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研究生(外文):Yung-Fu Wu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of IL-1β- and IL-8-encoding gene sequences and their recombinant protein structure and function of avian species
指導教授(外文):Long-Huw Lee
外文關鍵詞:IL-1βIL-8avian reovirusmacrophages
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將雞、鴨、鵝、火雞和鴿子的介白素-1β (interleukin-1β, IL-1β) 轉譯區選殖且加以定序。雞、鴨、鵝和火雞的IL-1β轉譯區皆為804個核苷酸,且皆轉譯出268個胺基酸。鴿子的IL-1β轉譯區為810個核苷酸,轉譯出270個胺基酸。在鴿子的IL-1β轉譯區內可發現兩個單一核苷酸及一個連續四個核苷酸的插入,導致鴿子IL-1β蛋白質多出兩個胺基酸。五種禽源IL-1β轉譯區彼此的基因相同程度及胺基酸的相同程度均在77到99%之間,平均值為89%。在IL-1β基因及胺基酸樹狀圖的分析比較中,雞、鴨、鵝和火雞屬於同一個族群,而鴿子則屬於另一個族群。以五種禽源IL-1β成熟型蛋白免疫小鼠得來的抗血清,皆能與自體及異源IL-1β成熟型蛋白結合。五種禽源IL-1β成熟型蛋白皆能有效地誘發DF-1細胞株產生K60 mRNA。若預先與個別抗血清感作,在高濃度抗體稀釋倍數時,能明顯地被血清阻斷而抑制IL-1β之生物活性。綜合上述結果顯示,此五種禽源之重組IL-1β成熟型蛋白皆具有生物活性,並且在結構及功能上彼此間具有交叉反應。
在家禽里奧病毒複製過程中,使用去蛋白衣、RNA和蛋白質抑制劑,病毒去蛋白衣之中間產物 (infectious subviral particles, ISVP),經binary ethylenimine (BEI) 處理之不活化病毒,及缺少雙股RNA基因體的病毒顆粒 (empty particles),刺激雞巨噬細胞,分析IL-1β mRNA之表現特性。結果顯示,在病毒複製過程中,會誘發雞巨噬細胞分泌IL-1β mRNA,並有兩種不同的表現模式。病毒去蛋白衣時,會誘發IL-1β mRNA快速且短暫的表現,在感染雞巨噬細胞後30分鐘即可發現,並在2小時達到高峰,隨即減弱直到6小時內。而在感染6小時後,病毒RNA合成比蛋白質合成更能誘發IL-1β mRNA,且為穩定而持續地分泌。另外,空的病毒顆粒及其經chymotrypsin處理過的ISVP,比具感染力的病毒顆粒或經BEI處理過的不活化病毒,較無法誘發雞巨噬細胞分泌IL-1β mRNA。綜合上述結果推測,dsRNA或不活化的RNA,在ARV感染雞巨噬細胞時,為誘發IL-1β mRNA中扮演重要的角色。
雞、鴨、鵝、火雞和鴿子的介白素-8 (interleukin-8, IL-8) 已成功地選殖、定序並且分析特性。每一個IL-8的開放讀碼框皆為312個核苷酸,且轉譯出103個胺基酸。基因序列比對分析出彼此間的相同度介於87% 到100%,而胺基酸比對出彼此間的相同度介於84% 到100%。在親源樹狀圖分析中,雞、鴨、鵝和火雞的IL-8開放讀碼框屬於一個族群,而鴿子的IL-8開放讀碼框屬於另一個族群。這些結果從五種禽源重組IL-8蛋白抗血清彼此間的結合試驗,重組IL-8蛋白的趨化活性試驗與抗血清的阻斷活性試驗中,可推測五種禽源重組IL-8蛋白皆具有功能活性,且彼此間在結構及功能上亦有相似之處。
Interleukin (IL)-1β-encoding regions of chicken, duck, goose, turkey, and pigeon were cloned and sequenced. Each IL-1β-encoding region of chicken, duck, goose, and turkey is 804 nucleotides long and encodes IL-1β protein that is 268 amino acids. Pigeon IL-1β-encoding region is 810 nucleotides long and encodes IL-1β protein that is 270 amino acids. Two one-nucleotide and one four-nucleotide insertions of pigeon IL-1β-encoding region sequence were found, resulting in two amino acid insertions in pigeon IL-1β. Pairwise sequence analysis showed that the sequence identities of IL-1β-encoding genes ranged from 77 to 99% which were also found for IL-1β protein sequence identities, with an average level of both sequence identities of 89%. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that IL-1β-encoding regions and the encoded proteins of chicken, duck, goose, and turkey clustered together and evolved into a distinct phylogenetic lineage from that of pigeon which evolved into a second lineage. The results from the binding reaction of antiserum against each recombinant IL-1β (rIL-1β) protein to homologous or heterologous rIL-1β, the enhancement levels of K60 mRNA expression in rIL-1β-treated DF-1 cells, or the reduction levels of K60 mRNA expression in DF-1 cells treated with rIL-1β that was preincubated with homologous or heterologous antiserum showed that all five rIL-1β were functional active and shared significantly structural and functional homology.
