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研究生(外文):Yi-hsiang Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Petri-Net Based Optimization Strategy for Generating the Batch Operating Procedures
指導教授(外文):C. T. Chang
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在管線網路中的物料輸送工作是在幾乎所有批次工廠中都會存在的操作。傳統上批次操作步驟是以人工方式依過去經驗合成的,但這樣的作法不但缺乏效率,也容易出錯。本研究根據Lai et al.(2007) 提出的初步構想,改善以派屈網為基礎的整數規劃模式(Integer Program, IP),來自動找出最佳操作策略。具體而言,此模式包含了利用狀態方程式建構的路徑模組、設備模組、程序模組,及其他額外整數限制式,且其中變數與限制式數量較原始模式減少許多,因此可以顯著提昇求解效率。而在本論文中我們也以實際的案例,來展現此方法的優點。最後,我們也嘗試修改傳統排程模式來發展出考慮操作時間的操作步驟。
Transferring process material from one unit to another via a pipeline network is a basic operation performed routinely in almost every batch chemical plant. Traditionally, the task of conjecturing the needed operation steps is carried out manually on an ad hoc basis. This approach is often time-consuming when applied to an industrial process and, furthermore, the resulting recipe may be error-prone. This work is based on the method of Petri-Net based integer program proposed by Lai et al.(2007) and improve the performance to a new level. Specifically, this approach includes the path modules, the equipment modules and the process modules which are described by the state equation. Other integer constraints are also incorporated to build this approach. In addition, the number of variables and constrains are less than original model, thus, the performance efficiency can be improved. There are several realistic examples are provided to demonstrate the strength and effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Finally, our research modify traditional schedule model to develop time-based mathematical programs.
第一章 緒論.............................................................................................1
第二章 派屈網模式的建構.....................................................................5
2.1 派屈網之基本建構元素................................................................................5
2.5 運送物料操作步驟的派屈網模式...............................................................14
2.5.2 運送路徑模式.......................................................................................15
第三章 不考慮時間情況下物料輸送之最佳操作步驟...........................25
3.1 管線網路的狀態方程式................................................................................25
3.2 運送路徑的限制式........................................................................................29
3.3 設備操作的限制式........................................................................................31
3.4 工作排程限制式............................................................................................33
3.5 目標函數........................................................................................................36
3.6 測試例題........................................................................................................37
3.7 結語................................................................................................................50
第四章 考慮時間之數學規劃模式.......................................................51
4.1 操作排程的限制式........................................................................................51
第五章 案例演練...................................................................................65
5.1 大型管線網路中多項物料輸送、混合與清洗之操作步驟........................65
5.2 啤酒過濾程序之操作步驟............................................................................97
5.2.1 程序模型.............................................................................................101
5.2.2 不考慮實際時間之邏輯限制式.........................................................105
5.2.3 不考慮時間之操作步驟的合成.........................................................109
第六章 結論與展望.........................................................................................119
附錄B: Lai et al.(2007)之模式..................................................................................129
附錄C: 例題5-1之流程圖.......................................................................................133
附錄D: 啤酒工廠例題1-2之流程圖......................................................................137
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