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研究生(外文):Hui-Ju Wang
論文名稱(外文):Construction & Study of Consumer Behavior in a Virtual Social Space
指導教授(外文):Clyde A. Warden
中文關鍵詞:虛擬社會空間消費者行為紮根理論社會網絡分析NVIVO 軟體UCINET 套裝軟體
外文關鍵詞:virtual social spaceconsumer behaviorgrounded theorysocial network analysisNVIVO softwareUCINET software package
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The growth of YouTube.com, MySpace.com and SecondLife, are part of a trend that consumers seek to partake in communities with increasingly real virtual simulations of actual social environments. Within this context, consumption takes on social meaning and is mostly wrapped in the excuse of self-expression within these virtual social spaces. What constitutes marketing relevant behavior in these social spaces is a dominant issue for consumer behavior in the future, as this is where consumers will increasingly act out their lives. Based on cultural composition of virtual communities, ethnographic-based approaches are warranted to better yield understanding of the meanings that are common to a particular community. Nevertheless, there is no existing theory that adopts this way to addresses the consumer behavior in a virtual space of real simulation.
This research focuses on the creation of a live video virtual social space where users can freely enter and utilize the space, and application of grounded theory and NVIVO software to uncover marketing relevant behavior. As a result, thirty-four types of consumer behavior are constructed and divided into four categories: egocasting, non-verbal behavior, relational pattern, and participation behavior. Next, the technique of social network analysis and the UCINET software package help define groups of consumers and understand their behavioral differences within this virtual space, resulting in a bridge group and core group that exhibit high levels of various types of behaviors than the peripheral or isolated groups. Results are significant for consumer behavior theory development within the context of the emerging online virtual citizen.
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Purpose 2
1.3 Research Framework 4
2.1 Marketing and Virtual Communities 7
2.2 The Concept of Virtual Community 9
2.3 Technology Aspects of Virtual Community 12
2.3.1 Bulletin Board System (BBS) 13
2.3.2 IRC 14
2.3.3 Email 15
2.3.4 Virtual World 16
2.3.5 Videoconferencing 17
2.4 Social Aspects of Virtual Community 18
2.4.1 Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) 18
2.4.2 Social Network and Small Group 21
2.4.3 Causes of Social Interaction in Virtual Communities 24
3.1 The First Stage: Virtual Social Space Design and Implementation 37
3.1.1 Virtual Social Space Construction 38
3.1.2 User Testing 40
3.2 The Second Stage: Grounded Theory Construction 41
3.2.1 Draw and Recording 42
3.2.2 Motion Analysis, Transcription and NVIVO Analysis 42
3.2.3 Theory Construction and Validity Testing 43
3.2.4 Grounded Theory 44
3.3 The Third Stage: Social Network Analysis 45
3.3.1 Data Collection: Relationship Matrix Establishment 47
3.3.2 Define Subgroups: UCINET, NETDRAW, and NVIVO Analysis 47
3.3.3 Behavioral Difference Analysis of Subgroups and Validity Testing 51
4.1 Pre-test Results 53
4.2 Categories of Consumer Behavior 57
4.2.1 Egocasting 57
4.2.2 Relational Patterns 63
4.2.3 Non-Verbal Behavior 67
4.2.4 Participation Behavior 72
4.3 Results of Social Network Analysis 76
4.3.1 Subgroups Analysis 76
4.3.2 Behavioral Difference Analysis of the Subgroups 83
5.1 Discussion 88
5.2 Marketing Implications 93
5.3 Limitation and Future Research 96
Appendix 1. Self-disclosure Frequency 108
Appendix 2. Non-verbal Behavior Frequency 113
Appendix 3. Relational Patterns Frequency 118
Appendix 4. Participation Behavior Frequency 123

Table 1. Definitions of Virtual Communities 10
Table 2. Types of Virtual Communities 13
Table 3. A Conceptual Framework for Causes of Social Interaction in VC 24
Table 4. The Statistics of Observing Data 53
Table 5. The Data of Participants 53
Table 6. The Selective Observation of Egocasting 58
Table 7. The Coding Statistics of Egocasting 62
Table 8. The Selective Observation of Relational Patterns 64
Table 9. The Coding Statistics of Relational Patterns 66
Table 10. The Selective Observation of Nonverbal Behavior 68
Table 11. The Coding Statistics of Nonverbal Behavior 71
Table 12. The Selective Observation of Participation Behavior 72
Table 13. The Coding Statistics of Participation Behavior 74
Table 14. Cliques Analysis 77
Table 15. Two-Mode Core-Periphery Analysis 77
Table 16. Blocks and Cutpoints Analysis 77
Table 17. Subgroup Analysis 80
Table 18. One-way ANOVA Analysis for Average Daily Behaviors 85

Figure 1. Research Gap 4
Figure 2. Research Flow 5
Figure 3. IRC Interface Examples 15
Figure 4. Second Life Online Virtual World 16
Figure 5. Example of Video Conferencing 17
Figure 6. Research Stage 37
Figure 7. Virtual Social Space Programming and Implementation Stage 38
Figure 8.Architecture of Virtual Social Space on Clients and Servers 39
Figure 9. Preliminary Virtual Social Space Design 40
Figure 10. Grounded Theory Stage 42
Figure 11. NVIVO Analysis Software 43
Figure 12. Research Spiral 44
Figure 13. Social Network Analysis Stage 47
Figure 14. UCINET Analysis Software 51
Figure 15. NETDRAW Analysis Software 51
Figure 16.Unsolicited Visitors to Virtual Social Space 56
Figure 17. Use of Commercial Products in Virtual Social Space 56
Figure 18. Examples of Egocasting 61
Figure 19. The Sub-categories of Egocasting 62
Figure 20. Examples of Show 65
Figure 21. Examples of Rule Breaking 65
Figure 22. The Sub-categories of Relational Patterns 66
Figure 23. Imitation Effect of Interaction 67
Figure 24. Gestures and Facial Expression 69
Figure 25. Keeping a Distance and Lining up 70
Figure 26. The Sub-categories of Nonverbal Behavior 71
Figure 27. The Sub-categories of Participation Behavior 74
Figure 28. The Categories of Videoconferencing 75
Figure 29. NETDRAW Visualization of Four Subgroups 80
Figure 30. NETDRAW Visualization of Core Group 81
Figure 31. NETDRAW Visualization of Peripheral Group 81
Figure 32. NETDRAW Visualization of Bridge Group 82
Figure 33. NETDRAW Visualization of Isolate Group 82
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