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研究生(外文):Chia-hsin Shih
論文名稱(外文):Studies on population variation of Isatis indigotica Fortune
外文關鍵詞:Isatis indigoticaselectionagronomic characteractive composition
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一、經Hotelling,s T2多重比較測驗法分析發現,菘藍品種間呈極顯著差異。
三、比較菘藍活性成分含量及產量在不同部位之變異,葉部tryptanthrin、indigo、indirubin、anthranilic acid及benzoic acid等含量及產量皆比根部高,惟總多醣含量及產量則以根部較高。
四、就活性成分含量及產量在各地方品種之變異而言,葉部之tryptanthrin、indirubin、anthranilic acid及salicylic acid和根部之benzoic acid、salicylic acid及總多醣含量及產量平均值,均以河北-2品種為最高。活性成分含量之品種內變異係數則以河南-1品種最大,而活性成分產量之品種內變異係數則因成分不同而異。
五、由單株活性成分含量及產量之相關分析結果顯示,各地方品種之大多數農藝性狀相互間呈顯著正相關群,且與葉部之tryptanthrin、indigo、indirubin及總多醣產量,以及根部之benzoic acid和總多醣產量均呈顯著正相關群,但是與葉部tryptanthrin、indigo及indirubin含量呈顯著負相關群。在葉部tryptanthrin含量及產量與葉部indigo、indirubin及總多醣含量及產量均呈顯著正相關群;葉部benzoic acid含量及產量與葉部anthranilic acid和salicylic acid含量及產量亦呈顯著正相關。葉和根部之各活性成分含量及產量之相關則無顯著。
Four landraces of Isatis indigotica Fort. introduced from China were used to investigate the inter- and intra-specific variations of agronomic characters and active compositions to collect information for selection breeding in Taiwan. The results are summarized as follows:
1. Significant differences are found among four landraces according to Hotelling,s T2 test.
2. Hebei-1 landrace shows large mean value of population and intra-specific variations in agronomic traits including leaf dry weight, plant height, plant width, leaf number, leaf length and leaf width.
3. Most active composition such as tryptanthrin, indigo, indirubin, anthranilic acid, and benzoic acid content and yield are higher in leaf than in root except for the total polysaccharides content and yield.
4. Among the tested landraces, Hebei-2 contains the highest content and yield of tryptanthrin, indirubin, anthranilic acid, salicylic acid in leaf, and benzoic acid, salicylic acid and total polysaccharides in root. Hanan-1 shows highest intra-specific variations for active compositions content. Intra-specific variations present independently in active compositions yield.
5. Significantly positive correlations of all agronomic traits are found by correlation analyses. Agronomic traits show positive correlations with tryptanthrin, indigo, indirubin and total polysaccharides yield in leaf, and the benzoic acid and total polysaccharides yield in root, but negatively correlated with tryptanthrin, indigo, and indirubin content in the leaf. The relationship among tryptanthrin, indigo, and indirubin conent and yield are significantly positive in leaf. In leaf benzoic acid conent and yield is positively correlated with anthranilic acid and salicylic acid conent and yield in leaf. There are no significant correlations among content of active compositions of leaf and root.
6. According to the principal components analysis, the first component represents agronomic traits and the second component represents the active compositions in leaf and root. Plants of each landraces can be distinguished according to the two principal components.
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