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研究生(外文):Kai-Tsung Pan
論文名稱(外文):Analysis for Kyphosis''s Gait
外文關鍵詞:biomechanicalkyphosisgait analysis
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實驗方法為利用動作分析系統,擷取貼於受試者肢段上之反光標記於空間中對應之位置與時間,建立肢段座標系,用尤拉角求出各肢段座標系旋轉角度。配合力板測得步行時雙腳對地面的反作用力,以牛頓-尤拉方程式(Newton-Euler eqution)計算出關節受力及力矩。
Kyphosis means an abnormal backward curve to the vertebral column. The purpose of this research was calculating the 3D dynamics data for lower limb of kyphosis’s patients. The moments of the lower limb joint and angles of the joint were compared with normal gaits in references. The research could provide the gait difference between Kyphosis’s patient and normal people for clinic physician to understand.
The methods of experience used a Motion Analysis system to get the marks from patients which could analysis the positions and time relative to space. The positions and time could establish the segment coordinate to compute the rotation angles by using Euler-angle. The force plate test could get walking reaction forces of feet relative to ground. Newton-Euler equation was used to calculate forces and moments of the joint.
The experimental results show the patients’ knee joint motions in the sagittal plane were lower than normal people while walking; however, the hip joint motions in the frontal plane and transverse plane were higher than normal people. According to the joint angles and joint moments in this result, it was to infer that the patients were hardly able to extend their hips when standing. Patients who had Kyphosis with scoliosis would cause lateral trunk lean and the asymmetric moments of the hip joint in the frontal plane.
謝誌 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
一、前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 5
二、文獻探討 6
2.1 脊柱 6
2.1.1 脊柱的構造與功能脊柱(vertebral column) 7
2.2 步態分析 10
2.2.1步態分析週期 11
2.2.2 步態分析簡介 (Introduction of Gait Analysis) 14
三、理論分析 16
3.1 運動學及動力學流程 16
3.2 人體動作生物力學 18
3.2.1 運動學 18
3.2.2 動力學 19
3.3 下肢各關節中心求法 20
3.3.1 髖關節中心求法 20
3.3.2 膝關節中心(Knee center) 22
3.3.3 踝關節中心(Ankle center) 23
3.4 座標系定義(Definition of Coordinate System) 25
3.4.1 大腿座標系 25
3.4.2 小腿座標系 26
3.4.3 足部座標系 27
3.5 關節夾角-尤拉角的計算 28
3.5.1 髖關節(Hip joint) 28
3.5.2 膝關節(Knee joint)及踝關節(Ankle joint) 30
3.6 角速度和角加速度(Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration) 32
3.6.1 尤拉參數(Euler parameters)(Edward, 1992) 32
3.6.2 計算肢段角速度、角加速度 33
3.7 實驗室座標系和測力板座標系 34
3.7.1 實驗室座標系 34
3.7.2 力板座標 35
四、材料設備與方法 37
4.1 實驗設備與軟體 37
4.2 實驗方法 40
4.2.1 建立實驗室座標系 40
4.2.2 運動資料收集(Motion Data Collection) 41
4.2.3撰寫MATLAB程式 41
五、結果與討論 43
5.1驗證Matlab程式正確性 43
5.2運動學之分析結果 48
5.2.1受測者A關節角度 48
5.2.2受測者B的關節角度 51
5.2.3受測者C的關節角度 55
5.3動力學之分析結果 60
5.3.1受測者A之髖關節力矩 60
5.3.2受測者B之髖關節力矩 62
5.3.3受測者C之髖關節力矩 63
5.4討論 66
六、結論與建議 73
七、參考文獻 75
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