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研究生(外文):Ming-huang Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Rapid motion of a dry granular matter down an inclined moving plane
指導教授(外文):Chung Fang
外文關鍵詞:Goodman-Cowin theoryMüller-Liu entropy principlegranular matters
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本論文依據修正Good-Cowin理論,發展出一套乾燥顆粒物質的本構方程,其中使用熱力分析 (Müller-Liu entropy principle) 來取得平衡態的本構表示式,非平衡態的部分則使用準線性理論的假設來獲得。此本構模型被應用在一個由重力所驅使,且傾斜底板會移動的穩態、等溫、不可壓縮的乾燥快速顆粒流上,依據數值模擬得到的結果,分析流場中顆粒流行為,並改變一些參數來觀察顆粒流行為的變化;數值結果顯示出,此引入描述動力行為的力平衡方程式的模型,非常接近實驗模擬與實際現象所發生的快速顆粒流行為。
Based on the Goodman-Cowin theory we construct a constitutive model for dry granular materials. A thermodynamic analysis, based on the Müller-Liu entropy principle, is performed to derive the equilibrium expressions of the constitutive variables, and non-equilibrium responses are proposed by use of a quasi-linear theory. The model is applied to investigate a steady, isothermal, gravity-driven dry granular flow down an inclined moving plane. Numerical simulations are carried out to study the behavior of the flowing granular materials. Numerical results indicate that the predicted behavior is similar to those observed in the laboratory and field observations. The present model shows a good potential to simulate the behavior of rapid dry granular flows.
第一章 簡介..........................1
1.1 顆粒物質.........................1
1.2 顆粒物質的應用...................2
1.3 顆粒物質的特性...................2
1-4 論文架構........................10
第二章 研究方法.....................12
2.1 簡介............................12
2.2 分子動力學......................12
2.3 統計力學........................13
2.4 連體力學........................14
2.5 傳統流體與顆粒物質的比較........17
第三章 理論回顧.....................19
3.1 Goodman-Cowin理論...............19
3.2 修正Goodman-Cowin理論...........20
3.2.1 修正力平衡方程式..............20
3.2.2 修正內能平衡方程式............21
3.3 理論推導........................23
3.4 熱力分析........................25
3.5 熵通量..........................29
3.6 熱力平衡........................31
3.7 非平衡態........................34
3.7.1 自由能........................35
3.7.2 黏性係數......................36
3.7.3 內部摩擦力函數................37
第四章 數值模擬.....................39
4.1 定義問題........................39
4.2 數值方法........................44
4-3 數值結果........................47
第五章 結論與討論...................55
5.1 結論............................55
5.2 未來展望........................56
附錄 Matlab計算程式.................60
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