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研究生(外文):Chin-Chen Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Identification of Nematophagous Fungi from Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chi-Yu Chen
外文關鍵詞:Nematophagous fungipredatory speciesendoparasitic speciesphylogenetic trees.
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線蟲寄生性真菌為以線蟲為營養來源之真菌,本文針對台灣地區之線蟲寄生菌進行多樣性調查。自全台各地之土壤,共分離得到二十種線蟲寄生真菌,屬於捕捉性種類14種,分別為Arthrobotrys amerospora、A. brochopaga、A. dactyloides、A. javanica、A. musiformis、A. oligospora、A. superba、Monacrosporium asthenopagum、M. ellipsosporum、M. eudermatum、M. gephyropagum、M. haptotylum、M. lysipagum and M. thaumasium,屬於內寄生性種類6種,分別為Catenaria anguillulae、Drechmeria coniospora、Harposporium anguillulae、H. bysmatosporum、H. leptospira、Lagenidium caudatum,其中A. amerospora、A. javanica、M. asthenopagum、M. thaumasium、H. bysmatosporum、H. leptospira and L. caudatum為台灣之新紀錄種。每一種類皆於培養條件下,誘導產生捕捉或感染構造,並建立完整之圖譜,各菌種皆與基因庫中既有的種類之分子序列比較分析,結合形態與分子親緣比對,探討其分類地位、各種間之關聯、與其在形態特徵上之演化。結果證明捕捉性種類之捕捉構造具高度演化資訊,唯具有黏著球捕捉構造之種類分屬於兩群,而其中一群與非線蟲寄生菌同群,因此若依捕捉構造進行分類,並未臻完善。而內寄生性真菌種類可依感染方式區分為兩群,分別具黏著性孢子及吞食性孢子。
Nematophagous fungi are characterized by absorbing nutrients from nematodes. In a survey of nematophagous fungi from Taiwan, soil samples were collected from various habitats to conduct the isolation. Twenty species were recognized, including 14 predatory species, Arthrobotrys amerospora, A. brochopaga, A. dactyloides, A. javanica, A. musiformis, A. oligospora, A. superba, Monacrosporium asthenopagum, M. ellipsosporum, M. eudermatum, M. gephyropagum, M. haptotylum, M. lysipagum and M. thaumasium, and 6 endoparasitic species, Catenaria anguillulae, Drechmeria coniospora, Harposporium anguillulae, H. bysmatosporum, H. leptospira, Lagenidium caudatum. Among these species, A. amerospora, A. javanica, M. asthenopagum, M. thaumasium, H. bysmatosporum, H. leptospira and L. caudatum are new records in Taiwan. Isolates of species were induced to produce trapping or infecting structures on culture media. Complete illustrations with all the discernible characters were established for the species obtained. Phylogenetic trees were constricted for predatory and endoparasitic species respectively, based on DNA sequences from isolates in this study and database of Genbank. The taxonomic status, species relatedness, and character evolution were interpreted through comparison between morphology and molecular evidence. Trapping devices of predatory species were phylogenetic informative, but isolates producing adhesive traps were separated in two clades, suggesting that classification of predatory species entirely relying on the types of traps is inadequate. Endoparasitic species can be successfully separated into two clades, coinciding with their methods of parasitism, one being the ingestion spores, the other being the adhesive spores.
(a) DNA萃取---------------------------------------7
(c) PCR產物純化濃縮-------------------------------8
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