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研究生(外文):Tasi-Fang Lee
論文名稱(外文):Preparation and characterization of gelatin/nanosilica complex scaffold with the presence of genipin
指導教授(外文):Tzong-Ming Wm
外文關鍵詞:gelatingenipinsilicafreeze-drying technique
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FT-IR結果顯示成功地以溶膠-凝膠(sol-gel)法製備出二氧化矽奈米顆粒,SEM觀察二氧化矽粒徑大小為70nm其大小尺寸均一。另外以UV-Vis和DSC觀察明膠複合支架之交聯指數與熱性質,結果指出添加至1-5 wt%二氧化矽及0.17-1.0 wt%綠槴子素交聯處理之明膠複合支架其交聯程度約為42-89%,而變性溫度(TD)約為85-91℃,相較於純明膠上升2-8℃。此外,測量明膠複合支架之膨潤度約為511-279%。物理性質檢測顯示明膠複合支架孔洞間具有良好連通性,支架內部孔徑大小分布為200-700μm的三度空間立體結構,其孔徑大小變化隨著綠槴子素的添加量增加具有先上升而後下降的趨勢,且其孔隙率多介於80-90%。機械性質檢測結果顯示明膠中添加0.67 wt%綠槴子素交聯劑與5 wt%二氧化矽所製備支架支彈性模數相較於純明膠支架有約40%支提升。此外,生物可降解性實驗顯示綠槴子素的添加具有延緩明膠複合支架降解速率之效果,然而二氧化矽的添加會加速明膠支架的降解速率。
支架表面生長氫氧基磷灰石(HA)之結果顯示氫氧基磷灰石生長的數量隨著明膠支架浸泡於模擬體液(SBF)中的天數增長而增多,當支架浸泡於模擬體液中3天後,XRD與SEM結果證實氫氧基磷灰石已成功披覆於支架表面,且二氧化矽的添加確實能誘發磷酸鈣晶體的成核成長,生長的數量隨著二氧化矽的添加量增加而增加,以添加5 wt%二氧化矽具有較佳誘發氫氧基磷灰石生長的能力。
生物毒性測試顯示添加0.67 wt%綠槴子素交聯明膠支架的降解物質並不會對細胞生長造成毒害;添加二氧化矽之明膠支架的降解物質可促進細胞生長速度。此外,生物相容性結果顯示明膠複合支架支架表面披覆一層膠原蛋白能誘導細胞往支架的方向生長,且當細胞接觸到支架表面後會逐漸往支架內部生長,而無明顯的排斥現象。
綜合以上結果,明膠與5 wt%二氧化矽掺混再添加入0.67 wt%綠槴子素進行交聯處理之明膠複合支架具有最佳的孔洞性質、膨潤度、穩固的交聯結構、良好熱穩定性,以及適當的降解速率,且與純明膠支架相比具有良好的生物活性誘導能力,能促進細胞生長的速度以及良好的生物相容性,可作為理想的生醫植入材。
High biodegradability, biocompatibility and plasticity of gelatin can be used as biomaterial for biomedical application. However, there is some limitation due to its inappropriate mechnical properties and poor bioactive ability. Therefore the addition of bioactive silica and low cytotoxic nature of crosslinking agent such as, genipin, into gelatin was expected to improve the bioactivity and mechanical stability of gelatin. In this study, the high-porosity gelatin/SiO2 composite scaffolds with presence of genipin were sucessfully prepared by freeze-drying technique.
The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrum of SiO 2 show typical Si-O-Si stretching vibration peaks at 470 cm-1, 790 cm-1 and 1060~1233 cm-1. This result indicated SiO2 nanoparticles were successfully synthesized by using sol-gel peocessing. The Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) image of SiO2 show spherical particle with average particle size at about 70 nm. The crosslinking index and thermal stability of gelatin/silica composite scaffolds with presence of ginipin were characterized by UV-Vis and DSC. The crosslinking index increased to 42-89% and the denature temperature was about 85-91℃ with increasing amounts of SiO2 and genipin up to 5wt% and 1.0 wt%, respetively. Compared to pure gelatin, the denature temperature increased 2-6℃. However, the swelling ratio of composite scaffolds about 511-279%. The porosity of the composite scaffolds with well-developed and open-channel micropores was about 80-90%. The pore size roughly about 200-700μm in diameter decreased with increasing genipin amount. The mechanical properties of 5 wt% SiO2 and 0.67 wt% composite scaffolds were enhanced about 40% compared to pure organic matrix.
For biodegradable test, the degradation rate of composite scaffolds decreased as the concentration of genipin increased, but it increased with increasing SiO2 amount. The scaffolds were then soked in a simulated body fluid (SBF) up to 3 days to evaluate its in vitro bioactivity. The SiO2-containing scaffolds show excellent bioactivity as their biomimetically deposited apatite, identified by SEM and XRD. The formation of the apatite was induced by silanol group in the hydrated silica gel formed on the suface. The cytotoxicity test was noted that residual genipin concentration in the 0.67 wt% geipin composite scaffold didn’t affect the cell growth. Fourthemore, the biocompatible test showed the composite scaffold surface coated with collagen can induce cells to migrate into composite scaffold.
High porosity of 5 wt% gelatin/SiO2 composite scaffolds with 0.67 wt% crosslinking agent genipin showed excellent swelling properties and thermal stability with suitably degradable rate. The cells attached to the nanocomposite scaffold are higher than that to the pure gelatin scaffold. These findings suggest that the 5wt% gelatin/SiO2 composite scaffold with 0.67 wt% genipin can be considered a very good alternative material for biomedical applications.
中文摘要.............................................. I
ABSTRACT .............................................II
總目錄 .............................................IV
圖目錄 .............................................VI
表目錄 .............................................X
第一章 緒論...........................................1
1-1前言 ..............................................1
第二章 文獻回顧........................................4
2-3-2明膠 .............................................11
2-4-1 綠槴子素........................................12
2-7仿生礦化及生物適應性評估 .......................... 30
第三章 實驗方法與步驟.................................35
3-1 實驗材料..........................................35
3-2 實驗儀器..........................................37
3-3 實驗流程圖........................................38
3-6 實驗樣品及其代碼..................................49
第四章 結果與討論.....................................50
4-2-3 膨潤度測試......................................59
4-2-4 明膠支架之巨觀型態..............................61
4-2-5 明膠複合支架之微觀孔洞形貌......................62
4-3 綠槴子素交聯明膠/奈米二氧化矽複合支架之機械性質測試
4-4 綠槴子素交聯明膠/奈米二氧化矽複合支架之生物降解測試
4-5 綠槴子素交聯明膠/奈米二氧化矽複合支架表面IN VITRO生長氫氧基磷灰石(HA)........................................76
第五章 結論...........................................94
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