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研究生(外文):Cheng-Liang Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Top Management Team Diversity and Firm Performance
指導教授(外文):Su-Chao Chang
外文關鍵詞:Top management teamFirm performanceAgency cost theoryUpper echelon theory
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What factors affect firm performance is an interesting problem in business world and is broadly discussed. To answer this question, scholars investigate issues with different perspectives. Amid all possible factors, top management team in the core of organization appeals to many researchers. Some argue that the organization theory and behavior matter, whereas others argue the agency cost theory does. Top management team with specific expertise and capability not only constructs goals and strategies which determine firms’ future competences in a dynamic environment but also set up the social network to accelerate communication between different subgroups. According to upper echelon theory, the characters of top management team form the different beliefs and behaviors in firms in two aspects. Executives as the powerful actors influence organizations’ strategies and act on the basis of their personalized interpretations of the strategic situations they face. Internal governance mechanism helps lower social conflicts in a firm, whereas external one helps find out the possible investment opportunities. Besides, monitoring mechanisms of agency cost theory also play critical roles in organization performance. On the one hand, internal monitoring mechanism decreases the information asymmetry and aligns the benefits of principals with clients. On the other hand, external monitoring mechanism forces the management to adopt practical investment and avoids potential free cash flow problems. This paper investigates the relationship between top management diversity and firm performance with a contingency approach. We use research and development ratio to pick up the examples and got 207 firms at beginning but only 75 Taiwanese electronic firms are effective for this study. Most of them are the EMS companies. Our results show that the top management homogeneity in tenure and educational background improve firm performance. Moreover, managerial equity ownership diversity and leverage level moderate the relationship between characters of top management team and firm performance.
Abstract I
摘要 II
誌謝 III
Table of Contents IV
List of Tables VII
List of Figures VIII
1.1 Research Background and Research Motive 1
1.2 Research Objectives 1
1.3 Research Procedures 2
2.1 Theoretical Background 4
2.1.1 Upper echelon theory 4 Social-identified View 5 Top Management Team Diversity 7 Tenure diversity 8 Educational diversity 9
2.1.2 Agency Cost Theory 10 Internal monitoring mechanism 12 External Monitoring Mechanism 13
2.1.3 Contingency Theory 14
2.2 Theoretical Development 15
2.2.1 TMT Diversity and Firm Performance 15
2.2.2 The Moderating Effect of Internal Monitoring Mechanism on TMT Diversity and Firm Performance 17
3.1 Research Framework 20
3.2 Research Hypotheses 21
3.3 Operationalization of Variables 21
3.3.1 Data 21
3.3.2 Variables 22 Dependent Variable 22 Performance 22 Independent Variables 22 Internal governance mechanism - Tenure diversity 22 External governance mechanism - Educational diversity 22 Internal monitoring mechanism - Equity Ownership 23 External monitoring mechanism - Leverage level 23 Control Variable 23 TMT size 23 Firm size 24
3.4 Statistic Method 24
3.4.1 Descriptive Statistics 24 Measure of Location: Mean 24 Measures of Variability: Variance, and Standard Deviation 24 Measures of Distribution shape: Skewness and Kurtosis 24 Measures of Association between Two Variables: Covariance and Correlation 25
3.4.2 Linear Regression Analysis 25 Variables 25 Least Squares Method 25 The Goodness of Fit 25 Model Assumption 26 Significance Testing 26 F test 26 t test 27 Multicollinearity 27 Residual Analysis 27 Residual Plots 28 Durbin-Watson test 28
Chapter Four Research Analysis and Results 29
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 29
4.1.1 Measures of Distribution Location, Variability, and Shape 29
4.1.2 Measures of Distribution Association 30
4.2 Multiple Regression Analysis 31
4.2.1 Results 31
4.3 Residual Analysis 32
4.3.1 Residual Plot 32 Normal Probability Plot 32 Histogram plot 32 P-P plot 32 Plot of Residuals against the Independent Variables 32
4.3.2 Durbin-Watson Analysis 32
4.4 Hypotheses Testing 33
4.4.1 Top Management Team Tenure Diversity and Firm Performance 33
4.4.2 Top Management Team Educational Diversity and Firm Performance 33
4.4.3 The Moderating Effect of Internal Monitoring Mechanism to TMT Tenure Diversity and Firm Performance 34
4.4.4 The Moderating Effect of External Monitoring Mechanism to TMT Educational Diversity and Firm Performance 34
5.1 Research Conclusions and Implications 36
5.2 Research Limitations and Recommendations 39
Reference 42
Appendix 47
A.1 Residual figures 47
A.2 Firm list 51
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