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研究生(外文):Hung-Wen Lu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Adaptive and Matching Steganographic Algorithms for Grayscale Images
外文關鍵詞:Steganographyadaptivehuman visual sensitivityLSB matchingdata hiding
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本論文針對灰階影像提出兩種新類型的影像藏密學技術。第一種類型為具有最少失真性的LSBS (Least Significant Bit Substitution ) 藏密學技術,此技術可改善以LSB嵌入方式為主的藏密學技術所產生的影像失真。新方法的基本概念如下:在嵌入秘密訊息時,我們以3個像素為一組,來嵌入3個位元的訊息。這種利用像素間相互影響的關係,來嵌入秘密訊息,可以有效的減少影像數值可能的變動量。使用我們的新方法,當我們在3個像素中欲嵌入3個位元的秘密訊息時,僅有1個像素的數值會被加1或減1的機率為8分之6;2個像素同時被修改且其像素數值至多被加1或減1的機率為8分之1;3個像素均無需修改的機率為8分之1。平均而言,每一個像素數值可能被修改的機率僅有0.333。實驗結果顯示,我們的方法有效地減少像素數值可能的變動量,故所產生的偽裝影像僅具有極少的失真性。在訊息擷取時,我們的方法不僅具效率性,也具備盲擷取特性;無需原始掩護影像,即可正確無誤的擷取秘密訊息。
In this thesis, we present two novel steganographic techniques for grayscale images. The first technique we propose is a novel LSB matching steganographic algorithm, which provides the minimal degradation of the cover image when embedding the secret message. In conventional algorithms, the probability of pixel modification is 0.5 on average when embedding one bit of secret message into each pixel. In contrast, our new scheme groups three pixels together to convey three bits of secret message. This reduces the probability of pixel modification to as low as 0.333 on average. As a result, our algorithm offers a higher visual quality of the stego image. Experimental results have proven the superiority of our new scheme over previous algorithms.
The second technique we present is a novel adaptive steganography for digital grayscale images based on the human visual sensitivity. Our scheme can reduce the visual quality degradation significantly after the data embedding. The payload of each pixel in the cover image is various and the size of payload is assessed by the local image complexity. Basically, we embed more messages into complex areas than smooth areas taking advantage to preserve the features of the original cover image. Our scheme is efficient and belongs to the blind extraction since we maintain the consistent information held for the image complexity after the data embedding. Experimental results demonstrate that the visual quality produced by our scheme is better than that generated by the existing techniques.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 簡介.....1
1-1 研究動機.....1
1-2 研究目標.....8
1-3 論文架構...... 9
第二章 相關工作及研究..... 11
2-1 簡易型LSBs嵌入技術...... 11
2-2 最佳化LSBs嵌入技術..... 12
2-3 LSB匹配嵌入技術..... 13
2-4 基於像素差值的影像藏密學技術...... 15
2-5 多樣式基底且符合人類視覺靈敏度的影像藏密學技術......19
第三章 新型且具有最少失真性的LSBs匹配藏密學技術...... 24
3-1 訊息嵌入過程...... 24
3-2 訊息取出過程...... 30
3-3 實驗結果與分析比較...... 30
3-4 結論...... 35
第四章 基於人類視覺靈敏度之可適應性藏密學技術...... 36
4-1 訊息嵌入過程...... 36
4-1-1 影像區塊之直方圖統計..... 37
4-1-2 資料嵌入的方法...... 38
4-1-3 子影像複雜度等級的一致性校正......38
4-2 訊息取出過......41
4-3 實驗結果與分析比較......42
4-4 結論......49
第五章 結論及未來工作.....51
5-1 結論......51
5-2 未來研究工作.....52
中英對照表..... 57
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