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研究生(外文):Jian-Jhe Jian
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Improvement of Grouping Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
外文關鍵詞:TinyOSnesCWireless Sensor NetworksGrouping Protocols
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本篇paper中比較目前主要的層次型topology控制演算法的特點,並實際執行了TopDisc三色演算法,另外針對TopDisc對於群組分配不均(尤其是四色演算法)提出了修正。利用子節點回報給父節點的封包,來得知自己是否缺少群組成員,避免出現類似黑色孤子的情況發生。最後為了讓上層應用在能夠在執行topology的同時,各種應用組件能流暢的替換,演算法組件也必須有一個符合TinyOS官方標準的Active Message的通訊介面。我們使用了TinyOS底下的apps程式做為範例,讓應用程式組件與通訊組件之安插一個介面。
Because of the progress of the electric technology of the microcomputer in nearly ten years, volume and manufacturing cost of microprocessor chips, radio control components and all kinds of sensor components reduce gradually to we can accept. This makes the application of the detecting device field popularize more and more. These equipments have small cost range we can accept, put thousands of quantities within the range of investigation which we need , calculates the observed data dispersing and then return data to the base.
Node in the detecting device network is usually the embedded equipment in small volume, It can only generally use the battery to get the energy. Because the node power of communication and computing capability are very limited, except that design MAC protocol with efficiency, route protocol and use one layer of protocol, must also design the network topology controlling mechanism of the optimization. Good topology structure can raise the efficiency of the route protocol and MAC protocol and marking the target’s position. This can improve efficiency of the whole network and existence time.
we compare characteristic of the main algorithm at present in this paper, and we has implemented Three-Colors Algorithm of TopDisc actually. In addition, we propose revising for TopDisc (especially Four-Colors Algorithms) assigns groups unevenly. Utilizing the sub node reported a package to the parents node, It can find if lack group members or not to avoid the situation the single black node in one group. In order to application components can be replaced smooth when top application floor building the topology. The algorithm components must have a communication interface which accords with TinyOS official Active Message standard. We use some programs in apps of TinyOS for example, let A interface is inserted between communication components and application program components.
摘要 IV
目錄 VI
圖目表 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 導論 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 研究背景與發展動機 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 背景知識 4
2.1 WSN之程式語言與作業系統 4
2.2 Network Embedded System C 4
2.2.1 Component 5
2.2.2 Interface 7
2.2.3 Wiring 8
2.2.4 Task 10
2.3 Topology Control 11
2.3.1 Power Control 12
2.3.2 Topology structure Control 15
第三章 系統實行 25
3.1 Active Message Module 25
3.2 上層結構協定 28
3.3 程式設計 30
第四章 結論與未來展望 40
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