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研究生(外文):Wei-Chen Wang
論文名稱(外文):Design of traceability system for liquid eggs in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Shii-Wen Roan
外文關鍵詞:Liquid eggOnlineTraceability
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近年來全球各地不時發生許多有關於食品安全的問題,不僅對社會大眾造成恐慌,也對相關的食品產業連帶造成相當大的衝擊。為了改善此類問題,許多國家無不積極推動其食品產銷履歷制度,台灣亦不例外;但液蛋生產並未列入擬進行之產銷履歷食品項目中。基於此,本研究之目的即在嘗試設計可於線上操作之台灣液蛋產銷履歷資訊系統。藉由網際網路與伺服器連結,讓液蛋產業供應鏈中之飼料業者、蛋雞場業者和液蛋生產業者進行產銷記錄,並提供液蛋之消費者查詢液蛋履歷之服務。本系統採用Windows Server 2003作業系統,以動態網頁程式 ASP.NET 2.0連結伺服器之Microsoft Access 2007 資料庫撰寫而成,建置於中興大學動物科學系之伺服器中。主要架構包括最終消費者之一般查詢、供應鏈中各階段業者之產銷記錄、使用說明及聯絡程式設計者等四項。其中之產銷記錄,使用者必須註冊後才能登入使用。藉由完整履歷之建置,可提高蛋品加工廠對購買產品之信心,更能提高業者之產品競爭力。期望藉由本系統之建立,可作為未來政府機關建置類似產品產銷履歷制度之參考。且在系統發展上可以更進一步加入如檢驗機構,或是其他有參與該生產鏈之業者,使履歷記錄更完整、可供查詢之資料更詳細。
Lots of problems concerning food safety take place frequently around the world in recent years. These problems cause not only the people scare but also large shocks to related food industries. In order to improve these similar problems, many countries actively promote their food traceability system, so does Taiwan. However, liquid egg production is not one item of the food traceability products at the moment. Therefore, this study was made to design a traceability system for liquid eggs which could be operated online. The feed manufacturer, layer farmer and liquid egg manufacturer in liquid egg industry of supply chain could thus connect through Internet to record their production and sale data, and offer consumer of liquid egg manufacturers to trace their product data. This system was designed by adopting Windows Server 2003 operating system, and was written with ASP.NET 2.0 (Active Server Pages.Net 2.0) coordinated with Microsoft Access 2007 databases. This system was installed on the Server of the Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University. The main function includes four sections regarding consumers'' (ex. egg product processing factory) general inquiry, production record for members at different stage of supply chain, operation instructions and contact system designer. After registration and login, the user could handle the section of the production record for members at different stage of supply chain. With the installation of complete traceability and random inspection, the consumers of egg product processing factory could increase their confidence to the liquid eggs they bought; the businessmen also could improve their product competitiveness. It is expected that this system might act as a reference to the traceability system of similar product for the government agency in the future. Also may the further joins like the testing organization in the development of the system, or other participant in enterprise of the supply chain, to make the traceability record more complete, the data for inquiry more detailed.
一、 產銷履歷制度的起源與發展概況......................3
(一) 產銷履歷制度的起源...........................3
(二) 台灣推行產銷履歷制度之概況...................4
(三) 各國的產銷履歷執行情況.......................7
(四) 我國產銷履歷之執行..........................10
二、 產銷履歷之定義與價值.............................15
(一) 產銷履歷之定義..............................15
(二) 產銷履歷對於生產者和消費者之影響與價值......15
三、 產銷履歷系統模型.................................22
(一) 系統之結構..................................22
(二) 系統之核心實體..............................22
(三) 可追溯資源單位的概念........................23
(四) 追溯性分析..................................23
四、 台灣液蛋產業發展概況.............................23
(一) 液蛋的製造..................................24
(二) 液蛋之微生物污染............................25
(三) 液蛋之殺菌處理..............................26
五、 產銷履歷相關資訊與網際網路.......................32
(一) 網際網路與產銷履歷結合之必要性..............34
(二) 產銷履歷相關線上系統之實例..................34
一、 硬體與作業系統...................................42
二、 系統程式語言與軟體...............................42
(一) 網頁設計語言................................42
(二) 資料庫管理系統..............................42
(三) 網頁撰寫軟體................................42
三、 液蛋產銷履歷系統.................................42
(一) 系統之設計..................................42
(二) 系統資料庫..................................43
(三) 系統設計圖..................................43
(四) 系統流程圖..................................44
一、 本系統之架構.....................................46
二、 液蛋產品之生產流程圖與風險管理表.................47
(一) 生產流程圖..................................47
(二) 風險管理表..................................48
三、 液蛋產銷履歷系統主程式...........................49
(一) 飼料廠功能區塊..............................52
(二) 畜牧場功能區塊..............................59
(三) 液蛋廠功能區塊..............................70
四、 本系統之特色與檢討...............................78
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