Inhibitors of viral disassembly or RNA and protein synthesis, viral disassembly intermediates (infectious subviral particles, ISVP), binary ethylenimine-inactivated virions, and viral particles lacking genomic double-stranded RNA (empty particles) used to assess the expression of interleuin-1β (IL-1β) mRNA in chicken macrophages in response to avian reovirus. The results demonstrated that two distinct expression patterns of chIL-1β mRNA mediated by different steps in viral replication were found. Viral disassembly was required for induction of a rapid, transient expression of chIL-1β mRNA that was rapidly induced at 30 min, with maximal levels reached at 2 h, and fell to a low level within 6 h post-inoculation; while viral RNA synthesis rather than protein translation, which were subsequent to membrane penetration, was required to induce a stable, sustained expression of chIL-1β mRNA that occurred at and after 6 h post-inoculation. In addition, the induction of chIL-1β mRNA expression by the empty particles and ISVP was exceedingly weak, compared to the active double-stranded (ds) RNA+ virions or binary ethylenimine-inactivated virions, suggesting that the presence of dsRNA, even if transcriptionally inactive, may be an important factor in this response.
Interleukin (IL)-8-encoding regions of five avian species were cloned, sequenced and characterized. Each IL-8-encoding region is 312 nucleotides long and encodes IL-8 which is 103 amino acids. Pairwise sequence analysis showed that sequence identities of IL-8-encoding regions ranged from 87% to 100%. The IL-8 protein identities varied from 84% to 100%. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that IL-8-encoding regions and encoded proteins of chicken, duck, goose and turkey clustered together and evolved into a distinct phylogenetic lineage from that of pigeon which evolved into a second lineage. The results from binding reactivities of antiserum against each recombinant IL-8 (rIL-8) protein to homologous or heterologous rIL-8 proteins, chemotactic activities of each rIL-8 protein or reduction levels of the chemotactic activity of rIL-8 protein which was pretreated with homologous or heterlogous antiserum have suggested that all five IL-8 proteins were functionally active, and shared structural and functional identity with each other.
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III
目 次 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V
表 次 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X
圖 次 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI
第一章 文獻探討 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 介白素-1的種類與性質 ---------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 IL-1的生物功能活性 -------------------------------------------------- 3
第三節 IL-1的訊息傳遞路徑 -------------------------------------------------- 4
第四節 IL-1接受體 (IL-1 Receptor, IL-1R) --------------------------------- 5
第五節 家禽里奧病毒的歷史與臨床背景 ---------------------------------- 7
5-1 家禽里奧病毒之臨床症狀及病理學變化 ------------------------- 8
5-2 家禽里奧病毒之感染途徑及複製 ---------------------------------- 8
第六節 家禽里奧病毒的一般特性 ------------------------------------------- 8
6-1 病毒結構 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 8
6-2 病毒的物理化學特性 ------------------------------------------------- 9
6-3 病毒的增殖及純化 ---------------------------------------------------- 10
第七節 家禽里奧病毒之基因體 ---------------------------------------------- 11
7-1 病毒基因體 ------------------------------------------------------------- 11
7-2 家禽里奧病毒基因與相對應之蛋白質 ---------------------------- 12
7-2-1 λA蛋白 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12
7-2-2 λB蛋白 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12
7-2-3 λC蛋白 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
7-2-4 μA蛋白 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
7-2-5 μB蛋白 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
7-2-6 μNS蛋白 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 14
7-2-7 σA蛋白 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
7-2-8 σB蛋白 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
7-2-9 σC蛋白 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
7-2-10 p10蛋白 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 15
7-2-11 p17蛋白 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 15
7-2-12 σNS蛋白 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 15
第八節 家禽里奧病毒之複製 ------------------------------------------------- 15
第九節 趨化素與介白素-8 ----------------------------------------------------- 16
9-1 趨化素的簡介 ---------------------------------------------------------- 16
9-2 IL-8的發現 ------------------------------------------------------------- 17
9-3 IL-8的分子結構 ------------------------------------------------------- 17
第十節 雞IL-8 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
10-1 雞IL-8的發現 ---------------------------------------------------------- 18
