈷粒子形貌影響--------------------------15
表3-4-3-1 實驗儀器與設備明細------------------------------35
表4-1-1 幫浦轉速與溫度對應表(測試乙二醇)----------------37
表4-2-1-1 循環式微波合成奈米鈷粒子------------------------39
表4-2-2-1 批式與循環式製程比較----------------------------42
表4-2-3-1 不同反應溫度對平均粒徑影響----------------------44
表4-2-4-1 不同循環時間對平均粒徑影響----------------------47
表4-2-5-1 不同流速對平均粒徑影響--------------------------53
表4-3-1-1 TOPO含量對平均粒徑影響--------------------------60
表4-3-2-1 DDA含量對平均粒徑影響---------------------------65
表4-3-3-1 不同PVP與DDA含量對粒子形貌影響------------------69
表4-3-4-1 不同TOPO與DDA含量對粒子形貌影響-----------------75
表4-3-5-1 不同PVP與TOPO含量對粒子形貌影響-----------------77
表4-4-1 不同長寬之鈷纖維於300K所測得飽和磁化量----------83
圖1-2-1 研究流程示意圖-----------------------------------4
圖2-3-1 阻尼元件-----------------------------------------9
圖2-3-2 伽瑪射線攝影放射性磁顆粒液體分佈-----------------9
圖2-5-1 (a)微波加熱與(b)傳統加熱示意圖------------------11
圖2-5-2 (1)無微波場作用下由極性分子因熱引導效應所呈現的混亂現象;及(2)和(3)微波場作用下極性分子之排列方式--------------------------------------------------------------------12
圖2-8-1 PVP與鈷離子鍵結關係圖---------------------------16
圖2-8-2 PVP保護機制示意圖-------------------------------16
圖2-8-3 TOPO保護機制示意圖------------------------------17
圖2-8-4 DDA保護機制示意圖-------------------------------18
圖2-9-1-1 磁區與磁壁之示意圖------------------------------19
圖2-9-1-2 矯頑磁力(Hc)與磁粒粒徑(D)關係圖-----------------20
圖2-9-2-1 鈷單晶之磁化曲線--------------------------------21
圖2-9-3-1 磁滯曲線----------------------------------------22
圖3-1-1 循環式微波加熱輔助乙二醇還原法實驗流程圖--------24
圖3-4-2-1 批式裝置示意圖----------------------------------33
圖3-4-2-2 循環式裝置示意圖--------------------------------33
圖3-4-2-3 蛇形石英管內外徑及外觀示意圖--------------------34
圖4-1-1 不同流速下出口溫度紀錄 (測試乙二醇) (a) 96mL/min (b)84mL/min (c) 72 mL/min--------------------------------37
圖4-2-1-1 反應前醋酸鈷溶液、PVP溶液、及醋酸鈷與氯化鈀及PVP混合物溶液之UV-vis吸收光譜圖-------------------------------38
圖4-2-1-2 反應前後溶液之UV-vis吸收光譜圖(1/100稀釋)
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.075M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP= 1:12,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperature=190℃,recycle time=20min-----------------------------------------------39
圖4-2-1-3 不同流速下出口溫度紀錄(a) 96mL/min(b) 84mL/min (c)72 mL/min。測試溶液為:Co(AC)2=0.075M,Co:Pd= 300:1,Co:PVP=1:12,recycle time=20min--------------------------40
圖4-2-1-4 循環式反應製程(a) TEM image,(b)粒徑分佈圖
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.075M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP= 1:12,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperature=190℃,recycle time=20min,scale bar=20nm-------------------------------40
圖4-2-1-5 循環式反應製程(a) TEM image,(b)粒徑分佈圖
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.075M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP= 1:12,flow rate=84mL/min,reacted temperature=180℃,recycle time=20min;scale bar=20nm-------------------------------41
圖4-2-1-6 循環式反應製程(a) TEM image,(b)粒徑分佈圖
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.075M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP= 1:12,flow rate =72mL/min,reacted temperature=70℃,recycle time=20min;scale bar=20nm-------------------------------41
圖4-2-2-1 批式與循環式製程比較
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.075M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 12,reacted temperature=175 ± 10℃,reacted time=20mi n,scale bar=20nm
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.075M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 12,flow rate=84mL/min,reacted temperature=180℃,recycle time=20min;scale bar=20nm-------------------------------43
圖4-2-3-1 不同反應溫度下之UV-vis吸收光譜圖(1/100稀釋)
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 3,recycle time=20min-----------------------------------------------45
圖4-2-3-2 不同反應溫度對粒子的影響(a) 190℃(b) 180℃(c)170℃實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd =300:1,Co:PVP=1: 3,flow rate=96mL/min,recycle time=20min,scale bar= 20nm-------46
