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研究生(外文):Sheng-Yu Huang
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Architecture Design of Efficient Motion Estimations
指導教授(外文):Yeong-Kang Lai
外文關鍵詞:H.264VLSIVideo CompressionFull Search Motion EstimationFast Motion EstimationParallel Algorithm
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第二部分,我們提出一個應用於高效能以及高解析度視訊品質的移動估算器,此架構所採用的演算法為全區域搜尋區塊比對演算法,此架構為具有可調性以及管線化的二維移動估算器架構。由可調性以及管線化的技術,增加了此架構的效能,並滿足處理能力的需求。並且此架構在畫面邊界上,可以連續處理,而不會有任何的閒置時間,架構上採用層級C+的資料重複使用,來降低外部記憶體頻寬。實作上採用標準單元以及TSMC 0.18um 1P6M製程實作,晶片實作結果顯示此架構為目前最快速之全搜尋架構,本架構可工作於100 MHz,其消耗功率為364.06 mW,晶片面積為3.24 × 3.24 mm2。
第三部分,我們提出一個基於像素取樣的快速演算法,此演算法能避免陷入局部最佳的情況。同時,此快速演算法可保有和全搜尋相當的視訊品質,並只需要全區域搜尋區塊比對演算法7.5%之運算量。此演算法應用於移動估算硬體架構上,可以達到低功率消耗,為了節省硬體面積,採用4 × 4處理單元、樹狀加法器與平行比較單元,且此硬體皆可以於兩個步驟上重複使用。在記憶體方面,採用分離記憶體結構與內嵌記憶體組態兩種技術,將像素有效率的儲存於記憶體中,以達到層級C的資料重複使用率。實作上採用標準單元以及TSMC 0.18um 1P6M製程實作,晶片實作結果,在節省面積和提升運算速度的綜合表現為全搜尋架構之十五倍。最高工作頻率為52.4 MHz,可處理SDTV(720 × 480)的畫面,消耗功率為43.38mW,晶片面積為2.3 × 1.7 mm2。
最後,我們提出一個基於二階段漸進的快速演算法,並將其套用於H.264/AVC中整數點移動估算架構上。於第一階段,我們採用全域消除演算法與取樣的機制來達到節省運算量的目的;第二階段再以固定區域做全區域搜尋區塊比對演算法,來減少影像失真過大的現象發生。此快速演算法可保有和全搜尋相當的視訊品質,並只需要多重區塊大小之全區域搜尋區塊比對演算法5%的運算量。為了達到所制定的H.264編碼器規格,採用平行處理。4 × 4個像素加法器用來萃取大約的特徵,平行樹狀絕對差值加法器用來執行比對工作,四組平行比較單元用來分別找尋各自有潛力的候選區塊。在記憶體方面,同樣採用分離記憶體結構與內嵌記憶體組態兩種技術,達到層級C的資料重複使用率。實作上採用標準單元以及TSMC 0.18um 1P6M製程實作,晶片實作結果,在節省面積和提升運算速度的綜合表現為全搜尋架構之二十倍。最高工作頻率為62.5 MHz,可處理HD720p(1280 × 720)的畫面,消耗功率為183.0 mW,晶片面積為3.20 × 3.58 mm2。
Motion estimation is the most important part in video coding systems. It demands the most computing power and memory access in a video encoder. Among them, H.264/AVC is the latest international video coding standard. It can save 37%, 48%, and 64% of bitrates in comparison with MPEG-4, H.263, and MPEG-2, respectively. In the first part of this thesis, we introduce main motion estimation algorithms and architectures during the last two decades (1981-2006).
Secondly, we proposed an application to the video qualities of high performance and high resolution motion estimator. This architecture is a scalable two-dimensional pipelined motion estimation processor for full search block matching algorithm (FSBMA). By scalable and pipeline technology, this architecture can be scaled up or down to meet the performance requirements. The proposed 2-D motion estimator can perform the block-matching operations of the consecutive frames smoothly without any processing element (PE) idle time at frame boundaries. Furthermore, it reduced the external memory bandwidth with level C+ data reuse. The proposed architecture has been implemented using standard cell methodology for TSMC 0.18um 1P6M technology. The chip implementation results show that the performance of the proposed architecture is high for FSBMA. It can work at 100 MHz and its power consumption is about 364.06 mW. And its chip size is 3.24 × 3.24 mm2.
Thirdly, our proposed fast algorithm can avoid trapping into the local minimum based on pixel subsampling algorithm. While preserving the same quality as FSBMA, our algorithm complexity is about 7.5% of FSBMA one. Thus, the power consumption of our proposed motion estimator is low. It is composed of a 4 × 4 PE array, a parallel sum of absolute differences (SAD) tree, and a parallel comparator tree. The hardware cost is low since the datapath can be reused during the operations of these two steps. In order to reduce the system memory bandwidth, the memory interleaving organization and local memory configuration are proposed to easily arrange the current and reference pixel, and it may achieve the Level C data reuse scheme. The proposed architecture has been implemented using standard cell methodology for TSMC 0.18um 1P6M technology. The proposed architecture can process SDTV (720 × 480) resolution pictures in 30 frames per second at 52 MHz. The chip implementation results show that the proposed architecture is 15 times more area-speed efficient than full search architectures. It can work at 52.4 MHz, and its power consumption is about 43.38 mW. And its chip size is 2.3 × 1.7 mm2.