10-2 雞IL-8之生物來源及蛋白質合成 ---------------------------------- 19
10-3 雞IL-8在組織分佈情形 ---------------------------------------------- 19
10-4 雞IL-8基因的表現 ---------------------------------------------------- 20
10-5 目前雞IL-8的應用 ---------------------------------------------------- 20
第二章 雞、鴨、鵝、火雞和鴿子五種禽鳥類介白素-1β基因序列與蛋白質結構及功能分析 --------------------------------------------------
第一節 序言 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
第二節 材料與方法 ------------------------------------------------------------- 22
2-1 細胞培養 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 22
2-2 萃取細胞之總RNA ---------------------------------------------------- 23
2-3 IL-1β基因選殖 --------------------------------------------------------- 24
2-4 IL-1β基因TOPO TA Cloning ----------------------------------------- 25
2-5 IL-1β基因定序 ---------------------------------------------------------- 25
2-6 定序結果之序列分析 -------------------------------------------- 26
2-7 rIL-1β蛋白之表現與純化 --------------------------------------- 26
2-8 表現蛋白之純化 -------------------------------------------------------- 27
2-9 重組蛋白之電泳分析與確認 ----------------------------------------- 28
2-10 rIL-1β蛋白之抗體製備 ------------------------------------------------ 29
2-11 抗體結合試驗 ----------------------------------------------------------- 29
2-12 rIL-1β活性分析試驗 ------------------------------------------------- 30
第三節 結果 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
3-1 五種禽類IL-1β基因序列之分析比較 ------------------------------ 30
3-2 IL-1β基因讀碼框與蛋白質之比較分析 --------------------------- 31
3-3 五種禽類IL-1β讀碼框基因序列演化樹分析 -------------------- 31
3-4 五種禽類IL-1β重組蛋白質之表現、鑑定與純化 -------------- 32
3-5 小鼠抗重組IL-1β蛋白血清力價測定與其他禽源重組IL-1β蛋白相互結合能力測定 -----------------------------------------------
3-6 重組IL-1β蛋白質之生物活性分析 --------------------------------- 33
第四節 討論 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
第三章 IL-1β mRNA於雞源巨噬細胞對家禽里奧病毒反應之表現特性 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
第一節 序言 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
第二節 材料與方法 -------------------------------------------------------------- 47
2-1 病毒和細胞的培養 ----------------------------------------------------- 47
2-2 實驗動物 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 48
2-3 病毒純化與ISVP製備 ------------------------------------------------ 48
2-4 病毒不活化 -------------------------------------------------------------- 49
2-5 巨噬細胞的病毒感染 -------------------------------------------------- 49
2-6 總RNA的製備與RT-PCR -------------------------------------------- 49
2-7 病毒定量 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 50
2-8 統計分析 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 50
第三節 結果 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 51
3-1 家禽里奧病毒顆粒的分析 -------------------------------------------- 51
3-2 里奧病毒去蛋白衣的抑制劑處理巨噬細胞並無法完全阻斷dsRNA+病毒顆粒所誘發的chIL-1β mRNA表現 -----------------
3-3 家禽里奧病毒經chymotrypsin消化製備的ISVPs能夠誘發chIL-1β mRNA的表現 ------------------------------------------------
3-4 家禽里奧病毒經由兩種不同的模式誘發chIL-1β mRNA的表現 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3-5 Cycloheximide於家禽里奧病毒誘發chIL-1β mRNA表現時的影響 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
3-6 缺損基因體dsRNA的里奧病毒顆粒會誘發chIL-1β mRNA快速且短暫而非穩定而持續的表現 -----------------------------------
第四節 討論 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 63
第四章 雞、鴨、鵝、火雞和鴿子五種禽鳥類介白素-8基因序列與蛋白質結構及功能分析 --------------------------------------------------
第一節 序言 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 66
第二節 材料與方法 -------------------------------------------------------------- 67
2-1 實驗動物 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 67
2-2 細胞培養 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 67
2-3 IL-8開放讀碼框基因的選殖與定序 -------------------------------- 67
2-4 樹狀圖分析 -------------------------------------------------------------- 68
2-5 rIL-8蛋白質的製備 ---------------------------------------------------- 68
2-6 抗體製備 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 69
2-7 抗體結合試驗 ----------------------------------------------------------- 69
2-8 趨化反應實驗 ----------------------------------------------------------- 70
2-9 統計分析 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 70
第三節 結果 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
3-1 五種禽源IL-8開放讀碼框的序列分析 ---------------------------- 70
3-2 IL-8開放讀碼框和蛋白質序列比較 -------------------------------- 71
3-3 五種禽源IL-8開放讀碼框的樹狀圖分析 ------------------------- 71
3-4 五種禽源rIL-8 蛋白的表現、鑑定與純化 ----------------------- 71
3-5 抗體的力價測定與和異源蛋白的交叉結合反應 ----------------- 72
3-6 rIL-8蛋白的趨化試驗 ------------------------------------------------- 72
第四節 討論 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 84
第五節 總結與展望 -------------------------------------------------------------- 87
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90
附 錄 修業期間發表論文 ----------------------------------------------------- 108
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