圖4-2-4-1 不同反應時間下之UV-vis吸收光譜圖(1/100稀釋)
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP= 1:3,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperature=190℃-----------------48
圖4-2-4-2 不同循環時間對粒子大小影響(a)10min(b)15min(c)20 min。實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M;Co:Pd=300:1,Co: PVP=1:3,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperature= 190 ℃,recycle time=20mins;scale bar=20nm------------------------------49
圖4-2-4-3 鍛燒前的XRD分析圖譜
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:PVP =1:3,Co:Pd =300: 1,flow rate = 96mL/min,reacted temperature=190℃,re cycle time=20min-----------------------------------------------51
圖4-2-4-4 鍛燒至500℃並持溫一小時後的不同循環時間下XRD分析圖譜(a)10min(b)15min(c)20min。實驗條件:Co(AC)2 =0.05M,Co:PVP=1:3,Co:Pd=300:1,flow rate=96mL/ min,reacted temperature=190℃----------------------------------------51

圖4-2-4-5 不同循環時間下SQUID分析(a)10min(b)15min(c)20 min。實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:PVP=1:3,Co:Pd= 300:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperature=190℃-----------------52
圖4-2-5-1 不同循環流速對粒子大小的影響(a)96mL/min(b)84mL/ min(c)72mL/min。實驗條件:Co(Ac)2=0.05M,Co:Pd= 300:1,Co:PVP=1:3,reacted temperature=170℃,recycle time=20 min,scale bar=20nm--------------------------------------54
圖4-2-5-2 不同循環流速對粒子大小的影響(a)96mL/min(b)84mL/ min實驗條件:Co(Ac)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP= 1:3,reacted temperature=180℃,recycle time=20min,scale bar=20nm-------------------------------------------------55
圖4-3-1 (a)單成份保護劑與(b)雙成份保護劑對粒子生長影響示意圖-------------------------------------------------------58
圖4-3-1-1 反應前TOPO溶液、及醋酸鈷、氯化鈀和TOPO混合物溶液之UV-vis吸收光譜圖-----------------------------------------59
圖4-3-1-2 反應前後溶液之UV-vis吸收光譜圖(1/100稀釋)
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:TOPO= 1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperature=180℃,recycle time=20min-----------------------------------------------59
圖4-3-1-3 不同Co/TOPO比例對粒子大小的影響(a) Co:TOPO=1: 0.5 (b) Co:TOPO =1:1(c) Co:TOPO =1:3,實驗條件:Co(A C)2= 0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperature=180℃,recycle time=20min,scale bar=20nm----61
圖4-3-1-4 鍛燒前的XRD分析圖譜
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:TOPO=1:1,Co:Pd=300: 1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperature = 180℃,re cycle time=20min-----------------------------------------------63
圖4-3-1-5 鍛燒至500℃並持溫一小時後的不同Co/TOPO比例之XRD分析圖譜(a)Co:TOPO =1:3(b)Co:TOPO=1: 1(c) Co: TOPO =1:0.5,實驗條件:Co(A C)2= 0.05M,Co:Pd=300: 1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperature=180℃,recy cle time=20min-----------63
圖4-3-2-1 反應前DDA溶液、及醋酸鈷、氯化鈀和DDA混合物溶液之UV-vis吸收光譜圖-----------------------------------------64
圖4-3-2-2 反應前後溶液之UV-vis吸收光譜圖(1/100稀釋)
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:DDA=1: 1,flow rate= 96mL/min,reacted temperature=180℃,re cycle time=20min-----------------------------------------------65
圖4-3-2-3 不同Co/DDA比例對粒子大小的影響(a)Co:DDA=1:0.25
(b) Co:DDA=1:0.5 (c)Co:DDA=1:1,實驗條件:Co(AC)2= 0.05M;Co:Pd=300:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temper ature=180℃,recycle time=20min,scale bar=100nm---------66
圖4-3-2-4 未鍛燒前的XRD分析圖譜
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:DDA=1:1,Co:Pd=300: 1,flow rate = 96mL/min,reacted temperature=180℃,recy cle time=20min-----------------------------------------------68
圖4-3-2-5 鍛燒至500℃並持溫一小時後的不同Co/DDA比例之XRD分析圖譜(a)Co:DDA=1:0.25(b)Co:DDA=1:0.5(c) Co:DDA=1:1,實驗條件:Co(AC)2 =0.05M,Co:Pd=300: 1,flow rate = 96mL/min,reacted temperature=180℃,recy cle time=20min-----------68
圖4-3-3-1 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 0.5,Co:DDA =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperat ure=190℃,recycle time=30min,scale bar=100nm-----------71