Finally, we proposed a fast motion estimation algorithm based on coarse-to-fine technique. We applied it to integer motion estimator of H.264 encoder. In the first stage, we adopt global elimination and downsampling algorithm to reduce computational complexity. In the second stage, we perform local full search on pixels around the selected candidates to obtain the 41 MVs. While preserving the same quality as FS, our algorithm complexity is about 5% of the variable block size (VBS) full search. In order to achieve H.264 encoder specification, we adopt parallel processing techniques. The corresponding coarse-to-fine architecture is composed of the pixel sum array to extract coarse features, the parallel SAD tree to perform matching operations, and the parallel comparator tree of four banks to find the each potential candidate. In order to reduce the system memory bandwidth, the memory interleaving organization and local memory configuration are also proposed to arrange the current and reference pixel, and achieve the Level C data reuse scheme. The proposed architecture has been implemented using standard cell methodology for TSMC 0.18um 1P6M technology. The proposed architecture can process HD720p (1280 × 720) resolution pictures in 30 frames per second at 59.6 MHz. The chip implementation results show that proposed architecture is 20 times of VBS full search architectures according to area-speed product. It can work at 62.5 MHz and power consumption is about 183.0 mW. The chip size is 3.20 × 3.58 mm2.
In conclusion, the contributions of the thesis mainly focus on three directions. Firstly, the scalable two-dimensional pipelined motion estimator has high performance and low external memory bandwidth. Secondly, the motion estimator based on fast pixel subsampling algorithm can reduce the maximum computational complexity and hardware cost with minimum video quality distortion. Thirdly, the motion estimator based on coarse-to-fine fast algorithm can achieve the highest performance among all integer motion estimation architectures and can support HD720p video format in H.264/AVC application. This architecture has low power consumption and low hardware cost, and it can almost display the same video quality as full search. We sincerely hope that our research results can make progress for the video technology.
第一章 引言 1
1.1  數位影像發展趨勢 1
1.2  視訊編碼概要 2
1.3  H.264/AVC編碼標準概要 4
1.4  論文各章概述 6
第二章 移動估算和H.264/AVC編碼之演算法與架構回顧 7
2.1  移動估算與補償之概念 7
2.1.1  區塊比對演算法 7
2.1.2  全區域搜尋區塊比對演算法 9
2.2  快速移動估算演算法 10
2.2.1  三步搜尋演算法 11
2.2.2  鑽石搜尋演算法 11
2.2.3  一維全搜尋演算法 13
2.2.4  四步搜尋演算法 13
2.2.5  像素取樣演算法 14
2.2.6  階層式搜尋演算法 14
2.2.7  連續消除演算法 14
2.2.8  多階層連續消除演算法 16
2.2.9  全域消除演算法 17
2.3  移動估算之架構 19
2.3.1  一維線性處理陣列架構 19
2.3.2  全區域區塊比對演算法之陣列架構 19
2.3.3  三步搜尋移動估算之硬體架構 21
2.3.4  全區域消除演算法之移動估算架構 22
2.4  H.264/AVC編碼標準介紹 23
2.4.1  多重方塊大小的移動估算和移動補償 23
2.4.2  多重參考畫面 25
2.4.3  四分之一像素之移動補償 25
2.4.4  移動向量預測 27
2.4.5  畫面內框預測 28
2.4.6  熵編碼 29
2.4.7  Lagrangian位元率-失真最佳化 30
2.5  H.264/AVC整數移動估算架構介紹 31
2.5.1  多重方塊大小的移動估算架構 32
2.5.2  移動向量預測架構 32
第三章 適用於全區域搜尋區塊比對演算法且具畫面層級全管線化之可調式移動估算處理器 35
3.1  基於full search提出的移動估算器架構 35
3.2  從Level C+到Level D的資料重複使用之架構 39
3.3  硬體實作 41
3.3.1  晶片設計流程 41
3.3.2  晶片規格 41
3.3.3  晶片實作結果 43
3.4  比較與貢獻 45
第四章 基於像素取樣快速演算法之平行移動估算器電路架構設計與實現 47
4.1  基於像素取樣技術之快速演算法 47
4.2  演算法比較 50
4.3  基於像素取樣所提出的移動估算器架構 52
4.3.1  控制單元 52
4.3.2  記憶體單元 54
4.3.3  Barrel shifter、PE與SAD tree計算單元 57
4.3.4  比較電路單元 59
4.3.5  整體的電路架構 60
4.4  硬體實作 61
4.4.1  晶片設計流程 61
4.4.2  晶片的規格 62
4.4.3  晶片實作結果 63
4.5  比較與貢獻 65
第五章 適用於H.264/AVC之二階段漸進式快速移動估算演算法及其電路架構設計與實現 67
5.1  適用於H.264/AVC之二階段漸進式快速演算法 67
5.2  二階段漸進式快速演算法與全區域搜尋之比較 70
5.3  針對二階段漸進式快速演算法所提出的移動估算器架構 83
5.3.1  控制單元 83
5.3.2  記憶體單元 85
5.3.3  Pixel Sum、Cluster、SAD adder tree與SATD之計算單元 88
5.3.4  平行比較電路單元 90
5.3.5  整體的電路架構 91
5.4  硬體實作 92
5.4.1  晶片設計流程 92
5.4.2  晶片的規格 93
5.4.3  晶片實作結果 94
5.5  比較與貢獻 97
第六章 結論 99
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