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研究生(外文):De-Hao Chen
論文名稱(外文):Subfamily Melanoplinae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Tze Yang
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本研究乃台灣黑蝗亞科Melanoplinae Scudder, 1897之分類修訂,分類特徵包括(1)外部形態特徵,含體色、觸角長、前翅長、尾毛形態及雄性生殖器等;(2)棲所特徵,含土地利用型及植群特性等系統化特徵。台灣原紀錄黑蝗亞科2屬,7種。2006年8月至2008年5月期間,在台灣275個採集點,採得標本267隻,共計2屬11種,其中包括4個新種,Sinopodisma parashirakii n. sp.、S. parakawakamii n. sp.、S. parakodamae n. sp.及Niitakacris taiwanensis n. sp.,文中提供各種之詳細附圖及亞科分屬及各屬分種檢索表。
Sinopodisma 9種之體長分析結果依海拔高度分布可分為兩群,低海拔群(海拔1100m以下)包括S. formosana及S. splendida 2種,體長範圍分別為36.19-21.64mm,而高海拔群(1200m-3800m),包括S. kawakamii、S. kodamae、S. parakawakamii n. sp.、S. parakodamae n. sp.、S. parashirakii n. sp.和S. shirakii等6種,體長由最大的S. parashirakii到最小的S. kawakamii。顯見Sinopodisma屬黑蝗應屬高海拔或高緯度適應的類群。
This study is a revision work on the subfamily Melanoplinae Scudder, 1897 from Taiwan. It was recorded as 2 genera and 7 species distributed in Taiwan before. Totally 267 specimens were collected from 275 localities in Taiwan from August 2006 to May 2008. There were 11 species found in Taiwan including 4 new species, Sinopodisma parashirakii n. sp., Sinopodisma parakawakamii n. sp., Sinopodisma parakodamae n. sp. and Niitakacris taiwanensis n. sp. in this study. Illustration of each species and the key to species of Sinopodisma and Niitakacris from Taiwan are provided in this paper as the tool for identification. Taxonomic characters revised and defined for the revision work including (1) the morphological characters, such as coloration, circus, male genitalia, and the length of antenna and tegmen; (2) the habitat characters, such as the type of land using and the characters of vegetation are classified as system for description. The variation of body size and the elevation of distribution could separate the 9 species of Sinopodisma into two groups, low elevation group and high elevation group. The former includes two species, S. formosana and S. splendida, the range of body length is from 36.19 to 21.64mm and distributed below 1100m. The latter includes 6 species, S. kawakamii, S. kodamae, S. parakawakamii n. sp., S. parakodamae n. sp., S. parashirakii n. sp., and S. shirakii, the range of body length is from 25.23mm of S. parashirakii to 14.22mm of S. kawakamii and distributed inbetween 1200m and 3880m. It is obviously the genus Sinopodisma adapted for living in high mountain.
中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------- I
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------- II
前言 -------------------------------------------------- 1
前人研究 ---------------------------------------------- 3
一、 分類研究概況 --------------------------------- 3
二、 台灣及鄰近地區蟲相比較 ----------------------- 3
三、 分類特徵 ------------------------------------- 4
材料與方法 -------------------------------------------- 5
一、 分類資訊與蒐集 ------------------------------- 5
二、 材料來源 ------------------------------------- 5
(一) 標本採集與飼養 ------------------------------- 5
(二) 標本館及同好贈予的標本 ----------------------- 6
三、 形態觀察標本製備 ----------------------------- 6
(一) 體色描述 ------------------------------------- 6
(二) 外部形態 ------------------------------------- 6
(三) 形態測量 ------------------------------------- 6
四、專用術語 ------------------------------------------ 8
結果與討論 ------------------------------------------- 10
Melanoplinae Scudder, 1897 ----------------------- 10
Key to genera of Melanoplinae Scudder, 1897 from Taiwan ----------------------------------------------- 12
Sinopodisma Chang, 1940 ----------------------- 12
Key to species of Sinopodisma Chang, 1940 from Taiwan ----------------------------------------------- 13
S. kodamae ( Shiraki, 1910 ) ------------- 14
S. kawakamii ( Shiraki, 1910 ) ----------- 17
S. formosana ( Shiraki, 1910 ) ----------- 20
S. splendida ( Tinkham, 1936 ) ----------- 23
S. shirakii ( Tinkham, 1936 ) ------------ 26
S. parashirakii n. sp. ------------------- 29
S. parakawakamii n. sp. ------------------ 32
S. parakodamae n. sp. -------------------- 34
Niitakacris Tinkham, 1936 --------------------- 37
Key to species of Niitakacris Tinkham, 1936 from Taiwan ----------------------------------------------- 38
N. goganzanensis Tinkham, 1936 ----------- 39
N. rosaceanum ( Shiraki, 1910 ) ---------- 41
N. taiwanensis n. sp. -------------------- 44
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------- 48
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