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研究生(外文):Yuan-Wei Liu
論文名稱(外文):Analsis and Control Design for Signal Transduction Networks
指導教授(外文):Chun-Liang Lin
外文關鍵詞:signal transduction networksbiochemical networkssystems biologyfeedback linearizationLyapunov stability
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Signal transduction networks of biological systems are highly complex. How to mathematically describe a signal transduction network by systematic approaches so as to further develop an appropriate and effective control strategy is attractive to control engineers. In this thesis, a mathematical model and a controller design idea of signal transduction networks are presented. For constructing mathematical model, a new cascaded analysis model is proposed. Dynamic analysis, steady-state analysis, stability analysis, sensitivity analysis and controller design are simulated and fully verified. It is expected that this research could be a basis for constructing mathematical models and designing controllers for signal transduction networks in biological systems.
誌謝 (i)
中文摘要 (ii)
Abstract (iii)
Contents (iv)
List of Figures (vi)
List of Tables (ix)
Chapter 1 Introduction (1)
Chapter 2 Mathematical Model for Signal Transduction Networks (4)
2.1 S-systems (4)
2.2 Parameter Estimation (5)
2.3 Signal Transduction Networks Model (7)
2.4 Cascaded Analysis Model (10)
Chapter 3 Stability and Sensitivity Analysis (13)
3.1 Threshold parameter values of S-systems (13)
3.2 Stability of Linearized Model (15)
3.3 Sensitivity Analysis (19)
Chapter 4 Control Design (24)
4.1 Control Design Using Feedback Linearization (24)
Chapter 5 Numerical Simulations (30)
5.1 Parameter estimation (30)
5.2 Cascaded analysis model (32)
5.3 Stability of Taylor’s linerized model (33)
5.4 Sensitivity analysis (35)
5.5 Control design (37)
5.6 Control Design for Cascaded Analysis Model (41)
Chapter 6 Discussion (47)
Chapter 7 Conclusions (49)
Reference (51)
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