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研究生(外文):Shih-Sheng Yang
論文名稱(外文):Study on the hardening treatment in Plug Seedling of Tomato (Lcopersicon esculentum Mill.cv.‘ TAOYUAN AVRDC NO.9’)
指導教授(外文):Woo-Nang Chang
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番茄苗以直線漏空及圓孔穴格之穴盤育苗至五週苗時,經斷水48及24小時與對照組處理後,番茄苗五週苗定植於田間三週之生理性狀與始花情形。缺水健化處理後,定植於中興大學園藝系蔬菜田,行株距為60cm × 45cm,定植時與定植後三週調查株高、莖徑、本葉數等性狀,並於定植後調查始花天數、始花節位等初期生育。
We used‘Lcopersicon esculentum’Mill.cv.‘TAOYUAN AVRDC NO.9’seedling in our study, a half of the plate cell, the bottom of the cell was broken and the the cell board was the same with upper, and the others was control. In our research, we measured the plant growth condition after treated with 48 and 24 hours water-deficit in 4 and 6 week old seedlings. The plant growth condition was showed with plant height, the diameter and length of shoot, the number of leaves, the root length, chlorophyll containing, the fresh and dry weight of shoot, the fresh and dry weight of root, and the TTC test.
Compare with CK, the plant height was higher in different stage of seedling and cell structure after water-deficit treated. Moreover, the shorter of shoot length and shoot diameter were observably in the seedling of water-deficit treated. On the other hand, the node number was the same but the length of node was shorter than CK. When the water-deficit was treated on the 4 weeks old seedling, the root was longer than CK. In our results, the fresh weight of shoots and roots were less than CK and the content of chlorophyll still less than CK. In 4 and 6 weeks old seedling, the activities of TTC test were different after water-deficit treated.
Tomato seedlings were grown in cavity cell (漏空) and round cell until 5 weeks. Before transfer to field, we treated water deficit for 24 and 48 hours, and measured the physiological characters and flowering time after 3 weeks. All of seedlings were plated in field of NCHU after hardening, and the distance of plant growth were 60cm × 45cm. After 3 weeks, we measured the plant height, the diameter and length of shoot, and the number of leaves. We also counted the days of flowering and the node of flower.
一、 前言(Introduction)……………………………………………………1
二、 前人研究(Literature review)…………………………………………3
三、 材料方法(Materials and Methods)………………………………11
四、 結果(Results)…………………………………………………………13
五、 討論(Discussion).……………………………………………………44
六、 參考文獻(Reference)…………………………………………………48
圖 目 次
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