圖4-3-3-2 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 0.6,Co:DDA =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperat ure=190℃,recycle time=30min,scale bar=100nm-----------71
圖4-3-3-3 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 0.75,Co:DDA=1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperat ure=190℃,recycle time=30min,scale bar=100nm-----------72
圖4-3-3-4 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 0.9,Co:DDA =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperat ure= 190℃,recycle time =30min,scale bar=100nm--------------72
圖4-3-3-5 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 1,Co:DDA =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperat ure=190℃,recycle time=30min,scale bar=100nm----------------------73
圖4-3-3-6 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 3,Co:DDA =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperat ure= 190℃,recycle time=30min,scale bar=100nm----------------------73
圖4-3-3-7 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 0.5,Co:DDA =1:0.5,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temper ature=190℃,recycle time=30min,scale bar=100nm---------74
圖4-3-3-8 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 1,Co:DDA =1:0.5,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temper ature= 190℃,recycle time=30min,scale bar=100nm----------------------74
圖4-3-4-1 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:TOPO=1: 1,Co:DDA =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperatu re=190℃,recycle time =30min,scale bar=100nm---------------------76
圖4-3-4-2 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:TOPO=1: 3,Co:DDA =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperatu re=190℃,recycle time=30min,scale bar=50nm-----------------------76
圖4-3-4-3 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:TOPO=1: 6,Co:DDA =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperatu re=190℃,recycle time =30min,scale bar=50nm----------------------77
圖4-3-5-1 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 1,Co:TOPO =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperatu re= 190℃,recycle time=30min,scale bar=100nm----------------------78
圖4-3-5-2 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 2,Co:TOPO =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperatu re= 190℃,recycle time =30min,scale bar=100nm---------------------78
圖4-3-5-3 TEM image
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 3,Co:TOPO =1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperatu re= 190℃,recycle time =30min,scale bar=100nm---------------------79
圖4-3-5-4 以PVP與DDA混合保護劑合成奈米纖維示意圖----------80
圖4-4-1 未鍛燒前的XRD分析圖譜(a)Co:PVP=1:1,Co:DDA=1: 1,(b)Co:TOPO=1:1,Co:DDA =1:1,(c)Co:PVP=1:1,Co:TOPO=1:1。實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300: 1,flow rate=96 mL/min,reacted temperature=190℃,recy cle time=30 min----------81
圖4-4-2 鍛燒至500℃並持溫一小時後的XRD分析圖譜(a)Co: PVP=1:1,Co:DDA=1: 1(b)Co:TOPO =1:1,Co:DDA=1:1 (c)Co:PVP=1:1,Co:TOPO=1:1。實驗條件:Co(AC)2= 0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,flow rate=96 mL/min,reacted tempe rature=190℃,recycle time=30min-------------------------82
圖4-4-3 SQUID分析
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 0.75,Co:DDA=1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperat ure=190℃,recycle time=30min----------------------------83
圖4-44 SQUID分析
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 0.9,Co:DDA=1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperat ure=190℃,recycle time=30min----------------------------84
圖4-4-5 SQUID分析
實驗條件:Co(AC)2=0.05M,Co:Pd=300:1,Co:PVP=1: 1,Co:DDA=1:1,flow rate=96mL/min,reacted temperat ure=190℃,recycle time=30min----------------------------84
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