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研究生(外文):Cheng-Fu Chang
論文名稱(外文):Optimal Planning Strategies for the Supply Chains of Light Aromatic Compounds with Uncertain Parameters
指導教授(外文):Chuei-Tin Chang
外文關鍵詞:Stochastic ProgrammingSupply ChainConversion RefineryMILP
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The scope of this study aims at the supply chain of five main products in a typical conversion refinery, i.e., benzene, toluene, mix-xylene, ortho-xylene, and para-xylene. A deterministic mixed integer linear program (MILP), which includes a large number of interconnected reaction models, separation models, and storage models, has been constructed first under given amounts of raw-material supplies and product demands to coordinate various planning tasks for optimizing the supply-chains performance. The deterministic MILP model can be solved to determine the proper procurement strategy of raw-material and products, throughput of processing units, and the inventories of intermediates and final products, etc. The above-mentioned deterministic model has also been modified into a stochastic one to take into account of uncertain feed supplies and product demands. Furthermore, by incorporating the concept of availability, the optimal planning and maintenance strategies can be devised when the risk of unexpected shutdown is significant. Several realistic case studies have been adopted in this work to demonstrate the utility of proposed approach.
中文摘要------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I
英文摘要----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II
表目錄-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V
圖目錄----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII
符號說明---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX
第一章 緒論 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
第二章 芳香烴族化學品煉製程序 ------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.1 輸入 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.2 輸出 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.3 煉製流程結構--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.4 煉製單元--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.4.1 常壓蒸餾工場(AD)----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.4.2 輕油裂解工場(NC)----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.4.3 重組工場(RF) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
2.4.4 芳香烴萃取工場(AET) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 17
2.4.5 二甲苯分離工場(XF) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
2.4.6 對二甲苯吸附分離工場(PR) ---------------------------------------------------------- 18
2.4.7 異構化工場(IM) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
2.4.8 甲苯轉化工場(TT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
2.4.9 輸儲設施 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
第三章 隨機規劃模式 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
3.1 數學表示式 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
3.2 簡單範例 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
3.3 含不確定整數參數之隨機規劃模式及其應用 -------------------------------------- 28
3.4 簡單範例 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
第四章 芳香烴族化學品供應鏈之生產規劃及維修排程策略------------------------- 31
4.1 確定性生產規劃模式 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
4.1.1 基本煉製模式 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
4.1.2 供應鏈結構 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
4.1.3 目標函數 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
4.2 隨機性生產規劃模式 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
4.2.1 建構步驟 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
4.2.2 不確定因素 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
4.3 煉製單元之維修策略 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 51
4.3.1 修正型維修(Corrective Maintenance)------------------------------------------------ 52
4.3.2 預防型維修策略(Preventive Maintenance) ----------------------------------------- 54
第五章 案例研究----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59
5.1 供需不確定情況下的生產規劃 ---------------------------------------------------------- 60
5.1.1 案例1.1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
5.1.2 案例1.2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
5.2 考慮非預期停俥之生產規劃 ------------------------------------------------------------- 71
5.2.1 案例2.1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71
5.2.2 案例2.2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80
5.2.3 案例2.3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85
第六章 結論與展望-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89
5.1 結論 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89
5.2 展望 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89
參考文獻----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91
自述----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95
附錄 A-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97
附錄 B------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 107
附錄 C----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 附於光碟
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